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Debbie Alvarez

A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet: 22 Great Places If You Teach Research Skills - 1 views

    Below you will find sites to assist you in teaching research skills for all ages.Use the Teacher-Librarians tab at the top to find a megalist of stuff for you.
Debbie Alvarez

Screenr - BrightIdeas: We take a look at the new Google Research Tool, which has been a... - 2 views

    We take a look at the new Google Research Tool, which has been added as a sidebar in Google Docs. WOW, creates footnotes drag/drop feature, powerful.
Debbie Alvarez

TEDxPhiladelphiaED - JoyceValenza - See Sally Research - YouTube - 2 views

    Joyce Valenza - See Sally Research -- I believe every teacher librarian AND educator AND administrator should watch this.
Debra Duffe

EasyBib: Free Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles - 0 views

    A site that you can use not only to create citations but search by topic the sources others have used in their citations. Social Research.
Debbie Alvarez

Google Scholar - 0 views

    The next research link...
Debbie Alvarez

Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) - 0 views

    Might be a good resource to follow: The Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)

    is a unique and vital gathering place for books, ideas, and expertise in the field of children's
    and young adult literature. The CCBC is a noncirculating examination, study, and research library
    for Wisconsin school and public librarians, teachers, early childhood care providers, university
    students, and others interested in children's and young adult literature. The CCBC is part of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) School of Education (SoE), and receives additional support from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI).
Jen Maurer

Home | Literacy in Learning Exchange - 0 views

    "There are some remarkable efforts underway in American schools to invest the next generation of students with the literacy skills needed to innovate, solve problems, and meet unprecedented challenges. Until now, there has been no way to connect these initiatives, to provide models for advancing literacy learning in every subject, to collaborate in identifying and pursuing critical research questions about literacy teaching and learning on a consistent, sustained basis. That's about to change. The National Center for Literacy Education (NCLE) is building a coalition of stakeholders representing the premiere education organizations, policy analysts, researchers, and foundations who are working together to identify and share the plans, practices, support systems, and assessments used by educator teams working to improve literacy learning. NCLE will celebrate the work of successful school teams across the country that are achieving remarkable results in advancing literacy learning, and share what is learned with education policymakers…NCLE is providing the Literacy in Learning Exchange as a free resource to all educator teams. All educators are invited to use the free site to build or further develop a team in their school, district, or across schools/districts, or in their out-of-school setting. Educators that embrace the challenge of sponsoring and supporting a team will be eligible to apply for recognition and support as Centers for Literacy Education." Does your school have (need) a literacy team? If so, hopefully library staff is involved. Centers for Literacy Education, or collaborative groups/teams working toward capacity building for literacy:
Debra Duffe

Common Core Curriculum Maps | Digital Resources - 1 views

    a nice list of online digital resources and tools for creating, collaborating, researching, and sharing
Debbie Alvarez

Website credibility « EasyBib - 1 views

    Website credibility
Debbie Alvarez

Three-year study asserts benefits of school libraries on student learning | - 0 views

    "The findings show that New Jersey school libraries and school librarians contribute in rich and diverse ways to the intellectual life of a school, and to the development of students who can function in a complex and increasingly digital information environment," said Dr. Ross Todd, lead researcher in the study and CISSL director.
Debbie Alvarez

getonboardgames21 [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Get on Board - 0 views

    Great ideas on extending learning through board games, good slide show w/research.
Jen Maurer

What Works Clearinghouse - 0 views

    "As an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences (IES), the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) was created in 2002 to be a central and trusted source of scientific evidence for what works in education." See their findings about Accelerated Reader:
Debbie Alvarez

Viva la Library (The Information Literacy Song) - YouTube - 2 views

    Great justification for research... loved this video.
Colette Cassinelli

My March Top Ten List: Nonfiction Reading Resources | Scholastic Teacher - 1 views

    Nonfiction texts allow children to experience the wonder of the world. Facts come alive when books about animals, people, or objects are read to children. Nonfiction texts build on children's interests and increase vocabulary and background knowledge. When we help our students become proficient readers of nonfiction texts, we help them become successful at school and in the "real world." Research shows that about 85% of what adults read on a daily basis is nonfiction. Teachers have a great responsibility in teaching students to tackle this genre. READ ON to check out resources for teaching nonfiction reading concepts, including posters, links to great Web sites and articles, printables, an exciting new way to make current events interactive, and much more!
Debbie Alvarez

How to Use Google Search More Effectively [INFOGRAPHIC] - 1 views

    Good info graphic on google searching
Debbie Alvarez

Mashpedia - Hybrid Encyclopedia - 1 views

    Wow, fantastic resource, I'll be using this a LOT in the coming months: Mashpedia: Mashpedia is a thematic content aggregator that integrates a variety of data from online services and applications like Wikipedia, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, Google News, Books, and further contextual information into a single interface, presenting an organized outlook of live content feeds for every topic, thus providing a broad spectrum of data and media that eliminate the user's need to visit each service separately.
Debbie Alvarez

Plagiarism | Common Craft - 0 views

    While Plagiarism can be intentional, it is more often caused by misunderstanding.  Avoiding it means understanding the role of intellectual property and what makes plagiarism wrong.  This video teaches:

    Why giving credit to others is necessary
    A definition of plagiarism
    Steps to avoiding plagiarism
    Types of ideas and media that can be plagiarized
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