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Building Local Governments Capacity to prevent and provide services to Gender Based - 0 views

    The U.S. government believes in encouraging the development and implementation of innovative programs to permit local governments in the prevention of Gender Based Violence and Domestic Violence the community. INL Costa Rica emboldens local governments and local law enforcement agencies in reorienting the emphasis of their activities from reacting to Gender Based Violence and Domestic Violence to preventing and providing quality services to Gender Based Violence and Domestic Violence victims. To support INL and U.S. Government gender initiatives in Costa Rica, INL has allocated up to $250,000 USD for the a project to build capacity of Local Governments to prevent and provide services to Gender Based Violence and Domestic Violence victims, which can be awarded for up to 24 months.

Grants to Reduce Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence a - 0 views

    The Campus Program encourages a comprehensive coordinated community approach that enhances victim safety, provides services for victims and supports efforts to hold offenders accountable. The funding supports activities that develop and strengthen trauma informed victim services and strategies to prevent, investigate, respond and prosecute sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. The development of campus-wide coordinated responses involving campus victim service providers, law enforcement/campus safety officers, health providers, housing officials, administrators, student leaders, faith-based leaders, representatives from student organizations, and disciplinary board members is critical. To be effective, campus responses must also link to local off-campus criminal justice agencies and service providers, including local law enforcement agencies, prosecutors' offices, courts, and nonprofit, nongovernmental victim advocacy and victim services organizations. Campuses are encouraged to create or revitalize large-scale efforts that treat sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking as serious offenses by adopting effective policies and protocols, developing victim services and programs that prioritize victim safety, ensuring offender accountability, and implementing effective prevention approaches. Colleges and universities should demonstrate to every student that these crimes will not be tolerated, that perpetrators will face serious consequences, and that holistic services are available for victims.

Programs to Support Correction Reform in Armenia - 0 views

    The Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) announces an open competition for assistance award in Armenia. Organizations may submit grant proposals for programs that encourage probation development and corrections reform and rehabilitation programs for women. The activities under this award shall take place in Armenia. The announcement is for the solicitation of one award totaling up to $150,000. INL is seeking proposals with an implementation period of 6 months. A full proposal and budget should be developed for the implementation period of 6 months. Activities under this cooperative agreement must be implemented in their entirety by the primary recipient and/or sub-grantees that are explicitly listed and described in the proposal.

Racial Justice and Equity Fund - 0 views

    Lumina Foundation, in partnership with Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, has announced a request for proposals (RFP) for grants that are designed to support postsecondary institutions that are implementing significant work to advance equity on campus and in the broader community. This one-time investment of $1 million will be used to support colleges and universities that are working to improve their campus climates by providing opportunities for constructive racial dialogue. Four to five grants of up to $100,000 are reserved for colleges and universities that can document their existing comprehensive efforts to advance equity on their campuses and in their communities. Additional grants of up to $25,000 will support colleges and universities that propose significant work to enhance efforts focused on issues related to equity and racial justice on campuses. Online applications must be submitted by February 26, 2018. Visit Lumina Foundation's website to download the RFP forms.

U.S. Embassy Small Grants Program - 0 views

    The U.S. Embassy Small Grants Program is designed to support civil society in Kazakhstan and advance the interests and will of Kazakhstani citizens. Project proposals must address one of the following themes: Theme 1: Promote respect for Human rights including diversity, tolerance, inclusion and youth empowerment. Theme 2: Enhance rule of law and cooperation between the government and civil society. Theme 3: Advance gender equality. Theme 4: Promote a culture of civic responsibility. Theme 5: Freedom of Media and expanded access to information, including through new media. Theme 6: Emphasize innovation in public education, health, environment; energy and public/private partnerships.

