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Service, Manufacturing and Operations Research - 0 views

    Program supports two main types of research: (i) innovations in general-purpose methodology related to optimization, stochastic modeling, and decision and game theory; and (ii) research grounded in relevant applications that require the development of novel and customized analytical and computational methodologies. Both types of proposals must be motivated by an application area of interest to the program. Application areas of interest include supply chains and logistics; risk management; healthcare; environment; energy production and distribution; mechanism design and incentives; production planning, maintenance, and quality control; and national security

Implementation of One Health and Global Health Security Agenda in Viet Nam - 0 views

    This Request for Information (RFI) is a preliminary call for expressions of interest for management and implementation support in advancing the One Health approach to emerging and serious infectious diseases in Viet Nam, and to contribute in supporting Viet Nam's commitments to the Global Health Security Agenda. 

Wage Pathway Evaluation Study Services - 0 views

    The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services' (ODJFS) announces the release of Request for Proposals (RFP) number JFSR1617158114 for the purpose of competitively selecting one state-funded Ohio college or university to conduct a formal evaluation study of the Wage Pathway grant project (Project) administered by the ODJFS Office of Workforce Development (OWD) under a Workforce Innovation Fund grant awarded by the United States Department of Labor (DOL). The Project will pilot the Wage Pathway Model, which is a skills-focused approach to place low-income, low-skill youth and young adults aged 16-24 in occupations that will lead to in-demand jobs. The selected vendor will design, plan, and implement methodologies, tools, and processes to evaluate the results of the Wage Pathway Model on the employment outcomes of Project participants. This opportunity is only available to state-funded Ohio colleges and universities. Consideration will be given to those with proposals that effectively demonstrate the capacity, experience, and expertise to effectively and accurately complete the deliverables and other activities described herein in a timely manner.

FMCS Labor-Management Cooperation Grant Program - 0 views

    In accordance with the terms of the Labor-Management Cooperation Act of 1978, FMCS considers applications from plant, geographic or area-wide committees. During the 2016 grant cycle, we especially encourage applications from area-wide, industry or sectoral joint labor-management committees focused on the 21st century economy and the challenges of a rapidly evolving workplace, such as: job security and skills; working conditions for an increasingly mobile workforce; consensus solutions to workplace standards; organizational effectiveness; economic development and competitiveness for entire communities; hiring and retaining the next generations of workers.

Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa): Coordinating Center (U24) - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to solicit applications from foreign institutions in African countries to provide an Administrative Coordinating Center for the H3Africa Consortium.  H3Africa research projects employ state of the art genomics approaches to study genetic and environmental contributors to specific health condition(s) or disease(s) relevant to African populations. The H3Africa Administrative Coordinating Center will provide the organizational framework for the management, direction, and overall coordination of all common H3Africa activities (i.e. Consortium activities). 

Effective Decision-Making Methods for Freight-Efficient Land Use - 0 views

    The objectives of this research are to develop a guide to: (1) quantify and evaluate the impact of land-use practices and policies to support efficient movement of all modes of freight; and (2) develop quantitative and qualitative land-use assessment tools (e.g., models, matrices, guides) to assist local, regional, and state land-use and transportation decision makers to support efficient movement of freight. The research should address a broad range of issues and needs associated with freight-efficient land use
    The objectives of this research are to develop a guide to: (1) quantify and evaluate the impact of land-use practices and policies to support efficient movement of all modes of freight; and (2) develop quantitative and qualitative land-use assessment tools (e.g., models, matrices, guides) to assist local, regional, and state land-use and transportation decision makers to support efficient movement of freight. The research should address a broad range of issues and needs associated with freight-efficient land use

RFA-HG-16-016: BD2K Open Educational Resources for Skills Development in Biomedical Big... - 0 views

    The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH.  The over-arching goal of this Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) R25 program is to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation's biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs.  To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development for biomedical researchers who need the requisite knowledge and skills to extract knowledge from biomedical Big Data.  To extend the reach of the course, each educational activity is required to develop open educational resources (OERs) that adhere to FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) principles. Ideally, OERs should be useful to individuals at all career levels, from predoctoral students to established investigators. 

