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Lorilee Hamel

Gym class online? Schools stretch with new offerings | - 0 views

  • Students in her P.E. class met every other day for typical gym activities. Other days, they did assignments that were available online and filled out a log to record exercise they had to get on their own. Did students work as hard as they would have in a regular class? "It's a legitimate concern," she said. "Obviously, there's a huge level of trust that has to be put in kids who are taking an online class."
    • Kristin Meyer
      I do think it is important for students to do research on health and exercise topics but I think its even more important for them to EXERCISE! An online component of gym class can add to the experience but I don't think I'd be in favor of it if it means less time doing physical activity, especially with the childhood obesity rates in our country.
    • Lorilee Hamel
      I agree. In the schools in which I have taught, PE has a study and "assignment/quiz" component that could be the online lessons. But for the physical aspect--I agree--it has to be in the "classroom/gym/training area" and not left to charting online. Too many kids just simply wouldn't do the physical work and unfortunately too many parents/guardians will "sign off" that their child did the work that they never really did.
Lorilee Hamel

7 Secrets to Effective Online Collaboration - 0 views

  • one needs a strong and charismatic leader
  • be devoted to the idea, product or project, and committed to one another’s success
    • Lorilee Hamel
      At times, however, you have no choice about your team. Those are the times that collaboration becomes very challenging and the position of the team leader becomes a dance.
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  • Articles
    Ideas for organizing my team for online collaboration.
    Just getting some ideas for organizing and planning my independent project: Vyew.
Lorilee Hamel

The Mind Tools Full Toolkit - 0 views

    Love this site for gaining ideas and support for group facilitation
    Tons of ideas for group facilitation.
Tina Wahlert

Online Testing: Best Practices from the Field - 0 views

    Traditional approaches to testing don't work well online. A new mindset is needed. That's not bad; most education experts agree that rote memory testing is not the best measure of learning in any environment.
Marcia Jensen

How Can We Make Assessments Meaningful? | Edutopia - 0 views

    "How Can We Make Assessments Meaningful?"
    When I think about my own definition of a "meaningful assessment," I think the test must meet certain requirements. The assessment must have value other than "because it's on the test." It has value to the individual student who is taking it. It must intend to impact the world beyond the student "self," whether it is on the school site, the outlying community, the state, country, world, etc. And finally, the assessment should incorporate skills that students need for their future. That is, the test must assess skills other than the mere content. It must also test how eloquent the students communicate their content
Janet Wills

Teacher Seeds - 0 views

    lots of Microsoft related links for backgrounds, sounds, games, animation, etc.
Robert Hanson

Cybraryman Catalogue of Educational WebSites - Educational Web sites for Teachers, Educ... - 0 views

    Internet catalog for students, teachers, parents, and admins. Over 20,000 links broken down by subject.
Lorilee Hamel

Rubric for Online Instruction - 0 views

    This is a rubric that covers a lot of the areas in summation that we learned about in the Moodle Course.
Lorilee Hamel

Instructional Strategies for Online Courses - 0 views

    This website gives an overview of several instructional strategies recommended by the Illinois Online Network. They are good ideas but very broad in the explanation. Very much an overview.
Erik Columbus

Google Docs Help - 0 views

  • help website
Erik Columbus

More Effective Feedback on Projects with Google Docs (part 1) - 0 views

    google.doc effective feedback article

4Teachers : Main Page - 0 views

shared by amsmith0209 on 14 Aug 12 - Cached
  • is a resource that helps teachers integrate technology into their classroom. There are links to many different online websites that help with teaching along with educator's resources, technology planning, grant resources, and many other useful items.
Joan Fredrickson

