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John Pearce

Why Twitter could hold the secret to better #CPD | tesconnect - 2 views

    "Get your hashtags ready: Twitter is a far more effective source of CPD than more traditional approaches, research has found. Indeed, teachers believe they derive more from the 140 characters of a tweet than they do from several hours of seminars or lectures. Academics from two US universities surveyed 755 members of school staff about Twitter. They found that the most popular use of the social media website was for CPD, with many praising Twitter's advantages over more traditional methods. Twitter, many teachers told researchers, allowed them to create a virtual staffroom, filled entirely with their own choice of colleagues. Indeed, a middle school English teacher explained: "I have learned so much from other teachers. It has transformed my teaching. And this is my 18th year [in the profession].""
Tania Sheko - 1 views

    Employers are expressing increasing dissatisfaction with the ability of college graduates to access, evaluate, and communicate information; to use information technology (IT) tools effectively; and to work well within groups across cultural lines. A change of instructional paradigms--from passive to active (authentic) learning strategies, such as project-based learning, problem-based learning, or inquiry-based learning--is clearly needed.
John Pearce

Problem Based Learning Workshop - 4 views

    "Being able to solve everyday complex problems through communication and cooporation with others are the skills that students need to learn and practice to prepare for the future. Communicating effectively and efficiently with diverse audiences and solving everyday problems are important in a society that is moving at a rapid pace in a Global Market. The ability to solve everyday complex problems is an important and necessary skill for students today. Problem based learning (PBL) provides a learning environment students require to resolve everyday problems while applying previous and learning new knowledge. Cooperative learning, as a part of PBL, allows students the opportunity to communicate ideas and knowledege. As a teacher it is also important to communicate effectively with students to guide the learning process as well as model how to question and reason through a problem. The web-enhanced 3 part seminar series is designed to review and apply the basics of PBL to allow you to create a PBL unit to use within your own classroom."

The Novel: a unit for any novel {secondary... by The Daring English Teacher | Teachers ... - 0 views

  • 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Resource Types Lesson Plans (Bundled), Activities, Assessment Common Core Standards RL.6.1, RL.6.2, R
  • ading Predictions • Academic Vocabulary for teaching a novel • Vocabulary Quiz w/ Answer Key • Novel Terms Word Search Section 2: While Reading • Story Prediction Chart • Making Inferences
  • me and Plot Analysis • Story Elements • Plot Structure • Characterization Activities • Figurative Language Chart • Socratic Seminar Resources
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • n 3: Differentiated Writing Tasks These writing tasks ask students to write well-planned, thorough responses that are just one paragraph in length. They are differentiated to help young and/or struggling writers and readers, and actively guide students as they write. Grading rubrics and textual evidence organizers are included!
Roland Gesthuizen

Richard Noss Lecture : News : Melbourne Graduate School of Education : The University o... - 3 views

    Technology in education shouldn't only be about changing methods of communicating knowledge - whether via an interactive whiteboard, a wireless netbook or a smartphone being illicitly used at the back of a class. It should also be about changing knowledge itself. ... This lecture will draw on nearly three decades of research that has focused on technology and knowledge, and draw some conclusions for learning and teaching in the 21st century.
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