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Funding Guidelines - The Wallace Foundation - 0 views

    Our mission is to improve learning and enrichment opportunities for children. We do this by supporting and sharing effective ideas and practices in five major initiatives: School Leadership: Strengthening the leadership of principals and other key figures to improve student achievement. After School: Helping cities improve access to high-quality after-school programs through coordinating the work of government agencies, private funders, nonprofits and others groups. Summer and Expanded Learning: Supporting school district and other efforts to expand learning time during summer and the school day or year. Arts Education: Expanding arts learning opportunities for children and teens in school and beyond. Audience Development for the Arts: Supporting arts organizations to develop and test ideas for reaching new audiences so that many more people might enjoy the benefits of the arts.

Clague and Carol Van Slyke Article Prize for best published article on New Netherland - 0 views

    The New Netherland Institute now offers an annual $1000 prize for the best published article relating to the Dutch colonial experience in the Atlantic world, with a special sensitivity to New Netherland or its legacy. A committee of scholars will consider entries in the fields of history, archaeology, literature, language, geography, biography, and the arts. Entries must be based upon original research. Articles must be written in English and be published for the first time no earlier than 2013. Chapters from a monograph, works of fiction, and encyclopedia entries will not be considered. Only one submission per author will be accepted. Both academic and independent scholars are invited to participate.

Yale University Press, Terra Translation Prize - 0 views

    Yale University Press, in partnership with the Terra Foundation for American Art, is offering a new prize for an unpublished manuscript or previously published manuscript in a language other than English written by a non-U.S. author. The manuscript should make a significant contribution to scholarship on the historical visual arts of what is now the geographic United States.   In helping to overcome the language barrier that often divides scholars and deters international research and collaboration, the prize aims to advance and internationalize scholarship on American art and seeks to recognize original and thorough research, sound methodology, and significance in the field. The award is especially intended to encourage authors who take the field of American art history into new historical and interpretive terrain, or who establish connections among the work of scholars within and outside the United States, providing a model of international exchange important to sustaining relevance and academic rigor for the future of the field.

Fellowship Program - Buffalo Bill Center of the West - 0 views

    Each year, the Buffalo Bill Center of the West offers a limited number of research stipends for promising and established visiting western scholars in our fellowship program. Scholars research, write, and develop ideas and manuscripts that expand the horizon of western studies. Fellows may pursue field research in the Cody area (i.e., the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem or the Big Horn Basin and Mountains), or work in the collections of the McCracken Research Library or one of our five museums.

Discover UChicago | Graduate Admissions | The University of Chicago - 0 views

    The University of Chicago is offering talented individuals from traditionally underrepresented populations an expenses-paid opportunity to explore graduate education at the University of Chicago. Join us for a weekend of graduate admissions workshops, presentations by world-renowned faculty and their graduate students, and informal socials. Receive advice on submitting a competitive application to graduate programs and learn how to develop your own career as a scientist, academic, or professional.

Walmart U.S. Manufacturing Innovation Fund - 0 views

    Funding research in the manufacturing space in focus areas identified as major challenges is one way Walmart can facilitate and accelerate U.S. manufacturing. The Fund will achieve this goal through grants that directly support applied research projects advancing innovative solutions to key challenges that, once addressed, can lower the cost of making consumer products in the U.S. The Fund looks primarily at the following criteria: (1) impact on consumer product manufacturing, (2) stage of development and commercial viability, (3) degree of innovation, and (4) ability of the organization and team to successfully carry out the proposed project. Specific eligibility requirements are as follows: 1.      Only U.S. 501(c)(3) organizations and public universities that are instrumentalities of a state government are eligible for funding at this time* 2.     At least 50% of project teams must be based in the U.S. 3.     Project teams should seek sponsorship from the mayor of a USCM mayor when submitting full project proposals 4.     Proposed projects should address a technological innovation that can advance U.S. manufacturing. For the current RFP, we are seeking to support projects reducing the cost of producing textiles and apparel in the U.S. More specifically, we are seeking projects that address: Weaving Fabric dyeing Cut and sew 5.     Projects must have a budget exceeding $100,000 per year 6.     Overhead costs must not exceed 10% of total project budget 7.     Prospective grantees should demonstrate an ability to conduct the proposed product via expertise and/or past experience The Fund is currently not awarding grants for building or capital projects, supplier agreements, or other non-research projects.

