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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kristin Meyer

Kristin Meyer

Gym class online? Schools stretch with new offerings | - 0 views

  • Students in her P.E. class met every other day for typical gym activities. Other days, they did assignments that were available online and filled out a log to record exercise they had to get on their own. Did students work as hard as they would have in a regular class? "It's a legitimate concern," she said. "Obviously, there's a huge level of trust that has to be put in kids who are taking an online class."
    • Kristin Meyer
      I do think it is important for students to do research on health and exercise topics but I think its even more important for them to EXERCISE! An online component of gym class can add to the experience but I don't think I'd be in favor of it if it means less time doing physical activity, especially with the childhood obesity rates in our country.
Kristin Meyer

ollie1christensen: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 6 views

  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content
    • Kristin Meyer
      I think collaboration and group work is great for students in preparing them for life after high school if done correctly. Too often I see groupwork done where one or two students do the majority of the work while other students do little or nothing. Online classes can can either help or hurt group projects depending on how they are set up and the work required by each individual student.
  • Is knowledgeable and has the ability to use computer programs required in online education to improve learning and teaching, including course management software (CMS) and synchronous/asynchronous communication tools
    • Kristin Meyer
      I think more teachers would add an online component to their classes if they felt more comfortable. I was hoping my school district would choose one online platform (Moodle for example) and then train all of our staff to create pages. Some teachers have created their own websites but it would be much easier for the students if all teachers had the same online set up for their classes.
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