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Will Aldrich

Backstage of SeaWorld's Believe - 0 views

    This video is extremely useful in order to understand how the trainers interact with the animals, specifically the orcas. This video really inspired me, seeing them give commands and having the orcas jump out of the water or swim to them. It is also truly incredible to see the trainers pat and feed the orcas, as well as learn about them in their meetings. The most incredible part of this video is seeing the trainers talking about their bonds with the animals. This video is definitely a must see for anyone interested in training animals of any kind, but specifically marine mammals. It will really help the viewer understand how special it truly is to interact with these animals daily as a profession.
Will Aldrich

SeaWorld's Blue Horizons - Behind The Scenes - 0 views

    This video was an incredible resource. I really got to understand the relationship between trainer and dolphin. I think this video definitely helped me to see the different personalities of dolphins, as well as their personalized training regimen and preferences. This really gave me a deep understanding of the topic that I would never have been able to have achieved unless I was right there having the trainers tell me this. This video is a must see for anyone looking into becoming a trainer, or just trying to study dolphins in general. Truly an amazing resource.
Will Aldrich

SeaWorld Trainer Talks Blackfish and Captivity - 0 views

    This video is truly exceptional. This video really helped me to understand what actually happens behind the flips and tricks that the average customer of SeaWorld gets to see. This video gave me a deep comprehension of how the training and showcasing of these animals really helps the society to grow and educate themselves on how phenomenal and important these creatures really are. This video also showed me how important a marine mammal trainer's job is all about. This video is a must see if you're doing research on captivity, becoming a trainer, or the animals in general. Highly recommended.
Will Aldrich

Training Session - 0 views

    This site was really helpful to show me the bond between the trainers of the animals and the animals. This video also helped to show me some of the basic signals and commands that the trainers use. This video is definitely something I'd recommend someone who's interested in training marine mammals, and even animals in general. This video will really help you to see an example of some of the training that goes into these animals. This video really helped me to understand how often they must condition these orcas in order for them to follow their instructions.
Will Aldrich

SeaWorld Killer Whale Trainer Responds to "Blackfish" - 0 views

    This video really helped me to understand the misconceptions of Blackfish and the reality of modern marine mammal training. This video is definitely a must see for aspiring marine mammal trainers so that they may see the truth and the reality of what marine mammal training is like now in this day and age. This video really explains the work that SeaWorld puts into their animals and the lies that Blackfish tells its viewers. This video also helps the viewer to understand some of the little known things that go into marine mammal training and upkeep.
Will Aldrich

Marine Mammal Trainer - 0 views

    This website is a must visit for any person wanting to gather more information on Marine Mammal Training and how to get into the field. This website really helped me to see some of the small things that go into the upkeep of marine mammal training and just the regular, everyday jobs. This site also really helps to figure out how to get into the field. It has the, "Ask a Trainer" section, and they actually respond. It has tips and fun little facts as well. Any person aspiring to train marine creatures should definitely put this site on their must-see list.
Savannah Earley

Devin Wendel - 1 views

Devin Wendel used to be the athletic trainer for Mt. Abe. He still is an athletic trainer at a different school. Devin was a very good resource for me because I asked him questions such as what he ...

Athletic Training Athletes Medicine Career

started by Savannah Earley on 18 Oct 13 no follow-up yet
Savannah Earley

Athletic Training - 0 views

    This website was a helpful resource for figuring out some of the requirments it takes to become an athletic trainer. Such as classes/courses to take, as well as what athletic trainers actually do for the athletes they are working with. I recomend this website for anyone looking into this career
Savannah Earley

Athletic Training - 0 views

    This website was a helpful resource. It had a lot of information along the lines of becoming an athletic trainer, what it means to be one and statistics. I would recommend this website to anyone interested in this career choice
Will Aldrich

Killer Whale Trainer Holly Byrd Discusses Blackfish - 0 views

    This video is phenomenal. It shows that training animals is certainly not cruelty and it really proves that the animals are well taken care of. This video also disproves almost all of Blackfish. This series of videos really helps you to understand what SeaWorld puts into their animals, such as work and time and love. I would certainly recommend this video to anyone who is looking to get more information on marine mammal training and more specifically, SeaWorld.
Savannah Earley

Athletic Training - 0 views

    This website has a lot of basic information about athletic training. I would recommend this website to anyone interested in this career choice who wants to learn about it without having to read a lot.
Savannah Earley

Sports Medicine: Athletic Training - 0 views

    "Program Narrative The field of sports medicine is gaining in popularity and employment opportunities are expanding. The demand for Certified Athletic Trainers in particular is increasing." This website was helpful in finding out more about the careers involving athletic medicine. I would recommend it to anyone interested in any fields involving athletic training.
Will Aldrich

Dolphin Training - 0 views

    This website really helped me to get an inside look at the training that goes into dolphins. It was really incredible as it described different techniques to use when training them, different commands, the different stages of training. It was also incredible to just learn about dolphins and their personalities and behavioral tendencies involving stimulation. This site is definitely one that I'd recommend to someone else who wants to know more about the field and dolphins in general.
Brittany Atkins

After the Track Farm - 0 views

This is a horse riding facility that specializes re-training and placing ex-racehorse thoroughbreds in long-term homes. They work with owners and trainers to make sure that retiring racehorses have...

horse equine equestrian

started by Brittany Atkins on 04 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
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