Official U.S. Presentation at the 57th International Art Exhibition, Venice, Italy, Jun... - 0 views

    The Department of State’s Cultural Programs Division in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is pleased to announce an open competition for grant proposals from U.S. based non-profit organizations including museums, galleries, visual arts centers and schools to organize the official U.S. presentation at the 57th International Art Exhibition to be held in Venice, Italy, June through November, 2017.

CUR Arts & Humanities Division travel awards - 0 views

    With the goal of promoting undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity in Arts and Humanities education, the Arts and Humanities Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research will offer financial support for faculty to present on the process and/or results of undergraduate research at regional or national Arts and/or Humanities conferences. The awards will be from $600 and up to three will be awarded for presentations that have been accepted by Feb. 10, 2015, to be presented (or which have been presented) in the fall of 2014 or spring of 2015 (by June 1, 2015).
    With the goal of promoting undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity in Arts and Humanities education, the Arts and Humanities Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research will offer financial support for faculty to present on the process and/or results of undergraduate research at regional or national Arts and/or Humanities conferences. The awards will be from $600 and up to three will be awarded for presentations that have been accepted by Feb. 10, 2015, to be presented (or which have been presented) in the fall of 2014 or spring of 2015 (by June 1, 2015). 

PhD Scholarships - Art Research and Sculptural Thinking - University of Huddersfield - 0 views

    The School of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Huddersfield is offering competitive PhD scholarships for 2015. Part of the call represents our aspiration to extend existing, and build future research relationships within the Yorkshire Sculpture triangle.  Art Research and Sculptural Thinking - PhD Scholarships Drawing from expertise in sculpture studies, photography, art history, philosophy, theory, public engagement and cultural analysis, staff working in this area have made significant contributions to understanding the changing role of art, its distribution and reception in local and global environments. Building on a longstanding formal relationship with Yorkshire Sculpture Park, new research exchanges are being established both regionally, in the Yorkshire Sculpture Triangle and worldwide.

Chicago Art & Design Initiative Grants | Terra Foundation for American Art - 0 views

    The foundation seeks to fund projects designed to make a new contribution to the understanding of Chicago's art and design history. This special initiative is in line with the Terra Foundation's core focus on historical American art; projects must be primarily concerned with art and design made before 1990.

2015NEA01OT NEA Our Town, FY 2015 - 0 views

    The Arts Endowment's support of a project may start on October 1, 2015, or any time thereafter, and extend for up to two years.OUR TOWN: Grant Program DescriptionArt works to support creative, economically-competitive, healthy, resilient, and opportunity-rich communities. Excellent art is an essential part of building a strong community, as important as land-use, transportation, education, housing, infrastructure, and public safety. Artists and community development practitioners across our nation --sometimes one and the same, sometimes working together -- are striving to make places more livable with enhanced quality of life, increased creative activity, a distinct sense of place, and vibrant local economies that together capitalize on their existing assets. The NEA defines these efforts as Creative Placemaking.Through Our Town, subject to the availability of funding, the National Endowment for the Arts will provide a limited number of grants for creative placemaking projects that contribute towards the livability of communities and help transform them into lively, beautiful, and resilient places with the arts at their core. Our Town prioritizes partnerships between arts organizations and government, private, and nonprofit organizations to achieve livability goals for communities.Our Town offers support for projects in two areas:* Arts Engagement, Cultural Planning, and Design Projects that represent the distinct character and quality of their communities* Projects that Build Knowledge About Creative Placemaking

ArtPlace America Invites Letters of Inquiry for Creative Placemaking Projects | RFPs | PND - 0 views

    Grants of up to $500,000 will be awarded to projects that involve arts organizations, artists, and designers working in partnership with local and national partners to have a transformative impact on their community.

OUR TOWN: Introduction | NEA - 0 views

    Art works to support creative, economically-competitive, healthy, resilient, and opportunity-rich communities. Excellent art is an essential part of building a strong community, as important as land-use, transportation, education, housing, infrastructure, and public safety.  Artists and community development practitioners across our nation --sometimes one and the same, sometimes working together -- are striving to make places more livable with enhanced quality of life, increased creative activity, a distinct sense of place, and vibrant local economies that together capitalize on their existing assets. The NEA defines these efforts as Creative Placemaking.

