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Randy Kolset

quietube | Video without the distractions | Youtube, Viddler, Vimeo and more - 0 views

    "quietube: Video without the distractions To watch web videos without the comments and crap, just drag the button below to your browser's bookmarks bar. On any of the supported video pages, click the bookmark button to watch in peace."
Randy Kolset

Illume Software iZup Mobile Application - 0 views

    Our first product, iZUP, offers a responsible solution to cell phone-related distracted driving. iZUP harnesses the power of GPS, the pervasiveness of cellular networks, and the new emphasis on intelligent solutions to real-world problems.
Randy Kolset

Canvas - 0 views

    "Easy to use You've got a lot of important things to do. With Canvas, you'll have more time to do them. Teachers and administrators alike have been able to save hours by using Canvas in their classes and institutions. We designed Canvas with the user in mind, making usability and efficiency our top priorities. Spend less time working in your LMS and more time on the things you really care about. Only the features that matter At Instructure, we're obsessed with validating our feature set to make sure we're consistently working on the things that matter most to our customers. The result is a simple interface that allows you to navigate through your day-to-day tasks quick and easily without unnecessary distractions. Learn more about canvas Start using a personal, customizable, Canvas demo instantly and free. "
Randy Kolset

Zygote Body - 0 views

    Zygote offers manipulable, three-dimensional, anatomical models of the male and female human bodies. This site is gorgeous. It's a singular page with either a female or male model, but those models are so beautifully rendered that users don't realize that they're only looking at a single page. Organs and entire systems jump off the screen when revealed. The attention to detail is impressive once users get passed the initial, clothed version of the models. (Because they will encounter only under-the-skin views of body parts, kids in grades six and up should be able zygote bodyto avoid inappropriate distractions while exploring this site.)
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