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Séraphin Berrux

The Era of Open Innovation (Introduction) - Henry Chesbrough (2003) - 3 views

Excerpt from: The Era of Open Innovation (Introduction) MIT Sloan Management Review; Spring2003, Vol. 44 Issue 3, p35-41. Abstract Today, in many industries, the logic that supports an internall...

open innovation concept business stratégie entreprise management R&D

started by Séraphin Berrux on 15 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
Séraphin Berrux

The Era of Open Innovation (Analyse) - Henry Chesbrough (2003) - 0 views

    Autre articles qui reprend les propos d'Henry Chesbrough dans son livre "The Era of Open Innovation". Pourquoi et comment les entreprises changent leurs principes fondamentales de fonctionnement depuis 10 ans ?
Séraphin Berrux

BTinitiatives : le fond d\'investissement en Capital Risque de Bouygues Telec... - 0 views

    Plate-forme d'"open innovation" de Bouygues Télécom. En fait Bouygues n'y propose que des soutiens de développement et de financement de projets. Au sein du site il y a un blog relayant de l'actu sur BTinitiative, des conférences et des interviews.

Projet d'open innovation - 0 views

    A l'origine d'une idée innovante, il y a une disposition d'esprit en rupture avec les modèles existants. Il s'agit pour Laval Mayenne Technopole (LMT) d'impulser et d'encourager ce potentiel afin que des idées naissent au travers de rencontres et d'échanges improbables. Car les conditions dites de la sérendipité (rencontres imprévues) sont des éléments essentiels dans le processus d'innovation et agissent comme des facilitateurs du changement pour qui sait les saisir.


    Mais ce n'est pas le quoi, qui est le plus intéressant, mais le comment. A cet égard, la présentation du Dr Monica Beltrametti, vice-présidente du Xerox Reseacrh Center à Grenoble était celle à ne pas manquer. Fort de cinquante ans de pratique de la collaboration en matière d'innovation, parcemé de quelques célèbres « ratés », Xerox (75700 salariés, 17,6 milliards de dollars de chiffres d'affaires, 8000 brevets actifs, 884 millions d'euros investis en R&D et une aventure commune avec le japonais Fuji) a tiré des enseignements de ses aventures. Les voilà résumés en cinq leçons :
Séraphin Berrux

Open-Innovation : le nouveau programme First de la Fondation Télécom est lancé - 0 views

    Projets numériques dans des équipes multi-écoles coachées par des entreprises partenaires de la Fondation Télécom.
Antoine Vanroy

Open Innovation in Smart Cities - 0 views

    Open Innovation in Smart Cities is about extensive collaboration among the city government, research/academia, citizens and the businesses (quadruple helix). It is also about sharing ideas, results, intellectual creativity and co-creation among all involved in the ecosystem.

LEGO and the Power of the Crowd - 0 views

    There is much talk these days about crowdsourcing and how companies can tap into the power and diversity of the crowd. I will share my views and perspectives on some good examples as well as bad ones in a series of blog posts.

IdeaConnection: Open Innovation success story: General Mills Develops Two New Food Prod... - 0 views

  • Connecting with the Outside General Mills connects with external partners via a number of ways. The first step is usually to try to leverage existing partnerships which also helps to grow those relationships.
  • Innovation Ecosystems General Mills is making open innovation work by creating innovation ecosystems with smaller partner companies. In his book "Making Open Innovation Work", OI thought leader Stefan Lindegaard extols the virtues of small and big companies doing open innovation together. He says they are at their best when all participants benefit from the relationships not just the big companies. And the more this happens, the more companies are going to want to co-innovate with larger entities.
    How open innovation ecosystems developed and nurtured by General Mills and partner companies helped the American Fortune 500 Corporation to develop and market two new products for its Convenience & Foodservice division.

