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The Current State of Open Innovation - 2 views

    I spent a thoroughly enjoyable two days recently at the Open Innovation Forum in Baltimore. It had a packed agenda, including lots of opportunity to network and uncover the "state of the nation" of Open Innovation. My conclusion is that OI is in a healthy state. Whilst there is nothing truly revolutionary, the picture is one of good solid progression and increasing adoption, with continuing promise for the future. - See more at:
    There were several key themes running through the conference. Nobody does OI just for the sake of it. It is driven by necessity and opportunity; necessity from a lack of resource or competence; and through a vision of the prize that OI can bring. Implementing OI is not always straightforward, but there are plenty of examples of good practice from which to learn.

New Product Lines with Open Innovation - 0 views

    How a Dutch multinational's open innovation approaches are yielding new product lines, solving technical challenges and boosting carbon-friendly research.

Shell is Open for Innovation - 0 views

    Why does a company employing 92,000 people and spending $1.3bn on R&D need to go outside for more innovation? The reason is one of the classic foundations of Open Innovation.

Open Innovation: Bringing Marketing to the People. - 0 views

    Exclusive ITB Feature: Open innovation offers great opportunities for companies looking to streamline their product development and marketing because of its potential to empower and grant direct access from consumer to provider.

Openness for Innovation - 0 views

    Chris Anderson, the best-selling author of "The Long Tail" and "Free" and a former editor in chief of Wired Magazine, said Korean companies should form a business environment with a more open attitude toward sharing ideas, sources and platforms, especially in the software industry.

Quand et comment se lancer dans la co-création et le collaboratif client ? - 0 views

    Je viens de publier sur le célèbre blog Visionary Marketing de Yann Gourvennec un article sur le Collaboratif Client. Je vous invite à lire cet article en suivant ce lien.

Using Open Innovation to Deliver High-End Healthcare Disruption | Innovation Insights |... - 1 views

  • Luckily, the Internet — combined with a fine-tuned system for capturing, sorting, and evaluating ideas — has made collective brainstorming more feasible than ever before. For example, by partnering with medical device incubator Edison Nation Medical, prominent medical manufacturer Hill-Rom was able to sponsor a web-based “open innovation search” as a means by which to gather innovative solutions for reducing the incidence of hospital-acquired infections.
    "So how do we begin to break through the barriers that exist in healthcare to create an environment where truly disruptive innovation is possible? One option is to fling open the doors of the R&D department, figuratively speaking, and invite anyone - doctor, nurse, healthcare administrator, even patient and caregiver - to participate in product creation."
    The lifeblood of any successful company stems from a sustained stream of commercially viable innovations, both incremental and breakthrough. As any seasoned executive will tell you, maintaining that steady stream is one of the most difficult management challenges he or she faces.

Embargoed - 3 Steps to Successful Open Innovation | SourceWire - 1 views

  • 1. Offer proactive attention – Instead of waiting for suggestions, the company should initiate the conversation with an internally developed suggestion to stimulate debate.
  • 2. Offer reactive attention - All companies should actively respond to suggestions from external contributors to signal that their thoughts are being heard. The study found that this was especially important for newcomers to the discussion.
  • 3. Catalyse - Organisations should focus their efforts on new users and the early stages of their open innovation effort. In particular, organisations need to be aware of the time, the effort and commitment required to nurture a fledgling forum into a thriving discussion. This includes establishing a process for retrieving, reviewing and responding to suggestions.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Many attempts at open innovation campaigns often wither and die. One of the reasons why most organisations fail to elicit suggestions successfully is because outsiders don’t see how much effort actually goes on behind the scenes.
    A new study at the European School of Management and Technology Berlin (ESMT) suggests that there are three main practices businesses should undertake to enjoy the benefits of open innovation.
    Press Release: Embargoed until 2 February 3 Steps to Successful Open Innovation A new study at the European School of Management and Technology Berlin (ESMT) suggests that there are three main practices businesses should undertake to enjoy the benefits of open innovation.

