Contents contributed and discussions participated by krwarman
Online learning is "the blackboard of the future" - 7 views
Thanks for sharing this article. Education is changing rapidly!
I believe (and am experiencing) that MOOC is an effective and enjoyable way to learn, and I love the idea of education being more accessible. However, just because kids can and are playing with ipads at an early age is not enough to convince me that it is best for their development (or the best and only way for them to learn). Kids need hands-on exploration and face-to-face interaction as well for their fine-motor skills (as well as their health and overall wellbeing); we all need to learn from our environments as well. This article also does not acknowledge the possibility that ipads and video games could be a reason for the decrease in children's attention spans. Online learning platforms can provide support for self-directed learning, which will prove to be more effective than the tradition structured school system; I just hope the people who create online learning platforms encourage learning activities that do not involve the screen. -
Here is an article that provides reasons for more nature and less ipads for young children:
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While I couldn't understand much of the results (PDF in Spanish only?), the fact that "young entrepreneurs and interactive urban environments are opening new opportunities for informal training and employment," is inspiring!
I often worry about youth use social media mindlessly, as a distraction, but perhaps it has little to do with age and everything to do with intent!