I-Corps@Ohio - 0 views

shared by MiamiOH OARS on 05 Feb 16 - No Cached
    I-Corps@Ohio is a statewide program to assist faculty and graduate students from Ohio universities and colleges to validate the market potential of their technologies and assist with launching startup companies. I-Corps@Ohio is modeled after the National Science Foundation's (NSF) successful I-Corps program, which has proven to increase innovation, entrepreneurship, and industry collaboration. I-Corps@Ohio is an initiative of the Ohio Department of Higher Education.

HawksNest: Miami University's crowdfunding platform - 0 views

shared by MiamiOH OARS on 29 Jan 16 - No Cached
    Together with University Advancement, the Office for the Advancement of Research & Scholarship (OARS) is rolling out an new crowdfunding platform called HawksNest. Through HawksNest, alumni, family, and friends of the university can directly support the research, scholarship, and service projects of Miami University students, faculty, and staff. This is how HawksNest works: * Any Miami University student, faculty, or staff member may complete an online application to have a project considered for funding. * An internal review team assesses applications and posts approved projects on HawksNest for a maximum of 45 days. * Potential donors visit the site to learn about and pledge funds to approved projects. * Once a funding goal has been met, the project can begin! * Project managers use the site to keep donors up-to-date with information on the project's progress.

Discover UChicago | Graduate Admissions | The University of Chicago - 0 views

    The University of Chicago is offering talented individuals from traditionally underrepresented populations an expenses-paid opportunity to explore graduate education at the University of Chicago. Join us for a weekend of graduate admissions workshops, presentations by world-renowned faculty and their graduate students, and informal socials. Receive advice on submitting a competitive application to graduate programs and learn how to develop your own career as a scientist, academic, or professional.

Decision, Risk and Management Sciences - 0 views

    The Decision, Risk and Management Sciences program supports scientific research directed at increasing the understanding and effectiveness of decision making by individuals, groups, organizations, and society. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, doctoral dissertation research improvement grants (ddrigs), and workshops are funded in the areas of judgment and decision making; decision analysis and decision aids; risk analysis, perception, and communication; societal and public policy decision making; management science and organizational design. The program also supports small grants that are time-critical (Rapid Response Research - RAPID) and small grants that are high-risk and of a potentially transformative nature (EArly-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research - EAGER). For detailed information concerning these two types of grants, please review Chapter II.D of the NSF Grant Proposal Guide. Funded research must be grounded in theory and generalizable. Purely algorithmic management science proposals should be submitted to the Operations Research Program rather than to DRMS. General Guidanceconcerning the DRMSDoctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (DDRIGs) funding opportunity includes the following: To assure that the proposal is appropriate for DRMS, the advisor of the doctoral student is strongly encouraged to contact one of the DRMS Program Directors by e-mail prior to the preparation of the DDRIG proposal. DRMS DDRIG awards have a recommended maximum duration of 12 months. The proposal title should start with “Doctoral Dissertation Research in DRMS:”. On the FastLane Cover Sheet, the advisor should be listed as the Principal Investigator (PI) and the doctoral dissertation student as the Co-PI. DDRIG awards are designed to cover expenses such as travel to the research

Labor-Management Cooperation Grant Program - 0 views

    The Labor-Management Cooperation Act of 1978 identifies the following seven general areas for which financial assistance would be appropriate: (1) to improve communication between representatives of labor and management; (2) to provide workers and employers with opportunities to study and explore new and innovative joint approaches to achieving organizational effectiveness; (3) to assist workers and employers in solving problems of mutual concern not susceptible to resolution within the collective bargaining process; (4) to study and explore ways of eliminating potential problems which reduce the competitiveness and inhibit the economic development of the company/plant, area, or industry; (5) to enhance the involvement of workers in making decisions that affects their working lives; (6) to expand and improve working relationships between workers and managers; and (7) to encourage free collective bargaining by establishing continuing mechanisms for communication between employers and their employees through Federal assistance in the formation and operation of labor-management committees. The primary objective of this program is to encourage and support the establishment and operation of joint labor-management committees to carry out specific objectives that meet the aforementioned general criteria. The term "labor" refers to employees represented by a labor organization and covered by a formal collective bargaining agreement. These committees may be found at the plant (company), area, industry, or public sector levels. A plant or company committee is generally characterized as restricted to one or more organizational or productive units operated by a single employer. An area committee is generally composed of multiple employers of diverse industries as well as multiple labor unions operating within and focusing upon a particular city, county, contiguous multicounty, or statewide jurisdiction. An industry committee generally consists of a collection of agencies or ent

