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Will Aldrich

Steven Zhou - 0 views

    Steven Zhou is an exchange student here at Mt. Abe from China. He's extremely friendly and happy to speak Mandarin Chinese with anyone who asks. Since he's in a couple of my classes, I've had the chance to practice some of the Mandarin I've learned through Rosetta Stone. Most of the time our conversations are very short, because I am not very advanced in Mandarin and cannot carry conversations much longer than a few sentences of exchange, but every time we talk it helps me to improve my confidence in speaking Mandarin Chinese. I would really recommend to anyone who wants to practice Mandarin to speak to Steven. He's very friendly and he's more than happy to help you out with conversational speaking.
Kelsey Haskins

Dialogue Dos and Don'ts - 0 views

  • Dialogue Dos and Don’ts
    This website helped me learn how to write dialogue smoothly and flow-like like in a movie or in a real life conversation. It told me what to do and what not to do which was helpful. I learned that dialogue sets the character's mood towards another character in the story and that was something that I wanted to learn more on. I think I expanded my knowledge of writing dialogue by finding this website!
Will Aldrich

InterPals Penpals - Make friends online and find free pen pals from around the world! - 0 views

    Like with any social network, be careful. Not everyone on there is a person just like you trying to learn a new language. But that aside, this website was really great for me to talk with people who knew Mandarin Chinese and were willing to help. Some people I just had quick conversations with that only lasted a few sentences, others I still talk to today. The person that knows Mandarin that I still talk to lives in China and is always happy to help me with the tones and to have conversations with me and teach me how to say things like a normal Chinese person would say them. This is a really great resource for person to person interaction. But again, be careful, as always.
Caroline Camara

Bill Kuhns - 3 views

You are so very lucky to have this man in your life! What are you three going to do for him?

pl College Teacher Person Smart Engineer Programmer

Maureen Deppman

Digital Footprint Quiz - 1 views

    This quiz was developed to get students thinking about their digital footprint. The quiz was created at the request of high school students who thought the creation of such a quiz could lead to a smart conversation about ways students can update their digital footprint so that it is one that leads to college and career success.
Eliot Brett

Writing Dialogue: How to Write Dialogue in a Story - 0 views

    This site gave five different and very helpful tips on writing dialogue and making it sound good. It is a very helpful site when you are trying to make good and realistic dialogue.
Carsen Sanchez

Forum Dwelling - 0 views

    Golf Magic is a site where you can join in on any conversation that is going on about golf, and voice your opinion. Also a great way to pick up some golf vocabulary.
Rider Maccrellish

Dr. Donald Griswold - 0 views

    Mr. Griswold was a teacher I had last year in Physics 2. He agreed to be interviewed for my project on creation. He was interesting to interview because he was raised in a strict Baptist home, but has since then become a Physicist and teacher and has studied neurology. He gave me a ton of information about the brain, and how the human intercepts data and reasons about the past. All of the most important aspects of his conversation are featured on my podcast.
gabriel doane

Hammered Out Bits - 0 views

    A fast look at a experimental smelt. The builder of the firnace had been in conversation with Kevin Smith about his work excavating an 'industrial' level Viking Age iron smelting site at Hals in Iceland.
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