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Contents contributed and discussions participated by orlandopaesfilho


The future of learning - 5 views

    Interesting video with ideas about Education.

E- book is better than printed book - 2 views

started by orlandopaesfilho on 09 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
  • orlandopaesfilho
    The video demonstrates how a sophisticated editorial production can become even more interesting distributed over the network.
    The beautiful book that appears in this video in its printed form would cost about U$ 150, restricting its distribution.
    In the virtual format, it can be a cheaper and even becomes a free product, allowing some interactivity that printed version does not allow.
    It is clear that the authors of such a beautiful work deserve fair financial success for such work, but the network permits a huge number of consumers for a very low value, paying the author so as or more effective and the author becomes well-known.
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