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MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering - US Nationa... - 0 views

    Advanced computational infrastructure and the ability to perform large-scale simulations and accumulate massive amounts of data have revolutionized scientific and engineering disciplines.  The goal of the CDS&E program is to identify and capitalize on opportunities for major scientific and engineering breakthroughs through new computational and data analysis approaches.  The intellectual drivers may be in an individual discipline or they may cut across more than one discipline in various Directorates.  The key identifying factor is that the outcome relies on the development, adaptation, and utilization of one or more of the capabilities offered by advancement of both research and infrastructure in computation and data, either through cross-cutting or disciplinary programs. 

US NSF - Dear Colleague Letter: Forensic Science - Opportunity for Breakthroughs in Fun... - 0 views

    This Dear Colleague Letter is to alert all basic science and engineering communities, including education researchers, to the Foundation's interest in receiving proposals that, while investigating fundamental questions, seek to pose and test hypotheses that could inform research in forensic sciences. The interest spans both disciplinary and interdisciplinary research. Additionally, the wide public interest in forensics can provide an effective vehicle for basic research in science education. International partnerships, where appropriate, are encouraged, as are synergistic interactions with forensics and/or law enforcement agencies and organizations. Proposals for workshops to explore fundamental science drivers and their relevance to forensics are also welcome. 

Records for Life Contest - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - 0 views

    Accurate and accessible records are needed to maintain accurate health histories for children, identify those who need to be immunized, and those who have missed immunizations or are off schedule. When the record is unclear, inaccessible or unused, it's harder to reach children with life-saving vaccines. The foundation will recognize the top entries - selected by a panel including Melinda Gates (co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), Robert Fabricant (Vice President, Frog Design), Dr. Margaret Chan (Director General, World Health Organization), Tony Lake (Executive Director, UNICEF), and Dr. Walt Orenstein (Professor of Medicine, Emory University) - with awards of up to $50,000.  Top designs may be piloted in as many as ten countries by 2018. We are looking for innovative ideas that will: improve the child health record; strengthen information systems; and empower health workers and families to protect children from vaccine-preventable diseases and ultimately save lives.

CISE Research Infrastructure (CRI) (nsf13585) - 0 views

    The CISE Research Infrastructure (CRI) program drives discovery and learning in the core CISE disciplines of the three participating CISE divisions by supporting the creation and enhancement of world-class computing research infrastructure. This infrastructure will enable CISE researchers to advance the frontiers of CISE research. Further, through the CRI program CISE seeks to ensure that individuals from a diverse range of academic institutions, including minority-serving and predominantly undergraduate institutions, have access to such infrastructure. The CRI program supports two classes of awards: Institutional Infrastructure (II) awards support the creation of new (II-New) CISE research infrastructure or the enhancement (II-EN) of existing CISE research infrastructure to enable world-class CISE research opportunities at the awardee and collaborating institutions. Community Infrastructure (CI) awards support the planning (CI-P) for new CISE community research infrastructure, the creation of new (CI-New) CISE research infrastructure or the enhancement (CI-EN) of existing CISE infrastructure to enable world-class CISE research opportunities for broad-based communities of CISE researchers that extend well beyond the awardee institutions. Each CI award may support the operation of such infrastructure, ensuring that the awardee institution(s) is (are) well-positioned to provide a high quality of service to CISE community researchers expected to use the infrastructure to realize their research goals.

University Call For Innovation (CFI) U0613-01 Generic, Agent-Based, Symbiotic Simulatio... - 0 views

    Northrop Grumman is interested in collaborating with academics that have innovative generic agent-based symbiotic simulation systems that support coupling between the simulation system and physical system. Any submission must clearly answer the following questions: What new data should be absorbed, when and how? When should attention be focused on a particular data source for absorption into the simulation? When should newly observed values (that are outside of the normal range) replace predicted ones in the same context and when should there be some revision of the model on which the simulation is based? Affordable systems are highly desirable.In either case, smaller less expensive systems are highly desirable.

Advanced Software Engineering Technologies for the Software Producibility Initiative - ... - 0 views

    The DoD strives for superiority in a complex operational environment composed of heterogeneous and ever-evolving pieces such as sensors and processing hardware, software, and wired and wireless communications infrastructure. To achieve superiority in this dynamic environment, the DoD invests in fully networked and maximally-capable sensors and platforms at the cutting edge of performance. Software has emerged as a key enabler of capability and flexibility in DoD systems. Software is essential to providing a vast range of military capabilities by playing a fundamental role [1] that deepens, broadens, links, and integrates diverse system elements. A pervasive DoD challenge is the production of software that provides the Warfighter superior and affordable military capability in an environment where hardware and sensor technology is rapidly advancing and systems' performance demands are ever-increasing. The Government Accountability Office has identified the increasing scope of software development as a contributing factor to poor acquisition program outcome [2]. OASD(R&E) has identified the need for advanced software engineering technology to enhance the producibility of software in this environment with the goal of speeding the delivery of affordable capability to the Warfighter and sustaining it.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    The Office of Science of the Department of Energy hereby invites grant applications for support under the Early Career Research Program in the following program areas: Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR); Biological and Environmental Research (BER); Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Fusion Energy Sciences (FES); High Energy Physics (HEP), and Nuclear Physics (NP). The purpose of this program is to support the development of individual research programs of outstanding scientists early in their careers and to stimulate research careers in the areas supported by the DOE Office of Science.

