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Tero Toivanen

Neurons lose information at one bit per second | KurzweilAI - 0 views

    Approximately one bit of information disappears per active neuron per second.
Tero Toivanen

Map of Synapse May Help Understand Basis of Many Diseases - - 3 views

  • The research team, led by Seth Grant of the Sanger Institute near Cambridge, England, compiled the first exact inventory of all the protein components of the synaptic information-processing machinery. No fewer than 1,461 proteins are involved in this biological machinery, they report in the current issue of Nature Neuroscience.
  • Each neuron in the human brain makes an average 1,000 or so connections with other neurons. There are 100 billion neurons, so the brain probably contains 100 trillion synapses, its most critical working part.
  • The 1,461 genes that specify these synaptic proteins constitute more than 7 percent of the human genome’s 20,000 protein-coding genes, an indication of the synapse’s complexity and importance.
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  • Dr. Grant believes that the proteins are probably linked together to form several biological machines that process the information and change the physical properties of the neuron as a way of laying down a memory.
  • The new catalog of synaptic proteins “should open a major new window in mental disease,” said Jeffrey Noebels, an expert on the genetics of epilepsy at the Baylor College of Medicine. “We can go in there and systematically look for disease pathways and therefore druggable targets.”
    The research team, led by Seth Grant of the Sanger Institute near Cambridge, England, compiled the first exact inventory of all the protein components of the synaptic information-processing machinery. No fewer than 1,461 proteins are involved in this biological machinery
    Seeing mental health as a druggable target is psychotic...
Tero Toivanen

Cord blood cell transplantation provides improvement for severely brain-injured child - 0 views

    In three monthly injections, researchers transplanted neurally-committed, autologous cord blood derived cells tagged with iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIO) into the lateral cerebral ventricle of a 16-month old child with severe global hypoxic ischemic brain injury. The study is published in the current issue of Cell Medicine
Tero Toivanen

Brain imaging predicts future reading progress in children with dyslexia - 0 views

    Brain scans of adolescents with dyslexia can be used to predict the future improvement of their reading skills with an accuracy rate of up to 90 percent, new research indicates. Advanced analyses of the brain activity images are significantly more accurate in driving predictions than standardized reading tests or any other measures of children's behavior.
Tero Toivanen

YouTube - Somatosensory Cortex - 0 views

    Our brains are beautiful!
Tero Toivanen

Inside the Brain: An Interactive Tour - 2 views

    An Interactive Tour Inside the Brain.
Ruth Howard

Artificial Synesthesia for Synthetic Vision via Sensory Substitution - 0 views

  • The additional perception is regarded by the trained synesthete as real, often outside the body, instead of imagined in the mind's eye. Its reality and vividness are what makes artificial synesthesia so interesting in its violation of conventional perception. Synesthesia in general is also fascinating because logically it should have been a product of the human brain, where the evolutionary trend has been for increasing coordination, mutual consistency and perceptual robustness in the processing of different sensory inputs.
  • synesthesia
  • options it may provide for people with sensory disabilities like deafness and blindness, where a neural joining of senses can help in replacing one sense by the other:
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  • hear colors, taste shapes, or experience other curious sensory modality crossings, allegedly related to abnormal functioning of the hippocampus, one of the limbic structures in the brain. It has also been suggested that synesthesia constitutes a form of "supernormal integration" involving the posterior parietal cortex. The Russian composer Alexander Scriabin and Russian-born painter Wassily Kandinsky both pioneered artistic links between sight and sound, while they may have been synesthetes themselves. Russian mnemonist Solomon Shereshevskii, studied for decades by neuropsychologist Alexander Luria, appears to have used his natural synesthesia to memorize amazing amounts of data.
  • in seeing with your ears when using a device that maps images into sounds, or in hearing with your eyes when using a device that maps sounds into images.
  • In case of "explicit" synesthesia, the sounds would induce conscious sensations (qualia) of light and visual patterns.
Tero Toivanen

The Advantages of Tourette's : The Frontal Cortex - 0 views

    Tim Howard: "I like the way I am. If I woke up tomorrow without Tourette's, I wouldn't know what to do with myself."
Tero Toivanen

YouTube - The Writer Who Couldn't Read - 0 views

    Canadian novelist Howard Engel had a stroke and lost the ability to read, but he could still write, even though, shortly after writing a piece of text, he was unable to read it.
Daly de Gagne

Lerner's Notebook: New Mindfulness Book for Therapists by Daniel J. Siegel - 0 views

    Very interesting, positive review of psychiatrist Daniel J Siegle's new book on mindful for psychotherapists. 
Tero Toivanen

