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John Pearce - 5 views

  • is a Twitter service that can provide you with the most detailed information about a specific Twitter user in the least amount of time! Here's how it works. You input a Twitter name into the searchbox and hit enter. gets access to the profile of that user via the Twitter API, scans all the public info and the latest 200 tweets! In general, you'd read those 200 messages to get to know what that specific user is all about, right? Well you don't have to! has done that for you already, and provides you only with the most significant parts of those 200 tweets. It builds up three tag clouds: topics, #hashtags and @mentions, all based on the user's recent activity, AND excluding all stop words! Isn't that great?
John Pearce

Twitlonger - When you talk too much for Twitter - 0 views

    Have you experienced Twitspeak overload? Do you break out into a sweat as the Twit character count goes into the final countdown phase? Then Twitlonger may be just the place for you At Twitlonger you can post to Twitter and not worry about the 140 characters limit. With Twitlonger, you can write what you need and once the 140 character limit is reached the tweet will have a link automatically added to it that will take you to Twitlonger where you can read it all. As the good folk at Twitlonger say, "It's like twitpic for text." Unfortunately to access the full 140+characters you'll have to leave your Twitter client and access the web.
    Twitlonger is a way to let you post to Twitter when 140 characters just isn't enough. With Twitlonger, you can write what you need and a link to what you said will automatically be posted to your Twitter account. It's like twitpic for text. Doesn't this go against the whole point of Twitter? Absolutely. Please don't use Twitlonger to get lazy with Twitter. If your tweet runs to 150 characters, you can almost certainly reword it to get it to fit. If, however, you want to make a point that fits in the conversation, or want to explain something technical, then this lets you stay within the Twitterverse without posting a dozen tweets. People that are interested can click on the link and see the full majesty of your wit and wisdom.

Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager - Unlimited FB Business Manager - 0 views

    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p
    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p
    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p
John Pearce

10 Twitter Tools To Help You Track And Perform Better | SocialMouths - 1 views

    A list of 10 tools to "track, perform better and hopefully leverage from Twitter". The list covers counters, mentions, gradings and monitor.
Nigel Coutts

The trouble with Twitter - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Twitter is a great place for educators to share ideas. It has become my go to place when I am looking for something to read, a new idea or some inspiration. It is a great avenue for sharing practice, asking questions and building a community.    But . . .   . . . Twitter has some problems and these seems to be growing. To get the most out of Twitter a degree of caution is advised.
Suzie Vesper

PR 2.0: Twitter Tools for Community and Communications Professionals - 0 views

    Awesome list of Twitter tools.
John Pearce

An Overview of Microblogging - 0 views

    This really interesting presentation by Elizabeth Koh presents a great overview of a range of microblogging tools in both education and in other areas. As Elizabeth says, microblogging: " taking the IT world by storm, with Twitter its (in)famous poster boy blazing the way. With the ability to post short messages and broadcast them, microblogging has possibly sparked another mode of computer-mediated communication. Twitter, the company which started it all, is seeing massive growth in the number of subscribers. Both individuals and organizations are taking to microblogging as part of an arsenal of Web 2.0 tools. This technology update will introduce microblogging and provide an overview of such services. It will compare microblogging with similar technologies and present applications for the enterprise and education."
Rhondda Powling

StatusPeople: Scans Your Twitter Followers For Fake Accounts - 4 views

    "Twitter allows us to make connections with real people from different walks of life, but it is also a haven for spammers and fake accounts. There is now an app called Status People that scans your Twitter followers and flag fake accounts for you"
Rhondda Powling

The Twitteraholic's Ultimate Guide to tweets, hashtags, and all things Twitter | The Ed... - 5 views

    Sue Waters (Feb 2012) post: With Twitter recent redesign of its mobile apps and web interface I've decided it's time to update my Twitteraholic's Guide to tweets, hashtags, and all things Twitter post.  

Buy Twitter Accounts - 0 views

    Buy Twitter Accounts is a website that lets you buy 10,000 real Twitter accounts for $0.20 each. You can also buy 100,000 or even 1 million fake Twitter accounts for around $2 each. That's right: you can buy as many fake Twitter accounts as you wan
John Pearce

The Best Twitter Tools and Twitter Apps - oneforty - 3 views

    A directory of Twitter apps of all sorts.
Darrel Branson

Welcome to twerbose - 6 views

    Twitter tool for longer posts, files and pictures.
    Twitter tool for longer posts, files and pictures.
John Pearce

Today's Meet - 0 views

    Today's Meet is an alternative chat room like space where you can quickly setup and invite others to join to collaborate, make comments and suggestions and reflect on meetings presentations etc. As the Today's Meet folks say: Using Twitter at social media conferences has become a great way to do just that. But Twitter isn't appropriate for every situation. * Your audience isn't on Twitter. * You don't want the discussion to be public. * You need to see only relevant updates"
John Pearce

Daily on Twitter as shared by John Pearce - 2 views

  • collects and aggregates tweets from your Twitter stream and then categorises them under sections in the fashion of a newspaper. The newspaper is created and updated every 2 hours using all the links (articles) shared in the past 24 hours by the selected Twitter account (curator) AND the people being followed by that user (contributors)
Andrew Jeppesen

Welcome to HootSuite, the ultimate Twitter toolbox -... - 0 views

    Manage multiple twitter accounts. Your twitter toolbox
Rhondda Powling

60 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom By Category - 0 views

    A good list of innovative ways to use twitter as a learning and teaching tool
Darrel Branson

New E-family stays connected | Australian IT - 0 views

    NEW internet technologies like twitter are strengthening family ties and bridging the generation gap between kids, parents and grandparents, according to a new survey. The findings fly in the face of concerns the internet is driving a wedge between families and alienating parents from their kids. According to the Norton Online Living Report, released today, tools like twitter, Facebook, Skype, webcams, photo and video sharing sites and instant messaging are keeping families connected.
Rhondda Powling

15 Best Tech Creation Tools | graphite Blog - 6 views

    These useful tools give students the right tools to narrate, animate, and dictate. The post will explains them to teachers by giving some examples of how to incorporate art and design lesson plans into their existing courses.
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