ollie1 (Peterman): Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 0 views

  • Knows and aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core (Varvel I.A, ITS 1.f, ITS 3.a)
    • Jake Bartels
      alignment with iowa core has to be extremely important
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners (SREB C.7, Varvel V.H, ITS 4.c)
    • Jake Bartels
      Probably one of the most powerful standards. Allowing students to have instruction tailored to them is great
    • Tiffany Oppelt
      I think that's what makes this form of learning so powerful. It allows to not only to provide extra support to those who need it, but also extension and enrichment for students who are ready to step it up. This naturally lends itself to differentiation.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E)
    • Jake Bartels
      For myself this is also very important. I know what it is like to take an online course and this can help guide me in making decisions about content and tools used.
    • Anne Opgenorth
      I am pleased to be experiencing the online course myself before implementing it in my class. It is certainly important to know what works and doesn't.
    • Heather Martens
      Taking a course like this has been good for me in that it reminds me what it is like to be the student, and how difficult learning new things can be.
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  • Networks with others involved in online education for the purpose of professional growth
    • Tiffany Oppelt
      This struck me because I think that it is essential for us to network with each other to enhance instruction. With the tools and resources that are available to us, it is very easy to collaborate for professional growth.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere
    • Tiffany Oppelt
      I can see this as being a challenge, because of how easy it is to be misunderstood online. It is essential to make sure that you are approachable and positive, but making sure you come through that way can be tough.
    • Heather Martens
      Because of the lack of face-to-face interaction, an online teacher would have to get used to constantly answering questions and troubleshooting through email and forums. This could be difficult at first.
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course (Varvel VI.F)
    • Brad Bjorkgren
      It is very helpful to do an end of the class evaluation.  Students will always be honest with things they liked and disliked about the class.
    • Anne Opgenorth
      I agree. I find that an evaluation at the end of a course can be very helpful. Teachers can always benefit from honest feedback.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content (SREB D.2, Varvel VII.B, ITS 6.a)
    • Brad Bjorkgren
      Creating a learning environment where students can learn from each other is very helpful to students for an online course.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Mary Blaisdell
      Many similarities between the two but a real trick to accomplish in the online world. And the instructor needs to be aware of how to "read" people in the online participant world.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • Mary Blaisdell
      This will be important to assist learners in their progress through the course. Without good structure/content/techniques, the online instruction will likely be boring, inadequate and inaccesible.
  • • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
    • Brandon Frohwein
      We have designed our science tests to be organized by learning targets from the Iowa Core and use our PLC teams to evaluate the scores on each target to modify instruction. Online instruction can also be set up by learning targets and the learning of those targets can be assessed and modify instruction.
  • • Continuously uses data to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of instructional strategies (SREB J.7, ITS 1.c)
  • • Understands student motivation and uses techniques to engage students (Varvel V.D, ITS 4.d)
    • Brandon Frohwein
      As educators we usually love our content because it is our chosen field. We have to continue to find ways to get students engaged in the topic. The same holds true for online education.
  • • Assists students with technology used in the course (Varvel III.C)
    • Anne Opgenorth
      it is important for the instructor to be competant in the technology used in the course in case the students have questions.
    • Joan Fredrickson
      I think this is what keeps teachers from using the technology. They are afraid the student will know more than they do. Which at times may be the case, but that only shows that we never stop learning. With that said, I do agree that instructors need to be competant in order to have a positive teaching experience.
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students
    • Joel Conn
      Today's students are very adept at searching for and obtaining volumes of information. What separates a good course from the wealth of online content IS a teacher that knows how to teach students. Without knowledgeable and qualified teachers behind the online course, it probably won't be worth the effort, money or time of the student.
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
    • Joel Conn
      Good communication is ALWAYS important be it in the classroom or online.
  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • Beth Lillskau
      I think that designing on-line learning is so much more difficult than live teaching. I know what I am doing in the classroom and I scaffold and plan, but on-line seems to require planning. Sometimes I am simply too abstract-random for this to work for me.
    • Cathy DeValk
      I agree, Beth--it seems more difficult to embrace the "teachable moment"--might not be in the lesson plan, yet could be a valuable lesson nonetheless.
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student
    • Beth Lillskau
      I don't know how anyone could try and teach on-line if they hadn't experienced it themselves. I have learned so much about providing information on-line to students simply by being in classes. In fact, I took the moodle class because the last class I took used it and it was so much easier than a web-site.
    • Joan Fredrickson
      I agree, it is so important to experience the online learning from the perspective of a student. I have found that many online tools may be easy to implement but can have a bit of a learning curve when it comes to using it as a student. Its good to get some of the "kinks" worked out or at least be prepared for possible problems to eliminate the frustration if something doesn't go quite right.
  • Aligns assessment with course objectives
    • Cathy DeValk
      Even more important to keep the course objectives clear and concise in the online relationship.
    We have started giving tests with each section being a learning target based on the Iowa Core. We score each section separately then we use the data to see which targets the students struggle with and discuss new instructional strategies with our PLC team.
    Never thought of this--all teachers have been students, but not all online educators have been online students.
d YM

ollie1 (Peterman): Iowa Online Course Standards - 0 views

    • Anne Opgenorth
      Technical support and instructional support are vital with an online course. Technology isn't perfect and things can be easily overlooked. It is important for the students to be able to communicate with the instructor if they have any problems.
    • d YM
      THis is an especially important aspect of learning on line and F2F. I'm encouraged to explore using available online resources in a variety of ways as i learn about potential applications that *may* be suited to the FIne Arts.
  • Specific and descriptive criteria, including rubrics, are provided for the evaluation of students’ work and participation.
    • d YM
      Rubrics have the ability to clarify and improve performance IF written well. 
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  • The course content and assignments are of sufficient rigor, depth, and breadth to teach the standards being addressed
    • d YM
      This, to me, represents a most significant aspect of teaching and learning. Without sufficient rigor and relevance, none of us are engaged. The key, in my opinion, is to allow for broad interpretations of key concepts/ideas and to encourage innovation and inquiry always. 
Jennifer Riedemann