Sign language study shows multiple brain regions wired for language - 1 views

  • A new study from the University of Rochester finds that there is no single advanced area of the human brain that gives it language capabilities above and beyond those of any other animal species.
  • Instead, humans rely on several regions of the brain, each designed to accomplish different primitive tasks, in order to make sense of a sentence.
  • "We're using and adapting the machinery we already have in our brains," said study coauthor Aaron Newman. "Obviously we're doing something different [from other animals], because we're able to learn language unlike any other species. But it's not because some little black box evolved specially in our brain that does only language, and nothing else."
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  • The team of brain and cognitive scientists
  • published their findings in the latest edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences.
  • The study found that there are, in fact, distinct regions of the brain that are used to process the two types of sentences: those in which word order determined the relationships between the sentence elements, and those in which inflection was providing the information.
  • In fact, Newman said, in trying to understand different types of grammar, humans draw on regions of the brain that are designed to accomplish primitive tasks that relate to the type of sentence they are trying to interpret. For instance, a word order sentence draws on parts of the frontal cortex that give humans the ability to put information into sequences, while an inflectional sentence draws on parts of the temporal lobe that specialize in dividing information into its constituent parts, the study demonstrated.
    A new study from the University of Rochester finds that there is no single advanced area of the human brain that gives it language capabilities above and beyond those of any other animal species.
Ruth Howard

You won't find consciousness in the brain - opinion - 07 January 2010 - New Scientist - 0 views

  • MOST neuroscientists, philosophers of the mind and science journalists feel the time is near when we will be able to explain the mystery of human consciousness in terms of the activity of the brain. There is, however, a vocal minority of neurosceptics who contest this orthodoxy.
  • This may well happen, but my argument is not about technical, probably temporary, limitations.
  • It is about the deep philosophical confusion embedded in the assumption that if you can correlate neural activity with consciousness, then you have demonstrated they are one and the same thing, and that a physical science such as neurophysiology is able to show what consciousness truly is.
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  • While neural activity of a certain kind is a necessary condition for every manifestation of consciousness, from the lightest sensation to the most exquisitely constructed sense of self, it is neither a sufficient condition of it, nor, still less, is it identical with it.
  • Many features of ordinary consciousness also resist neurological explanation.
  • There is nothing in the convergence or coherence of neural pathways that gives us this "merging without mushing", this ability to see things as both whole and separate.
  • This concerns the disjunction between the objects of science and the contents of consciousness. Science begins when we escape our subjective, first-person experiences into objective measurement, and reach towards a vantage point the philosopher Thomas Nagel called "the view from nowhere".
  • Thus measurement takes us further from experience and the phenomena of subjective consciousness to a realm where things are described in abstract but quantitative terms. To do its work, physical science has to discard "secondary qualities", such as colour, warmth or cold, taste - in short, the basic contents of consciousness. For the physicist then, light is not in itself bright or colourful, it is a mixture of vibrations in an electromagnetic field of different frequencies. The material world, far from being the noisy, colourful, smelly place we live in, is colourless, silent, full of odourless molecules, atoms, particles, whose nature and behaviour is best described mathematically. In short, physical science is about the marginalisation, or even the disappearance, of phenomenal appearance/qualia, the redness of red wine or the smell of a smelly dog.
  • Consciousness, on the other hand, is all about phenomenal appearances/qualia.
  • There is nothing in physical science that can explain why a physical object such as a brain should ascribe appearances/qualia to material objects that do not intrinsically have them.
  • Then their "appearings" will depend on the viewpoint of the conscious observer.
  • Material objects require consciousness in order to "appear".
  • Our failure to explain consciousness in terms of neural activity inside the brain inside the skull is not due to technical limitations which can be overcome. It is due to the self-contradictory nature of the task, of which the failure to explain "aboutness", the unity and multiplicity of our awareness, the explicit presence of the past, the initiation of actions, the construction of self are just symptoms.
Tero Toivanen

Social Media's Effect on Learning - Digits - WSJ - 1 views

    Researchers are figuring out how the interaction Social Media spurs can stimulate brain activity.
Ruth Howard

BBC News - Brain scans 'can distinguish memories', say scientists - 0 views

    Scientists say they have been able to tell which past event a person is recalling using a brain scan. The University College London researchers showed people film clips and were able to predict which ones they were subsequently thinking about.
Ruth Howard

Neuroinformatics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    Visualising neuroscience
Tero Toivanen

Learning keeps brain healthy: study - 0 views

    "The findings confirm a critical relationship between learning and brain growth and point to ways we can amplify that relationship through possible future treatments
Tero Toivanen

Nouns and verbs are learned in different parts of the brain - 0 views

    "Learning nouns activates the left fusiform gyrus, while learning verbs switches on other regions (the left inferior frontal gyrus and part of the left posterior medial temporal gyrus)", Antoni Rodríguez-Fornells, co-author of the study and an ICREA researcher at the Cognition and Brain Plasticity Unit of the University of Barcelona, tells SINC
Tero Toivanen

Movement Therapy May Also Improve Language Skills in Stroke Patients - 0 views

  • All of the patients exhibited improved motor and language abilities, although the six-week therapy only targeted arm movement. Interesting, Page says, patients exhibiting the greatest improvement on the arm tests also showed the most improvement on the language assessment.
    All of the patients exhibited improved motor and language abilities, although the six-week therapy only targeted arm movement. Interesting, Page says, patients exhibiting the greatest improvement on the arm tests also showed the most improvement on the language assessment.
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