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Kerry J

All teachers fired at R.I. school. Will that happen elsewhere? / The Christian Science ... - 2 views

    School committee voted to fire the entire staff at a small, high-poverty school that was performing badly - a move reportedly applauded by US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.  Yet another reason to hate the worship of standardised, summative testing results being used to evaluate schools.
Kerry J

Technology in Education Show 04/08/10 04:51PM, Technology in Education Show 04/08/10 04... - 4 views

    Gary Stager's keynote
Roland Gesthuizen

Wi-Fi Overload at High-Tech Meetings - - 1 views

    "Internet entrepreneurs climb on stage at technology conferences and praise a world in which everyone is perpetually connected to the Web. But down in the audience, where people are busy typing and transmitting this wisdom, getting a Wi-Fi connection is often downright impossible. "
    Interesting to read about this Wi-Fi overload. This is something that didn't happen at the ACEC2010 conference, even though the delegates clobbered the venue network with their hundreds of devices.
Roland Gesthuizen

Visible Tweets - 0 views

    A bit like those PowerPoint effects which make you ponder why they are included, the Visible Tweets visualisations are a bit lost on me however some others enjoy the eye candy of seeing tweets performing gyrations on their screen. An interesting concept nonetheless :).
    Visible Tweets is a visualisation of Twitter messages designed for display in public spaces. We used this at the ACCE2010 conference in Melbourne with some great posts by the delegates.
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