New F&A rates negotiated with federal government | OARS Research News - 0 views

    In September, Miami received notice from the government that our new F&A rates are: 44.5% for On Campus Organized Research 44.0% On Campus Sponsored Instruction 39.0% On Campus Other Sponsored Activities 26.0% Off Campus All Programs These rates are effective beginning September 1, 2014. Awards received beginning in September and all proposal submissions going forward will be required to use the new rates.

CUR 2015 Conference Grants - 0 views

    The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is pleased to offer a limited number of conference grants. These grants will be used to subsidize the cost of attendance for individuals to attend either CUR Dialogues 2015: Climbing the Ladder to Funding Success: Diverse Sources, Diverse Pathways or Undergraduate Research Programs: Building, Enhancing, Sustaining. Nominees are asked to provide contact and demographic information, a statement of expenses, a statement describing financial need, and a statement on expected outcomes from attending the conference. Historically under-represented groups and first-time attendees will be given priority. The review committee will work to ensure awardees represent a diverse subset of the applicants, specifically across discipline/CUR Division and geographic location. Awardees will receive the conference grant as a rebate after their confirmed participation in the conference, and the submission of reimbursement paperwork.

Grants | Black Rock Arts Foundation - 0 views

    This program funds highly interactive, community-driven works of art that prioritize community involvement in their development, execution and display. We fund art that is accessible to the public, civic in scope and prompts the viewer to act. We like art that can be experienced in more ways than visually - art that is touched, heard or experienced as well as viewed. We prioritize funding art that involves the audience in its conception, creation and presentation.

Surdna Foundation Accepting Proposals for Artist-Led Social Change Projects | RFPs | PND - 0 views

    The Surdna Foundation is accepting proposals through its Artists Engaging in Social Change funding area for one- or two-year support for extraordinary artist-driven projects. Grants of up to $150,000 over two years will be awarded in support of compelling artists projects developed in response to specific challenges in their communities, as well as projects by artists whose work over the long term has increased social engagement without necessarily being explicitly defined as "activist."  All artistic disciplines will be considered, including cross-disciplinary work. The funds are designated for one-time project support and cannot support organizations' ongoing programs, operations, capital, or endowments, although up to 15 percent administrative overhead is allowed. To be eligible, projects must be artist-led and demonstrate a deep commitment to a community, as demonstrated by the process through which the work is developed and the theme or themes on which it is focused. Applicants can be at any stage of their careers but must have a track record of developed work that demonstrates their capacity to complete the proposed project and to manage the level of funds requested. Both 501(c)(3) organizations and individual artists are eligible to apply, but artists and collectives that are not incorporated as 501(c)(3)s must apply under a fiscal sponsor. Visit the Surdna Foundation for complete program guidelines, an FAQ, and application instructions.

Establishment of a University Partnership with National College of Arts - Lahore - 0 views

    The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad and the U.S. Consulate General in Lahore announce an open competition for a cooperative agreement to establish a University Partnership between a four-year college or university in the United States and National College of Arts (NCA)-Lahore in Film & Television Arts. Accredited U.S. four-year colleges and universities meeting the provisions described in Internal Revenue Code section 26 USC 501(c)(3) may submit proposals to pursue institutional or departmental objectives in partnership with National College of Arts (NCA)-Lahore. Objectives detailed as priorities for this partnership include: curriculum development, collaborative research, long distance teaching (via Internet/DVC), sharing of resources, professional development for faculty, and faculty and student exchanges. Faculty and student exchange programs of a full semester are preferred. The means of achieving these objectives is purposefully left broad to encourage the submission of innovative proposals tailored to the international education and research goals of both institutions. Applicants should consult NCA Lahore when developing their proposal. The timeframe for achieving the objectives must be clearly outlined in the proposal funding request. The project implementation period should be 36 months.

The Big Read - 0 views

    Applicant organizations for NEA Big Read must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit; a division of state, local, or tribal government; or a tax-exempt public library. Eligible applicants include organizations such as literary centers, libraries, museums, colleges and universities, art centers, historical societies, arts councils, tribal governments, humanities councils, literary festivals, and arts organizations. Note: K-12 schools, school districts, boards of education, or other school governing bodies, whether public or private, are not eligible applicants, but may partner with eligible applicants. NEA Big Read supports organizations across the country in developing community-wide reading programs which encourage reading and participation by diverse audiences. These programs include activities such as author readings, book discussions, art exhibits, lectures, film series, music or dance events, theatrical performances, panel discussions, and other events and activities related to the community's chosen book or poet. Activities focus on one book or poet from the NEA Big Read library.
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