ollie1cohort: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 0 views

  • Designs the structure of the course and the presentation of the content to best enhance student learning, including using unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
    • daryl_hanneman
      This is interesting to me because I want to be good at doing this since it seems necessary in order for students to benefit from my class.
  • Promotes learning through online collaboration group work that is goal-oriented and focused
    • daryl_hanneman
      This is interesting to me because I think collaboration is one of the best features of online learning.
    • Sandee Bonner
      I second this. Just like in the classroom, students sometimes learn and remember information when it is discussed among peers.
    • Rob Brookhart
      This stands out to be because I have seen courses where this was done well and those where there is no interaction. It's critical if students are going to get meaning out of the work they do.
    • Sarah Sieck
      As teachers we also need to keep the students' perspective in mind when designing lessons. We want students to be engaged whether the course is offered online or face-to-face. Taking an online course allows the teacher to have experienced any possible roadblocks to student learning. The teacher can then provide resources that will assist in navigating or eliminating theses roadblocks based on their own experiences.
    • anonymous
      It definitely is important to remember that some learners in our courses are taking their first online course, and they are dealing with a huge learning curve to figure out how to nagivate the online environment.
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  • • Understands and uses data from assessments to guide instruction
    • Sarah Sieck
      Assessment is an important piece of teaching and learning no matter what the avenue of delivery. There are many tools available to teachers to use to help is assessing students understanding in an online setting. Many were sited in the Cool Tools website. I particularly like the polling and quiz options and the discussion forums that we have been doing within this course.
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners (SREB C.7, Varvel V.H, ITS 4.c)
    • Sandee Bonner
      It is important to know your audience. For example when working with Paraeducators, they come from many backgrounds and are of different ages which makes technology use interesting.
  • Assists students with technology used in the course (Varvel III.C)
    • Sandee Bonner
      It is very important that I am comfortable with the technology, before I can hope my students will be.
    • anonymous
      Remembering the feeling of being overwhelmed and confused with the use of technology in the online environment is critical to being able to respond effectively when our participants are having difficulties.
  • Utilizes a course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course (Varvel VI.F)
    • Pam Jobgen
      So often students are never asked for their feedback about a course at the end. What a lost opportunity for an instructor to gain knowledge about what worked and what did not.
    • anonymous
      Having clear learning outcomes and expectations is necessary to guide course design as well as so learners understand the focus and purpose of the course.
    • anonymous
      Having clear learning outcomes and expectations is necessary to guide course design as well as so learners understand the focus and purpose of the course.
  • Identifies and communicates learning outcomes and expectations through a course overview/orientation
    • anonymous
      Having clear learning outcomes and expectations is necessary to guide course design as well as so learners understand the focus and purpose of the course.
    • Jennifer Riedemann
      True; it's also critical to planning for assessment. Instructors need to have clear in their minds exactly what it means for students to master the knowledge and skills described in the course outcomes.
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • anonymous
      An extension of this is to think about the difference between a face-to-face course, an online course and an independent study course. For my first online course, I thought it was going to be an independent study course. I soon found out my assumption was incorrect and interaction with other learners was/is critical during online courses.
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies
    • Pam Jobgen
      It takes time and is sometimes a challenge to keep up the all the current technology, but it is so important to be able to help keep our students current as well. They will need all kinds of technology skills to keep up at their future place of work.
  • 5. Creates and implements a variety of assessments that meet course learning goals and provide data to improve student progress and course instruction (ITS 5)
    • Pam Childers
      trying to comment Ollie
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students
    • Jennifer Riedemann
      Quality feedback is such a critical part of the learning process.
    • Rob Brookhart
      It is one of the areas I have been getting requests for more information.
    • Rob Brookhart
      It is so important to make sure that students are getting the material and not waiting until the end to find out people were struggling or were practicing errors
  • Communicates with students effectively and consistently
  • ets and models clear expectations for appropriate behavior and proper interaction
  • Demonstrates effective instructional strategies and techniques, appropriate for online education, that align with course objectives and assessmen
  • Knows the content of the subject to be taught and understands how to teach the content to students
Janet Boyd

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants - 0 views

    Document about education reform.
Rob Brookhart

ollie1cohort: Iowa Online Course Standards - 0 views

    • Rob Brookhart
      This is critical if we are going to make sure courses are rigorous for students and that they take their learning and can use in real world settings.
    This is critical if we are going to make sure courses are rigorous for students and that they take their learning and can use in real world settings.
Joan Fredrickson

Will - 1 views

    Will Richardson
d YM

Create Your Free Website | - 0 views

    exploring this for portfolio/photo postings
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