Background | Burroughs Wellcome Fund - 0 views

    Scientific advances such as genomics, quantitative structural biology, imaging techniques, and modeling of complex systems have created opportunities for exciting research careers at the interface between the physical/computational sciences and the biological sciences. Tackling key problems in biology will require scientists trained in areas such as chemistry, physics, applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering. Recognizing the vital role such cross-trained scientists will play in furthering biomedical science, the Burroughs Wellcome Fund has developed the Career Awards at the Scientific Interface. These grants are intended to foster the early career development of researchers who have transitioned or are transitioning from undergraduate and/or graduate work in the physical/mathematical/computational sciences or engineering into postdoctoral work in the biological sciences, and who are dedicated to pursuing a career in academic research. Candidates are expected to draw from their training in a scientific field other than biology to propose innovative approaches to answer important questions in the biological sciences.
MiamiOH OARS - Funding - Data-Intensive Research to Improve Teaching and Learning - An Ideas... - 0 views

    The goal of this activity is to foster novel, transformative, multidisciplinary approaches that address the use of large data sets to create actionable knowledge for improving STEM teaching and learning environments (formal and informal) in the medium term, and to revolutionize learning in the longer term. These approaches will involve the work of learning scientists, STEM disciplinary experts, computer scientists, statisticians, database experts and educational researchers who design and study learning environments.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    A. Proposals for the development of novel collaborative perception algorithms that will enable heterogeneous teams of UxS (specifically unmanned air and ground systems) to share knowledge and perform joint target search and tracking autonomously. While existing distributed data fusion methods have looked at probabilistic representations for fusing detections at a decision level, work is needed to investigate shared perceptual features that exist across unmanned air and ground systems to enable the performance of collaborative tasks.  B. Development of a new Rigid Body Dynamics Software Library for Mathematical and Physics-Based Modeling and Simulation. The basic research proposed here would involve the development of a new software library for the temporal (time) integration of the governing equations of rigid body dynamics. The temporal integration technique employed in this new library involves the application of the Runge-Kutta method of various orders and possibly other finite-difference-type techniques to a system of equations consisting of kinematic equations (arising from the Lie Group structure of the group of rotation transformations) which define the first and second time derivatives of the rotation transformation in terms of angular velocity and angular acceleration together with the equations of motion (balance of momentum and balance of angular momentum) of a rigid body. C. Robustness of the Use of Botanical DNA Materials as Anti-Counterfeit Markers for Electronic Components - The project will solicit academic laboratory participation for doing testing that demonstrates the 'robustness' of the use of Botanical DNA material as anti-counterfeit markers for electronic components. Request analysis of candidate DNA marker materials utilizing current DNA manipulation technology. This would be done especially in light of results from (1) above.

Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity - 0 views

    The Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity (PFI:BIC) program supports academe-industry partnerships which are led by an interdisciplinary academic research team collaborating with a least one industry partner. In this program, there is a heavy emphasis on the quality, composition, and participation of the partners, including the appropriate contributions for each role. These partnerships focus on the integration of technologies into a specified human-centered service system with the potential to achieve transformational change, satisfying a real need by making an existing service system smart(er) or by spurring the creation of an entirely new smart service system.

Critical Techniques, Technologies and Methodologies for Advancing Foundations and Appli... - 0 views

    The solicitation invites two categories of proposals: -Foundations (F): those developing or studying fundamental theories, techniques, methodologies, and technologies of broad applicability to big data problems, motivated by specific data challenges and requirements; and -Innovative Applications (IA): those engaged in translational activities that employ new big data techniques, methodologies, and technologies to address and solve problems in specific application domains. Projects in this category must be collaborative, involving researchers from domain disciplines and one or more methodological disciplines, e.g., computer science, statistics, mathematics, simulation and modeling, etc.