Calling All Innovators: Apply to Serve the Nation as a Presidential Innovation Fellow |... - 0 views

    Today, we are very excited to announce that we are on the lookout for more innovators and technologists to serve the nation as Presidential Innovation Fellows. The Fellowship brings talented, diverse individuals from outside government to team up with top federal innovators to tackle some of our country's most pressing challenges. Acting as a small team alongside federal agency "co-founders," Fellows will work quickly and iteratively to turn promising ideas into game-changing solutions. As always, the Fellows will focus on national priorities, leveraging the best principles and practices of the innovation economy to help create positive impact in the span of months, not years. This is an opportunity to truly transform how government works for the people it serves.

Management and Operation of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory - 0 views

    Proposals are solicited to manage and operate facilities of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) through a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation (NSF). NRAO is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) that conceives, designs, builds, operates, and maintains world-class radio telescopes used by scientists from around the world to study virtually all types of astronomical objects, from bodies in our own Solar System to galaxies in the distant Universe. NRAO operates the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) near Socorro, New Mexico; North American contributions to the international Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) located in Chile; and associated development laboratories, including a Central Development Laboratory (CDL) in Charlottesville, Virginia. Management and operation of two other NRAO facilities, the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope and the Very Long Baseline Array, are under consideration separate from this solicitation. The Awardee will work closely with NSF and the scientific community to ensure that NRAO continues to support, sustain, and advance frontier science as enabled by unique research capabilities and as promoted through a culture of excellence. In cooperation with NSF and within available resources, the Awardee will plan and execute a viable, coherent, and inclusive program to support multi-user research and education, consistent with the objectives and priorities of the scientific community. The Awardee will manage facilities and equipment provided by NSF and by domestic and international partners, will provide additional facilities and equipment as necessary to fulfill the proposed programmatic scope, and will provide support and technical personnel to manage NRAO as a well-integrated facility to support research and education. The Observatory is a multi-user resource; as such, a significant portion of the NRAO research and education program should be carried out in collab

Decision, Risk and Management Sciences - 0 views

    The Decision, Risk and Management Sciences program supports scientific research directed at increasing the understanding and effectiveness of decision making by individuals, groups, organizations, and society. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary research, doctoral dissertation research, and workshops are funded in the areas of judgment and decision making; decision analysis and decision aids; risk analysis, perception, and communication; societal and public policy decision making; management science and organizational design. The program also supports small grants that are time-critical and small grants that are high-risk and of a potentially transformative nature (see Grants for Rapid Response Research (RAPID) and EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER).)Funded research must be grounded in theory and generalizable. Purely algorithmic management science proposals should be submitted to the Operations Research Program rather than to DRMS.For additional funding opportunities, we invite you to also look at the Cross-Directorate Activities program website.For program specific guidelines on the Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants in DRMS, please visit: Doctoral Preparation Checklist.

Civil Infrastructure Systems - 0 views

    The Civil Infrastructure Systems (CIS) program supports research leading to the engineering of infrastructure systems for resilience and sustainability without excluding other key performance issues. Areas of interest include intra- and inter-physical, information and behavioral dependencies of infrastructure systems, infrastructure management, construction engineering, and transportation systems. Special emphasis is on the design, construction, operation, and improvement of infrastructure networks with a focus on systems engineering and design, performance management, risk analysis, life-cycle analysis, modeling and simulation, behavioral and social considerations not excluding other methodological areas or the integration of methods.This program does not encourage research proposals primarily focused on structural engineering, materials or sensors that support infrastructure system design, extreme event modeling, hydrological engineering, and climate modeling, since they do not fall within the scope of the CIS program. Researchers focused in these areas are encouraged to contact the Infrastructure Management and Extreme Events (IMEE), Geotechnical Engineering (GTE), Hazard Mitigation and Structural Engineering (HSME), Structural Materials and Mechanics (SMM), or the Sensors and Sensing Systems (SSS) program within CMMI. Additionally, researchers may consider contacting the Hydrologic Sciences program in the Earth Sciences Division (EAR) or the Physical and Dynamic Meteorology (PDM) program in the Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Division (AGS) of the Directorate for Geosciences.

