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Kevin Forgard

10 Ideas to Ensure College Readiness in the No Child Left Behind & Higher Education Act... - 0 views

    Article posing suggestions on how to improve CR
Kevin Forgard

Bridging the Gap | The New America Foundation - 0 views

    Report - Bridging the Gap: How to Stregthen the Pk-16 Pipeline to Improve College Readiness
Kevin Forgard

Consortium on Chicago School Research - 0 views

    Report - College Preparatory Curriculum for All: Consequences of 9th grade course...
Kevin Forgard

Consortium on Chicago School Research - 0 views

    Report - From High Schools to the Future: Making Hard Work Pay Off
Kevin Forgard

Consortium on Chicago School Research - 0 views

    Report - From High School to the Future: Pothols on the Road to College
Kevin Forgard

There's More to College than Just Getting In - 1 views

  • So why are so many students faltering on the way to a college degree? A number of studies have found that taking challenging courses in high school and performing well in them are important predictors of college readiness and completion. Other research finds that students also need “college knowledge” to know how to function in a higher education institution—for instance, how to enroll, how to apply for financial aid, and how to get extra help if they need it.
  • Fast Track to College proposal
    Artilce summarizing the issue of CR
    From the Center for American Progress
Kevin Forgard

Improving Academic Preparation for College: What We Know and How State and Federal Poli... - 0 views

  • Jay Greene
    • Kevin Forgard
      See Green and Winters (2005)
  • Are strong academics enough? What role do financial and social capital play? How can federal and state policy help promote academic rigor and student preparation
  • This report draws on this analysis to outline a more expansive role for federal and state policy to improve preparation and readiness
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • This paper reviews the research and makes the case for a definition that includes academic rigor, grades, specific academic skills that students will need to be successful in a college-level course, and “college knowledge”—knowledge about how to apply, enroll, and succeed in a college environment.
    Report on ways to prepare HS students for college
Yan Suo

College-readiness Performance Assessment System | EPIC Online - 0 views

  • assessment designed to track the development of the Key Cognitive Strategies (KCS) or thinking skills necessary for college-readiness and success.
  • measure the KCS through rich performance tasks that teachers embed within existing curricula
  • interconnected dimensions: content knowledge and KCS.
    C-PAS is designed to simultaneously track the development of student Key Cognitive Strategies and student content knowledge.
Yan Suo

Mod 4: Teacher Verification - 0 views

    PASS, teacher verification.
Kevin Forgard

Increasing access to college : extending possibilities for all students [] - 0 views

    Wordcat info on a book about improving CR for at-risk learners
Yan Suo

Oregon-PASS - 0 views

shared by Yan Suo on 27 May 09 - Cached
Kevin Forgard

GRASP - Group for Research and Assessment of Student Potential at Michigan State Univer... - 0 views

  • 12 dimension taxonomy [A1] of student performance
    Research based list of a 'taxonomy of student performance'
    Of note is the 12 dimenstion taxonomy of student performance - a set of student standards to gauge
Kevin Forgard

GRASP - Group for Research and Assessment of Student Potential at Michigan State Univer... - 0 views

    Research on developing a CR metic to assess CR
Kevin Forgard

Tying Education To Future Goals May Boost Grades More Than Helping With Homework - 0 views

    Artilce from Jerry citing a study by Hill et al. on parents involvement in school
Kevin Forgard

The Case for Working With Your Hands - - 0 views

    Artilce discussing and justifying a trade based career track. It is based from the book 'Shop Class as Soulcraft'
Yan Suo

Secondary Education in Oregon and Ireland: An Overview - 0 views

    Compare the secondary educational system between Oregon and Ireland.
Yan Suo

Expecting Excellence:What Makes a Student College Ready? - 0 views

  • Learning from Best-Practice High Schools
    • Yan Suo
      how to they help students prepare for college and make the transition successful.
  • engaged in a range of practices designed to create a college-going culture.
    • Yan Suo
      1. Automatically enroll students in CR program. 2. Post college acceptance letters prominently. 3. Award ceremonies focuse on students' academic accomplishments. 4. Require students to apply to at least one college. 5. Faculty advisors meet with students regularly to review grades, discuss course selection, develop strategies to overcome learning obstacles. 6. College counselor work with students, providing technical support related to college application, choice and financial aid. 7. Arrange multiple visits to college campuses. 8. Senior seminars (financial aid applications, encouragement and support)
  • Principle 2: Align the Core Academic Program with College Readiness Standards
    • Yan Suo
      1. Align course expectations, assignments, goals, and activities vertically across grades 9-12, using a set of college readiness standards as the reference point. 2. Require all students at a given grade level in a given subject to complete a common performance task (particularly important in schools with diverse students populations)
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Principle 3: Teach Key Self-Management Skills
    • Yan Suo
      strategies and programs: collect, orgnize, and retain factual information; take better notes; time management; work in teams; reflect on the quality of work. e.g. students assemble work samples regularly->self-assess their performance using scoring guide->assess work and set goals with advisor and parents.
  • Principle 4: Prepare Students for the Complexity of Applying to College
    • Yan Suo
      1. Provide college information to students repeatedly and systematically during all four years of high school. 2. Require all students to take one or more college readiness tests. student advisors helped students interpret the results. 3. Extensive programs: financial aid program, visitation programs, dual enrollment courses.
  • Principle 1: Create and Maintain a College-Going Culture
    Focus on four components of CR, learning from some best-practice high schools on students preparation for college and making their transition successful.
Kevin Forgard

AFT - Publications - America Educator - Spring 2008 - There's a Hole in State Standards - 0 views

    Article explaining the need for instructional support in implementing CR standards
Yan Suo

High Schools That Work - 0 views

    SREB website on transition programs
Yan Suo

SpringBoard - 0 views

    A for-profit CR program
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