DRL Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Morocco - 0 views

    The most recent survey by the Moroccan High Commission for Planning, published in 2011, found that 62.8 percent of women aged 18 to 65 had experienced physical, psychological, sexual, or economic violence within the prior 12 months. Further, 55 percent of women surveyed reported domestic violence and 13.5 per cent reported family violence. Less than 3 percent of women who had experienced domestic violence had reported it to the authorities. Both national and international civil society reports indicate that of women who do report abuse to authorities, many do not receive the assistance required by existing Moroccan law and procedure. This has been attributed to a lack of a clear legal framework specific to gender-based violence (GBV) - draft law 103-13 on combatting violence against women remains pending - as well as social stigma, and limited awareness and implementation of existing GBV protections and reforms. The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for projects that help combat gender-based violence in Morocco. DRL's objective for this program is to enhance the ability of Moroccan government and civil society stakeholders engaging on GBV to advance survivor-centered protections. All proposals should include efforts that bring together key stakeholders, including justice and security sector actors, to promote effectiveness and accountability in gender-based violence prevention and response. Note this was previously posted under Funding Opportunity Number SFOP0003662 but the original posting has been removed.

Sexual Violence Prevention Initiative - 0 views

    The SMART Office seeks applications for the enhancement and advancement of the Sexual Violence Prevention Initiative (SVPI). The SMART Office assists states, the District of Columbia, territories and tribal jurisdictions with developing and/or enhancing programs designed to implement the requirements of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006, and promotes innovation and best practices in protecting the public from sexual violence. This program furthers the work of SVPI, a project designed to utilize research and practice to prevent sexual violence and improve sex offender monitoring and to inform OJP's research and grant-making efforts in this area.

Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women: Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Vi... - 0 views

    NIJ is interested in supporting research on the criminal justice system's responses to intimate partner violence, teen dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking, generally, and related to violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women.

Strengthening Sexual Violence Victim Service Program - 0 views

    The mission of the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking (SMART) is to assist jurisdictions with implementation of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) and provide assistance to criminal justice professionals across the entire spectrum of sex offender management activities needed to ensure public safety. Statutory Authority: Funding for this project is authorized pursuant to the Adam Walsh Child Protection Act, 34 U.S.C. 20901 et seq. The SMART Office will fund one fellowship position focusing on enhancing SORNA jurisdictions' registration and notification programs by improving their responses to the victims of sexual violence and exploitation.

Democracy, Human Rights, and Rule of Law in Iraq - 0 views

    The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) announces a Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) from organizations interested in submitting Statements of Interest (SOI) outlining project concepts and capacity to manage programs that will contribute to stabilization in Iraq by advancing human rights and rule of law; promoting reconciliation, accountability, and atrocities prevention; strengthening effective governance and increasing political participation; and protecting and empowering women, youth, and marginalized populations, including ethnic and religious minorities. See the attached solicitation for additional information on this request.

Graduate Research Fellowship in Social and Behavioral Sciences - 0 views

    The NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Program in Social and Behavioral Sciences is open to doctoral students in all social and behavioral science disciplines. This program provides awards to accredited academic institutions to support graduate research leading to doctoral degrees in areas that are relevant to ensuring public safety, preventing and controlling crime, and ensuring the effective administration of criminal justice in the United States. Of particular interest is research on issues deemed critical by the U.S. Department of Justice: violent crime reduction, enhancing investigations and prosecutions, protecting police officers and other public safety personnel, combating the opioid epidemic, victimization, and addressing illegal immigration.

Structured Decision Making Framework (SDMF) Site Implementation Project - 0 views

    It is in this environment that NIC developed, in collaboration with the Legal Decision-Making Lab of Carleton University, a tool - structured decision making framework (SDMF) - to improve decision making for offenders being released into the community from prisons. This tool, SDMF, acts as a road map or guideline for parole board members to help them reach, consistent, transparent and defensible release decisions. The structured approach guides parole board members through the deliberation process of making parole decision by considering the offender's information that has been demonstrated to be closely linked to positive post-release performance.

Veterans Treatment Court Enhancement Initiative - Phase II - 0 views

    : Veterans treatment courts respond to the unique circumstances of veterans entering the justice system. The first veterans treatment court was established in 2008. As of this writing, there are more than 350 in the country, with scores more being planned. The rapid proliferation of veterans treatment courts has created a heightened need for evidence-based tools to identify the criminogenic risks and clinical needs of court-involved veterans and to promote best practices such as multidisciplinary case planning and client monitoring.

U.S. Embassy Seoul PAS Annual Program Statement - 0 views

    The U.S. Embassy Seoul Public Affairs Section (PAS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program. This is an Annual Program Statement, outlining our funding priorities, the strategic themes we focus on, and the procedures for submitting requests for funding.