EMERGING FRONTIERS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION 2017 (EFRI-2017) (nsf16612) | NSF - Natio... - 0 views

    The Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) program of the NSF Directorate for Engineering (ENG) serves a critical role in helping ENG focus on important emerging areas in a timely manner. This solicitation is a funding opportunity for interdisciplinary teams of researchers to embark on rapidly advancing frontiers of fundamental engineering research. For this solicitation, we will consider proposals that aim to investigate emerging frontiers in the following two research areas: -Advancing Communication Quantum Information Research in Engineering (ACQUIRE) -New Light, EM (Electronic) and Acoustic Wave Propagation: Breaking Reciprocity and Time-Reversal Symmetry (NewLAW)

Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing: Integrated Simulation Partnerships in ... - 0 views

    The Office of Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) and the Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) of the Office of Science (SC), U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), announce their interest in receiving applications from multi-institutional interdisciplinary teams to establish scientific application partnerships under the SC-wide Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) program in the area of integrated simulations for fusion energy sciences. The goal of this announcement is to select applications that can take advantage of today's multi-petascale DOE high-performance computing (DOE HPC) systems to accelerate scientific discovery in strategically important areas of magnetic fusion energy science and address high- priority issues identified in recent community studies. The specific areas of interest under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) are: 1. Plasma Disruptions in Tokamaks 2. Boundary Physics 3. Plasma-Materials Interactions 4. Whole Device Modeling

ROSES 2016: Advanced Information Systems Technology - 0 views

    Goals of the Advanced Information Systems Technology program The goals of the Advanced Information Systems Technology (AIST) program are to identify, develop, and demonstrate advanced information system technologies that: ·Reduce the risk, cost, size, and development time for Earth science space-based, airborne, and ground-based information systems, ·Increase the accessibility and utility of science data, and ·Enable new observations and information products.

Real-Time Crime Forecasting Challenge - 0 views

    The National Institute of Justice's (NIJ) Real-Time Crime Forecasting Challenge (the Challenge) hopes to provide researchers and the federal government with a better understanding of the potential for crime forecasting in America. This Challenge will offer a comprehensive comparative analysis between current "off-the-shelf" crime forecasting products used by many police departments and more innovative forecasting methods used by other scientific disciplines.

Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The goals of the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program are aligned with the Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan (RDSP) and the National Privacy Research Strategy (NPRS) to protect and preserve the growing social and economic benefits of cyber systems while ensuring security and privacy. The RDSP identified six areas critical to successful cybersecurity R&D: (1) scientific foundations; (2) risk management; (3) human aspects; (4) transitioning successful research into practice; (5) workforce development; and (6) enhancing the research infrastructure. The NPRS, which complements the RDSP, identifies a framework for privacy research, anchored in characterizing privacy expectations, understanding privacy violations, engineering privacy-protecting systems, and recovering from privacy violations. In alignment with the objectives in both strategic plans, the SaTC program takes an interdisciplinary, comprehensive and holistic approach to cybersecurity research, development, and education, and encourages the transition of promising research ideas into practice.

CyberCorps(R) Scholarship for Service (SFS) | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The Capacity Track seeks innovative proposals leading to an increase in the ability of the United States higher education enterprise to produce cybersecurity professionals. Proposals are encouraged that contribute to the expansion of existing educational opportunities and resources in cybersecurity and focus on efforts such as research on the teaching and learning of cybersecurity, including research on materials, methods and interventions; curricula recommendations for new courses, degree programs, and educational pathways with plans for wide adoption nationally; teaching and learning effectiveness of cybersecurity curricular programs and courses; integration of cybersecurity topics into computer science, data science, information technology, engineering and other existing degree programs with plans for pervasive adoption; and partnerships between institutions of higher education, government, and relevant employment sectors leading to improved models for the integration of applied research experiences into cybersecurity degree programs.

I-Corps@Ohio - 0 views

    I-Corps@Ohio is a statewide program to assist faculty and graduate students from Ohio universities and colleges to validate the market potential of their technologies and validate and launch startup companies. I-Corps@Ohio is modeled after the National Science Foundation's (NSF) successful I-Corps program, which is proven to increase innovation, entrepreneurship, and industry collaboration. The I-Corps@Ohio program is an initiative of the Ohio Department of Higher Education.

Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing: Scientific Computation Application Par... - 0 views

    This Biological and Environmental Research/Advanced Scientific Computing Research (BERASCR) Scientific Discovery Thru Advanced Computing (SciDAC) Partnership FOA will enable scientists to conduct complex scientific and engineering computations at a level of fidelity needed to simulate real-world climate conditions, by supporting deep, necessary, and productive collaborations between climate scientists on the one hand and applied mathematicians and computer scientists on the other, that overcome the barriers between these disciplines and consequently fully exploit the capabilities of Department of Energy (DOE) High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in order to accelerate advances in climate science. This SciDAC opportunity targets three particular topics of high-priority for DOE climate research that are expected to be transformed by effective climate-computational partnerships: the development of new and innovative methods to predict sea-level change; the development of a theoretical statistical-numerical framework to improve climate prediction; and the development of improved methods for model component coupling. The next-generation climate model capabilities will contribute to the newly launched Accelerated Climate Model for Energy (ACME) and further its progress toward design of climate codes for leadership class computers and in support of energy science and mission requirements.
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