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Kevin Stranack

The Enclosure and Alienation of Academic Publishing: Lessons for the Professoriate | Pe... - 0 views

    "This paper interrogates and situates theoretically from a Marxist perspective various aspects and tensions that inhere in the contemporary academic publishing environment. The focus of the article is on journal publishing. The paper examines both the expanding capitalist control of the academic publishing industry and some of the efforts being made by those seeking to resist and subvert the capitalist model of academic publishing. The paper employs the concepts of primitive accumulation and alienation as a theoretical register for apprehending contemporary erosions of the knowledge commons through the enclosure effects that follow in the wake of capitalist control of academic publishing. Part of my purpose with this discussion will be to advance the case that despite a relatively privileged position vis-à-vis other workers, academic cognitive labourers are caught up within and subject to the constraining and exploitative practices of capitalist production processes."

The Mutopia Project - 0 views

    Underdeveloped website for public domain classical sheet music. I would love to see better sites with the inclusion of much more public domain music that is easy to explore and navigate. Would love any suggestions!

BOINC - 5 views

    BOINC is an open-source software platform where you can choose a project, download the software, and use the idle time on your computer to assist in scientific research. It's not about citizen science, but it's a useful resource for people who are interested in participating in citizen science.
Olga Huertas

Movilización de Conocimiento Abierto y Apropiación de Recursos Educativos Abi... - 1 views

    Conceptualizamos al movimiento educativo abierto como las actividades educativas de acceso abierto que facilita prácticas formativas que van desde el uso de REA disponibles en internet, la producción de materiales con licenciamiento abierto, la selección de REA a través de repositorios y conectores que actúan como infomediarios de los catálogos de REA, la diseminación de prácticas en entornos académicos, gubernamentales, institucionales, etc. y la movilización hacia las prácticas educativas.
c maggard

New source to share - 2 views

    I shared this in the discussions section over in the MOOC home area. This is a fascinating piece of research about the attitudes of student knowledge sharing, mainly graduate students in research. I'm a stat nerd, and I especially dig that the number of downloads is shared.

List of endorsed OER resources from UNISA - 1 views

    good sharing of the list

Infoxicación como evitarla - 1 views

Infoxicación: claves para evitar la sobrecarga informacional

information open access Module10

started by veronicasoledad on 31 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
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