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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Anna Kloc


Education in 2030 - 2 views

    A good overview of open education in the future. Personalized education will play a great role in preparing people for a job market.

Must Have Life-long Learning Tools and Strategies for Teachers ~ Educational Technology... - 3 views

    A teacher is a life long learner, in fact, everyone should be a lifelong learner, but the difference between us ( teachers and educators ) and others is that we have no choice but to be life long learners. We can not stop learning for fear that we might be outrun by our students.

OERPUB | OERPUB is creating innovative open-source tools for authoring, adapting, remix... - 5 views

    Open-source tools

New front in open access science publishing row - 5 views

    Scientific publishing. Quality vs quantity?
    I agree! Open publishing is highly important, but having tons of low quality material doesn't serve any good. There should be some guidelines or measures that would ensure accuracy.

Open access: six myths to put to rest - 7 views

    Open access is a hot topic in today's world. The article clarifies some misunderstandings about open access

Can Public Education Coexist with Participatory Culture? - 3 views

    An interesting overview of the challenges that both teachers and students face in the era of participatory culture

Open knowledge and higher education - 1 views

    An interesting overview of the challenges that the open education faced in the last 10 years. The "Last mile" part emphasizes the role of a teacher in guiding students to the right resources available online.
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