Using Open Innovation to Deliver High-End Healthcare Disruption | Innovation Insights |... - 1 views

  • Luckily, the Internet — combined with a fine-tuned system for capturing, sorting, and evaluating ideas — has made collective brainstorming more feasible than ever before. For example, by partnering with medical device incubator Edison Nation Medical, prominent medical manufacturer Hill-Rom was able to sponsor a web-based “open innovation search” as a means by which to gather innovative solutions for reducing the incidence of hospital-acquired infections.
    "So how do we begin to break through the barriers that exist in healthcare to create an environment where truly disruptive innovation is possible? One option is to fling open the doors of the R&D department, figuratively speaking, and invite anyone - doctor, nurse, healthcare administrator, even patient and caregiver - to participate in product creation."
    The lifeblood of any successful company stems from a sustained stream of commercially viable innovations, both incremental and breakthrough. As any seasoned executive will tell you, maintaining that steady stream is one of the most difficult management challenges he or she faces.
antoine duchamp

IT-Driven Open Innovation - 0 views

    "The 10th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2014) is the premier conference on open collaboration research and practice, including wikis and social media, Wikipedia, free, libre, and open source software, open data, open access, and IT-driven open innovation research. "
antoine duchamp

They need to have an explicit open innovation strategy and be clearer about how it actu... - 0 views

    They need to have an explicit open innovation strategy and be clearer about how it actually will work. One is what I call the scout model. You are a consultant scouting for leading startups. The other is you can be the beacon. That's where you make it very clear that you are open for startups to reach out to you. Procter & Gamble is very good at the beacon model through a program called "Connect + Develop."
antoine duchamp

A smartsourcing innovation and collaboration platform - 0 views

    RESON8 is a smartsourcing innovation and collaboration platform where brands can post funded innovation projects to startup companies
antoine duchamp

Beyond Open Innovation - Co-Innovation - 0 views

    While the quest for innovation as a source of future growth is a minimum common factor, among local and global enterprises, scholars and practitioners are yet to determine a common or universal definition of innovation: in fact because of the lack of consensus on the dimensions and measures characterizing innovation, we do mean different concepts when referring to innovation. However there are elements we almost all agree on: - See more at:
Antoine Vanroy

Open innovation : les 5 axes d'une action opérationnelle - 0 views

    Pour faire simple l'open innovation se base sur le principe qu'innover se fait mieux à plusieurs, mais attention pas à plusieurs d'une même nature mais à plusieurs de natures très différentes. Voilà d'où vient toute la complexité…
Antoine Vanroy

Démarche d'innovation : le succès passe par l'ouverture - 0 views

    En février 2013, Bloomberg proposait son nouveau classement des pays les plus innovants, attribuant à la France la 10ème place. Afin d'évaluer les quelques 200 pays en lice, des critères tels que le pourcentage du PIB investi dans la R&D, la productivité par employé ou encore la part d'entreprises high-tech ont été étudiés.
Antoine Vanroy

Comment bien manager l'innovation en interne pour faire éclore les idées. + E... - 0 views

    Ofer Attali est directeur général de Popsi'IT une société créée en 2007 et spécialisée dans le développement d'outils logiciels collaboratifs pour favoriser la création et les démarches d'amélioration de la performance au sein des grands groupes.
Antoine Vanroy

Projets d'innovation ouverte pour améliorer l'espace urbain à Toulouse - 1 views

    Voici une présentation et une sélection d'évènements co-créatifs pour améliorer la ville, réfléchir à l'aménagement de l'espace urbain pour les handicapés, réfléchir à l'utilisation de l'espace public, hacker la culture de la routine, reverdir des friches urbaines… Suit une réflexion sur l'usage de dispositifs participatifs éphémères très ouverts pour créer de la collaboration entre réseaux.

GE's open innovation strategy set to reap rewards in Canada - 0 views

    The Intellectual Asset Management website reported that GE Licensing has announced a pilot program that will see it make GE-developed IP available for use by entrepreneurs and small businesses in the Canadian province of Alberta. GE has established a strong presence in Alberta's oil and gas sector since signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the local government in 2010. The new pilot appears to be an extension of the company's policy of open innovation. Perhaps other big patent owners would do well to follow GE's lead and put their stockpiled assets to better use.
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