Service Enterprise Systems - 0 views

    The SES program supports research on strategic decision making, design, planning, and operation of commercial, nonprofit, and institutional service enterprises with the goal of improving their overall effectiveness and cost reduction. The program has a particular focus on healthcare and other similar public service institutions, and emphasizes research topics leading to more effective systems modeling and analysis as a means to improved planning, resource allocation, and policy development.

George F. Kennan Fellowship | Wilson Center - 0 views

    The Kennan Institute seeks fellowship applicants from diverse, policy-oriented sectors such as media, business, local government, law, civil society, and academia to examine important political, social, economic, cultural, and historical issues in Russia, Ukraine, and the region. Among the aims of the new fellowships are to build bridges between traditional academia and the policy world, as well as to maintain and increase collaboration among researchers from Russia, Ukraine, and the U.S.

Science of Organizations - 0 views

    Organizations -- private and public, established and entrepreneurial, designed and emergent, formal and informal, profit and nonprofit -- are critical to the well-being of nations and their citizens. They are of crucial importance for producing goods and services, creating value, providing jobs, and achieving social goals. The Science of Organizations (SoO) program funds basic research that yields a scientific evidence base for improving the design and emergence, development and deployment, and management and ultimate effectiveness of organizations of all kinds. SoO funds research that advances our fundamental understanding of how organizations develop, form and operate. Successful SoO research proposals use scientific methods to develop and refine theories, to empirically test theories and frameworks, and to develop new measures and methods. Funded research is aimed at yielding generalizable insights that are of value to the business practitioner, policy-maker and research communities. SoO welcomes any and all rigorous, scientific approaches that illuminate aspects of organizations as systems of coordination, management and governance. In considering whether a particular project might be a candidate for consideration by SoO, please note: Intellectual perspectives may involve (but are not limited to) organizational theory, behavior, sociology or economics, business policy and strategy, communication sciences, entrepreneurship, human resource management, information sciences, managerial and organizational cognition, operations management, public administration, social or industrial psychology, and technology and innovation management. Phenomena studied may include (but are not limited to) structures, routines, effectiveness, competitiveness, innovation, dynamics, change and evolution.Levels of analysis may include (but are not limited to) organizational, cross-organizational collaborations or relationships, and institutional and can address individuals, groups or tea

Walmart U.S. Manufacturing Innovation Fund - 0 views

    Funding research in the manufacturing space in focus areas identified as major challenges is one way Walmart can facilitate and accelerate U.S. manufacturing. The Fund will achieve this goal through grants that directly support applied research projects advancing innovative solutions to key challenges that, once addressed, can lower the cost of making consumer products in the U.S. The Fund looks primarily at the following criteria: (1) impact on consumer product manufacturing, (2) stage of development and commercial viability, (3) degree of innovation, and (4) ability of the organization and team to successfully carry out the proposed project. Specific eligibility requirements are as follows: 1.      Only U.S. 501(c)(3) organizations and public universities that are instrumentalities of a state government are eligible for funding at this time* 2.     At least 50% of project teams must be based in the U.S. 3.     Project teams should seek sponsorship from the mayor of a USCM mayor when submitting full project proposals 4.     Proposed projects should address a technological innovation that can advance U.S. manufacturing. For the current RFP, we are seeking to support projects reducing the cost of producing textiles and apparel in the U.S. More specifically, we are seeking projects that address: Weaving Fabric dyeing Cut and sew 5.     Projects must have a budget exceeding $100,000 per year 6.     Overhead costs must not exceed 10% of total project budget 7.     Prospective grantees should demonstrate an ability to conduct the proposed product via expertise and/or past experience The Fund is currently not awarding grants for building or capital projects, supplier agreements, or other non-research projects.
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