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Randy Kolset

Leading Edge Certification - Innovative 21st Century Teaching and Learning - 0 views

    "Our nation suffers from 19th century thinking when it comes to preparing educators for the increasingly collaborative work of teaching and learning. Many outstanding programs have been established to push education forward, but short of a few largely for-profit corporate efforts to recognize educators using digital tools effectively; there remains no consistently recognized way for these leading educators to certify themselves as 21st Century professionals. Leading Edge Certification is that certification. Created through an alliance of nonprofits, universities and educational agencies, the certification will provide five different roles over the course of five years."
Randy Kolset

Writing & Common Core @ Lead3.0 - 0 views

    Common core slide show from lead 3.0 using web 2.0 tools to support
Randy Kolset

Lead Learner Associates | Lead Learner Associates - 0 views

    Admin Observation app
Randy Kolset

EON Reality, Inc. - The world's leading interactive 3D visual content management and Vi... - 0 views

    " EON Reality, Inc. is the world's leading interactive 3D solutions provider for business and education based on Virtual Reality technology. It's powerful break through interactive 3D collaborative technology enables users to experience more by revolutionizing the way companies leverage their digital assets and communicate. [ learn more ] With EON's software tools and applications including Interactive 3D Virtual Meeting, Customer Interaction Management, Simulation Based Learning and Immersive 3D solutions users are able to create realistic authentic product experiences anytime, anywhere. EON delivers versatile productivity to the energy, aerospace/defense, education, government, industrial and medical sectors. Industry leaders and academic institutions use EON's solutions to increase sales, better communicate product functionality, decrease cost of training and travel less by facilitating rich 3D communication over distance."
Randy Kolset

Center for Digital Storytelling - Mission & Vision - 0 views

    "We surface authentic voices around the world through group process and participatory media creation. Our programs support people in sharing and bearing witness to stories that lead to learning, action, and positive change."
Randy Kolset

Educational Leadership:Multiple Measures:Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards - 0 views

    ASCD's research on interactive whiteboards. Can you lead you to other research.
Randy Kolset

Revolutionizing Education - Project RED - 0 views

    "Technology is woven into every aspect of our lives, and education is no exception. With the belief that technology can make a substantial impact on schools and students, three research organizations - The Greaves Group, The Hayes Connection and One-to-One Institute - established Project RED: Revolutionizing Education. Initially these organizations conducted a national survey of technology programs in 1,000 schools, which is the first and only national research focusing on academic results and the financial implication of education technology. The findings showed that if effectively implemented, technology programs can lead to improved student achievement and significant return on investment."
Randy Kolset

Atmosphere of Innovation: What's Your 20% Project? - Getting Smart by Adam Renfro - 20%... - 0 views

    "Atmosphere of Innovation: What's Your 20% Project? September 27, 2012 - by Adam Renfro You don't want to be the one who can't breathe in this atmosphere of innovation. I've had the great opportunity to work with some impressive leaders who always encouraged innovation and creativity. One went on to lead the 18th Airborne Corp, another became the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, another went straight from principal to superintendent, and others went on to start, resurrect, and transform state-level virtual schools. I'm lucky indeed."
Randy Kolset

SmashCards Augmented Reality For Reading and English - 0 views

    "With SmashCards, words are built in real time as letters are moved by the child. Instant visual feedback leads to more rapid reading. "
Randy Kolset

E - Claymation Workshop Kit - A - 0 views

    "Leading a claymation workshop? Download the Claymation Workshop Kit! While we can't make a claymation workshop any more fun that it already is, we wanted to make preparing for it even easier! The Claymation Workshop Kit is designed to give you new ideas and resources that will make preparations and follow-up a snap."
Randy Kolset

Digital Literacy and Citizenship Classroom Curriculum | Common Sense Media - 0 views

    "Take the grounded approach to teaching a slippery subject Common Sense Media offers this FREE Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum to help educators empower their students and their school communities to be safe, responsible, and savvy as they navigate this fast-paced digital world. NO COST to your school. It's all free thanks to generous support from our philanthropic supporters. Research-based learning. We created the lessons with the support of leading researchers from around the ..."
Randy Kolset

