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Randy Kolset

Santa Ana Unified School District | Ed Tech & Media Services - 0 views

    "Assembly Bill 307 requires that California students and teachers receive instruction in Internet Safety and the ethical use of information. To fulfill the requirements of AB 307 as incorporated into the SAUSD District Technology Plan (2009-2012) and District Technology Goals and Benchmarks, Education Technology and Instructional Media Services is providing lesson materials to educate pupils and teachers on the appropriate and ethical use of information technology in the classroom, Internet safety, plagiarism, copyright, and the implications of illegal peer-to-peer network file sharing. The materials are provided for SAUSD classroom teachers to use during CyberSafety Week, February 23-27, 2009. Teachers should plan to spend 10-15 minutes delivering information to students on the topic for that day."
Randy Kolset

Safety Center - YouTube Help - 0 views

    Safety center on You tube with videos from the You Tube Team
Randy Kolset

Google Family Safety Center - 0 views

    "We know how important it is to protect and educate young people on using the Internet and want to provide all of our users with a safe experience. When it comes to family safety, we aim to: * Provide parents and teachers with tools to help them choose what content their children see online * Offer tips and advice to families about how to stay safe online * Work closely with organizations such as charities, others in our industry and government bodies dedicated to protecting young people "
Randy Kolset

iKeepSafe Internet Safety Coalition - 0 views

    site on cyber safety for educators, parents and teachers.
Randy Kolset

Parents & Guardians - 0 views

    Internet safety curriculum from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Randy Kolset

National Cyber Security Alliance | - 0 views

    "Protect yourself and help keep the web a safer place for everyone."
Randy Kolset

kycss:  Kentucky Center for School Safety - 0 views

    "According to a new Character Counts Study by the Josephson Institute of Ethics (the largest ever undertaken of the attitudes and conduct of high school students), nearly half (47%) say they were bullied, teased, or taunted in a way that seriously upset them in the past year. The study reports the responses from 43,321 high school students. Nationally statistics have shown in the past that 32% of students reported being bullying during a one year period. "
Randy Kolset

:: e-Learning for Kids :: - 0 views

  • is a great site that provides free e-courses for kids all around the world. This site has engaging and interactive courses for kids in online safety, computer skills such as using Google, typing, and core subjects like language arts, math, and science. Most of the courses are for elementary school-aged children, and involve dynamic avatars, and are highly interactive.
Randy Kolset

National School Boards Association - 0 views

    Leading Educational Organizations Release Guiding Principles for Teacher Compensation Programs NSBA Executive Director's Statement on the Report by the White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity NSBA Announces the Creation of the National School Safety Coalition Michigan School Board Member Elected NSBA President and New Board of Directors Announced American School Board Journal Examines the Impact of the Economic Downturn in May's Issue
Randy Kolset

Parent Advice - How to Set Parental Controls on the iPhone - Common Sense Media - 0 views

    iphone parental safety ideas
Randy Kolset

Bullying Publications & Resources - School Environment (CA Dept of Education) - 0 views

    "Publications and resources, including community-based organizations, for educators, parents, and community members with tools for recognizing bullying behavior and approaches for determining how to respond. "
Randy Kolset

CyberSafety Resources - 0 views

    "CyberSafety Resources Staying Safe on the Internet"
Randy Kolset

K12 Digital Citizenship - home - 0 views

    "K12 Digital Citizenship This site provides k12 curriculum on digital citizenship and professional development for adults working with K12 students on digital citizenship. What is digital citizenship? Using technology Safely Responsibly Critically Pro-actively to contribute to the digital society For a six-module online tutorial on using this wiki, go to "
Randy Kolset

Who We are - 0 views

    "WiredSafety's volunteers have been doing this since right after the Web was launched. For more than 16 years we have been helping people who need our help online. Our sites have had different formats, approaches and lots and lots of coders, editors, writers and webmasters. We are all volunteers, and our online presence looked different every time someone added something or took something away. The site and our other sites grew, but not always in the right way. Our haphazard sites and navigation would be modified to adapt to a need we discovered, and new topics shoe-horned in when they emerged. No one overall vision for the site. And it stopped reflecting our One Vision, One Mission, One WiredSafety rule. We never had enough time to plot our site, update everything and adopt the newest technologies to help us address the needs of the public or even all our volunteers. Please accept our apologies. That was before. This is now. With the generous support of Google, Spectorsoft and a couple others we have ripped everything down and started from scratch. Only about 10% done, we launched with the new site to clean things up. Expect daily changes and improvements. "
Randy Kolset

My Mobile Watchdog - 0 views

    "We are not spyware Our team believes in positive family communication based on trust and responsibility. Before using our product, we urge you to sit down with your child to have a discussion about what exactly will be monitored. Read more » See us in the news Watch as Dr. Phil, law enforcement officers, and parents from around the country all recommend My Mobile Watchdog. View more » Keeping School Kids Safe My Mobile Watchdog is proud to partner with TDS, California's largest and oldest public school 403b Plan Administrator, to prevent cyber bullying."
Randy Kolset

OnGuard Online - 0 views

    Goverment site on keeping yourself, students, teachers and others in on the internet safe.
Randy Kolset

A Letter To Parents Of Digital Age Children - 0 views

    A Letter To Parents Of Digital Age Children
Randy Kolset

- iKeepSafe - 0 views

    "To see generations of the world's children grow up safely using technology and the internet."
Randy Kolset

Illume Software iZup Mobile Application - 0 views

    Our first product, iZUP, offers a responsible solution to cell phone-related distracted driving. iZUP harnesses the power of GPS, the pervasiveness of cellular networks, and the new emphasis on intelligent solutions to real-world problems.
Randy Kolset

Mouse Mail - 1 views

    "MouseMail uses Active Email Filtering to scan for inappropriate content, as well as non-approved contacts in every email. MouseMail scans all incoming and outgoing email messages for inappropriate content. Questionable messages will not be delivered to the child, but diverted to the parent for review. This filtering allows parents to passively monitor their children's communications, giving parents a chance to talk with their child if an issue arises before that issue becomes serious."
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