PAR-18-479: Detecting and Preventing Suicide Behavior, Ideation and Self-Harm in Youth ... - 0 views

    This initiative supports research to test the effectiveness of combined strategies to both detect and intervene to reduce the risk of suicide behavior, suicide ideation, and non-suicidal self-harm (NSSI) by youth in contact with the juvenile justice system. Opportunities for detection and prevention start at early points of contact (e.g., police interaction, the intake interview) and continue through many juvenile justice settings (e.g., pre-trial detention, juvenile or family court activities, court disposition, placement and on-going care in either residential or multiple community settings.) This FOA invites intervention strategies that are designed to be delivered in typical service settings using typically available personnel and resources, to enhance the implementation of interventions that prove effective, enhance their future uptake in diverse settings, and thereby reduce risk of suicide and self-harm in this population.

RFA-MD-18-005: Youth Violence Prevention Interventions that Incorporate Racism/Discrimi... - 0 views

    The purpose of this initiative is to support research to develop and test youth violence prevention interventions that incorporate racism/discrimination prevention strategies for one or more health disparity populations. The target age range includes middle school to high school-aged youth, corresponding to an approximate age range of 11 to 18.

Miami University - M.I.A.M.I WOMEN Grant application - 0 views

    Applicants for the funds may be students or faculty. The project, program, or entrepreneurial idea must be created by, led by or benefit women. Grants are awarded in values of $2500 to $20,000. While we prefer the base grant to be $5,000, we are considering a limited number of $2500 which will be required to show high impact. These applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The grants must be submitted online via the link below and must include a 2-minute video. Applicants will be narrowed to a pool of 10-15 finalists by our M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Grants Committee. This committee will review applications; contact applicants if additional information is required, and present the finalists to the M.I.A.M.I. WOMEN Steering Committee and Development Staff. Grant deadline for this year is Feb. 9, 2018. These finalists will perform in a fast-pitch style Hawk Tank event on April 11, 2018. Finalists will be offered fast-pitch training courtesy of the Farmers School of Business - school of Entrepreneurship, and will receive coaching and support. They will then pitch their idea in 5 minutes or less on April 11, 2018 at the event. Giving Circle members are the voters who will determine winners. Absentee voters will be given the option to vote online. Winners will be announced that night or the next day at the Symposium, to be determined.

UUSC Human Rights Innovation Fellowship - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee - 0 views

    The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) invites applications for its 2018 Innovation Fellowship on the subject "Resisting Criminalization." UUSC and the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) are engaged in a joint campaign that aims to "resist the harm created by criminalization" and to "create more safe, just, welcoming, and sustainable communities." The UUSC Human Rights Innovation Fellowship is a one-year $25,000 grant, awarded to an individual or non-governmental organization, designed to bring about systemic change by creating, nurturing, or spreading an innovation in human rights. For this year's theme, UUSC invites applications from individuals or organizations working on projects that seek to combat the systemic criminalization of immigrant communities, communities of color, Muslims, and LGBTQI communities in the United States - and individuals and communities at the intersections. These innovations may be legal strategies, methods of mobilization, methods of community outreach, technological or financial products or apps, path breaking applied research, advances in corporate accountability, or other new approaches. The successful proposal will be rights-based, align with UUSC's values and approach, positively impact and engage at-risk communities, and provide a new, different, and timely solution.

PAR-18-228: Pilot Studies to Detect and Prevent Suicide Behavior, Ideation and Self-Har... - 0 views

    This initiative supports research to test the effectiveness of combined strategies to both detect and intervene to reduce the risk of suicide behavior, suicide ideation, and non-suicidal self-harm (NSSI) by youth in contact with the juvenile justice system. Opportunities for detection and prevention start at early points of contact (e.g., police interaction, the intake interview) and continue through many juvenile justice settings (e.g., pre-trial detention, juvenile or family court activities, court disposition, placement and on-going care in either residential or multiple community settings.) This FOA invites intervention strategies that are designed to be delivered in typical service settings using typically available personnel and resources, to enhance the implementation of interventions that prove effective, enhance their future uptake in diverse settings, and thereby reduce risk of suicide and self-harm in this population.
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