The FunWorks - 0 views

    "This Web site is about careers. Not just the interesting ones other people have, but the ones YOU can have. Don't know where to start? Well, dive right in and: EXPLORE many different areas, not just the ones that seem obvious THINK about what you enjoy. See where it leads you. EXPERIENCE lots of ideas "
Randy Kolset

CUE Conference Collection :: CUE Video Collection :: Brokers of Expertise - 0 views

    "Overview The CUE Conference collection contains videos featuring the best of curriculum technology solutions, resources, and techniques presented by outstanding educators. Through engaging interviews, panel discussions, or keynote presentations, leading education and technology experts discuss the ways that innovative uses of technology are making a positive impact on education."
Randy Kolset

SchoolNotes 2.0 - 0 views

    "The web's leading FREE school-to-home communications tool! SchoolNotes provides teachers with a virtual environment, giving the ability to post classroom or school oriented information. This information is accessible anywhere there is an internet connection giving both parents and students the opportunity to keep in touch with what is happening in the classroom. With SchoolNotes Teachers, Parents and Students are all on the same page! If you are not a current SchoolNotes user, you can either register for a FREE account here, or visit the Teacher, Student or Parent tabs above. "
Randy Kolset

Haiku LMS : iEngage : Lessons - 0 views

    "Getting started with mobile devices in the classroom while exciting requires proper planning, practices and processes. To assist with this, SVUSD lead teachers created a series of lessons to use in your first few days of mobile devices teaching. These lessons are designed to assist students with learning the device and build proper classroom management of the devices. Each lesson is designed to be adaptive to the content you are teaching, but provide the base skills students need. After using these first few lessons you'll be up and running with your own lab in no time and your students will be prepared to use the devices to the fullest."
Randy Kolset

California Student Bill of Rights Initiative | Home - 0 views

    "The California Student Bill of Rights Initiative is proposed for the November 2012 ballot. It will break down the barriers between students and all of the education options available to them in the classroom and online, leading to continued education or career training beyond high school. This action on the part of the people of California will ensure California students do not fall behind their peers in other states and position California for maintaining an advantage in the U.S. and global economy."
Randy Kolset

netTrekker from Knovation - 0 views

    "netTrekker delivers the industry-leading digital learning resource library with more than 360,000 educator-curated resources - each one tagged, organized, and aligned to state and Common Core standards so that teachers, students, and parents can find just what they need, quickly and safely."
Randy Kolset

7 Habits of Highly Effective Tech-leading Principals -- THE Journal - 0 views

    The conventional wisdom in education is that any school reform--be it curriculum, instruction, assessment, or teacher professionalism--is most likely to take hold in schools that have strong leadership. The same holds true for technology. Any educator will tell you the most successful implementation of technology programs takes place in schools where the principal sees him or herself as a technology leader. 
Randy Kolset

Oddcast - The Viral Marketing Company - 0 views

    Oddcast is a social media and viral marketing company specializing in online technologies that open up new possibilities for audience personalization and engagement. We partner with agencies and brands to execute user-driven campaigns that leverage social networks to drive viral propagation, lead generation, and brand exposure.
Randy Kolset

How Education Enterprises Use Virtual Worlds | Second Life Grid - 0 views

    Virtual Environments Enable New Models of Learning Hundreds of leading universities and school systems around the world use Second Life as a vibrant part of their educational programs. Linden Lab works enthusiastically with education organizations to familiarize them with the benefits of virtual worlds, connect them with educational peers active in Second Life, and showcase their inworld projects and communities. A large, active education community-with hundreds of K-12 and higher education members-are engaged in Second Life. The Open University, Harvard, Texas State, and Stanford are just a few of the many universities that have set up virtual campuses where students can meet, attend classes, and create content together. Second Life has also proven a valuable professional development medium for educators. Organizations such as the NMC have fostered shared learning among educators and are networking, running inworld seminars, conferences and symposia on learning and creativity related to virtual worlds. Visit the NMC website to learn about the range of Second Life related information and activity on offer or learn about the programs produced by their diverse international membership.
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