IdeaConnection: Open Innovation success story: Reducing Flight Fuel Costs with Open Inn... - 0 views

  • General Electric (GE) is a prominent open innovation cheerleader and one of its OI tools is competitions.
  • They can lead to more diverse research and development as participants take multiple routes to create their innovations • They provide a platform for innovators • They can lead to faster and better innovations at a lower cost than traditional R & D processes
    An open innovation contest leads to the design of jet engine brackets that can help to reduce fuel costs.
Antoine Vanroy

Open innovation is increasingly viewed as an area of competitive distinction - 0 views

    Although we often shower accolades on organizations that grow their innovation advantage internally, firms that wrangle success in OI are viewed by peer organizations as leading players in their industries. Rather than indicating that internal strategies are failing, OI success now means that companies are wising up and becoming more agile.
Antoine Vanroy

Reducing Flight Fuel Costs with Open Innovation - 0 views

    dea contests are a popular form of open innovation that capture the imagination of brilliant minds and focus the attention on speeding up innovation outcomes.
Antoine Vanroy

Open innovation : les entreprises industrielles franchissent le pas - 1 views

    Pour innover, chaque entreprise peut la "jouer perso" et miser sur le secret. Ou alors, privilégier les collaborations et le partage de savoir-faire. Cette seconde orientation, au coeur de la logique des fab labs, interpelle les grands groupes industriels. Au point de concurrencer leurs services de R&D ?
Antoine Vanroy

L'open innovation, clé de renouveau économique pour la Bretagne ? - 1 views

    ans le cadre de son cycle Prospective et Réseaux la CCI Rennes inscrit son programme dans la thématique « 2014, année de l'innovation ». La 1ère rencontre est organisée en collaboration avec Novincie et ses partenaires le vendredi 21 mars de 8h30 à 10h30 dans le locaux de la CCI Rennes.
Séraphin Berrux

Ces entreprises qui misent sur l'innovation - 0 views

    Mayenne Technopole a organisé des masterclass Open innovation pour la seconde fois. Une réussite, d'après les participants.

IdeaConnection: Open Innovation success story: General Mills Develops Two New Food Prod... - 0 views

  • Connecting with the Outside General Mills connects with external partners via a number of ways. The first step is usually to try to leverage existing partnerships which also helps to grow those relationships.
  • Innovation Ecosystems General Mills is making open innovation work by creating innovation ecosystems with smaller partner companies. In his book "Making Open Innovation Work", OI thought leader Stefan Lindegaard extols the virtues of small and big companies doing open innovation together. He says they are at their best when all participants benefit from the relationships not just the big companies. And the more this happens, the more companies are going to want to co-innovate with larger entities.
    How open innovation ecosystems developed and nurtured by General Mills and partner companies helped the American Fortune 500 Corporation to develop and market two new products for its Convenience & Foodservice division.

Outside Innovation: What Matters Most in Customer Self-Service? - 1 views

  • Customers will spend between 10 and 30 minutes trying to solve a problem or answer a question using self-service tools before they’ll call a person for help.
  • 10% of Twitter queries are answered within an hour.
    Both consumer and business customers rely heavily on Web self-service channels when they have a problem. Recent surveys of customers engaged in self-service activities have surfaced some interesting results.
Séraphin Berrux

Les banques en ligne, une menace ! - 0 views

    Manque d'innovation dans les banques en ligne. Elles sont très concernées par les démarches d'open innovation (comme Paypal).
Séraphin Berrux

Financement des start-up: les industriels incités à monter en première ligne - 0 views

    Le gouvernement mettra en place cette année un amortissement fiscal destiné à encourager l'investissement des grandes entreprises dans les start-up. L'objectif : favoriser le développement de « l'open innovation ».
Antoine Vanroy

Open innovation in medicine - 1 views

    Healthcare has taken to open innovation perhaps more than any other industry, with a host of sites and projects emerging to bring the crowd into the medical process. For instance, a site called CrowdMed are aiming to crowdsource medical diagnosis.
Antoine Vanroy

Ouvrir le processus d'innovation de l'entreprise est-il un moyen de répondre ... - 1 views

    L'Open Innovation, concept adopté par les entreprises qui intègrent des parties prenantes internes et externes dans leur processus d'innovation, apporte notamment une réponse aux enjeux d'une innovation particulièrement contrainte depuis quelques années.
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