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Traditional pedagogic factories usurp cyber-utopian dreams | Giverny's Posits, Ponderan... - 0 views

    A short post the summarises the "war" between traditional hierarchica/factory-like approaches to education (almost all formal education institutions) and the more de-centarlised network-based approach characeterised by cMOOCs (the original MOOC model). This is a challenge you (and I) face in trying to bring network ideas into formal education. The link to Dave Cormier's work in the comments is a good one, I recommend following it up.

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge - YouTube - 0 views

shared by sharonngl on 23 Aug 15 - No Cached
    I really liked the way this lady explained connectivism and connective knowledge - it helped me understand how to use networks to learn.

Beyond Borders: Global Learning in a Networked World - 0 views

    How MOOC have and will change our school system.

The Most Dangerous Word in Education - 0 views

    Short post focusing on the problem of "integrating" as the most dangerous word in education. Links to the S & A from SAMR and the R & A from the RAT framework
    What this means from a network perspective is at least two-fold. 1) Take all these neat new netgl stuff and integrate it into current educational practice. Which is probably not going to be a great outcome. It's more about what you can fundamentally change. 2) From a network perspective you have to connect new knowledge into your current knowledge (current network). Isn't that a form of integration? If learning is network construction, can you do anything but integrate? Or does integrate suggest a form of network construction where you haven't really leveraged the new knowledge & your existing knowledge to produce something really unique?

In Connectivism, No One Can Hear You Scream: a Guide to Understanding the MOOC Novice -... - 0 views

  • I’m not a Constructivist, Behaviourist, Cognitivist, or Connectivist. This is not a call for a return to an older theory. I’m a pragmatist, like many educators. I flirt outrageously with every theory that will have me. I’m ideologically promiscuous.
    • djplaner
      "All models are wrong, but some are useful"
    An article sharing problems facing a novice (technology novice and unconfident learners) in a connectivist setting and the implications that has for learning

The challenges to connectivist learning on open online networks: Learning experiences d... - 2 views

  • This paper raises questions on levels of learner autonomy, presence, and critical literacies required in active connectivist learning.
  • In e-learning, two major traditions have been prevalent: one where connections are made with people and the other where they are made with resources (Weller, 2007)
  • since the emergence and proliferation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their increasing encroachment on everyday life, boundaries between settings in which people learn and in which they use technology for other activities have blurred, and perspectives such as connectivism have emerged
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • From observations on PLENK it seems that for networked learning to be successful, people need to have the ability to direct their own learning and to have a level of critical literacies that will ensure they are confident at negotiating the Web in order to engage, participate, and get involved with learning activities.
  • People also have to be confident and competent in using the different tools in order to engage in meaningful interaction. It takes time for people to feel competent and comfortable to learn in an autonomous fashion, and there are critical literacies, such as collaboration, creativity, and a flexible mindset, that are prerequisites for active learning in a changing and complex learning environment without the provision of too much organized guidance by facilitators
    A journal article that gives a more formal treatment of issues in a connectivist context.

Developing a framework for teaching open courses | open thinking - 2 views

    Alec Courous has been an open educator (on outcome/user of netgl) for quite some time. This post summarises how that experience has been abstracted into a framework (a set of principles/guidelines) for teaching an open course. This has some significant connection to Assignment 2.

Fresh and crisp Morning | Flickr - Photo Sharing! - 0 views

    I originally missed this activity in Week one David, oops. However it was awesome to see that a simple email has fed directly to Flickr. a very engaging tool for teaching, Just need to see how it can be used in my area.

The Role of the Educator | Stephen Downes - 1 views

  • The problem with focusing on the role of the teacher, from my perspective, is that it misses the point.
  • We continue to expect educators to play an active role in learning, but it has become more difficult to characterize exactly what that role may be.
  • students need prototypes on which to model their own work
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  • We begin by copying successful practice, and then begin to modify that practice to satisfy our own particular circumstances and needs
  • In addition to being expert in the discipline of teaching and pedagogy, the educator is now expected to have up-to-date and relevant knowledge and experience in it. Even a teacher of basic disciplines such as science, history or mathematics must remain grounded, as no discipline has remained stable for very long, and all disciplines require a deeper insight in order to be taught effectively.
  • What's significant about these examples is not so much the new opportunities they offer students, though there is that. It's that all of them redefine the educator's role in some significant way. They create entirely new categories of educator, such as "online lecturer" or "scientist studying polar bears". Entire disciplines, far removed from traditional "instructional design", are being created and populated by people who direct online videos, design learning communities, program massive games like Evoke. And they create new categories of roles and responsibilities for in-person educators.
  • Historically, it has been impractical to break up the roles of the teacher. You need a certain scale even to have a separate person assigned as a librarian or an audio-visual coordinator. You need a much greater scale, not to mention much better coordination, to have separate people assigned as lecturers, coaches, theorizers and evaluators. Yet relatively few of these roles need to be performed in person, and most of them scale pretty well.
  • what I find as I offer more and more types and instances of learning, both online and in person, is that we can achieve much more efficient, effective and rewarding learning by organizing the educational system according to the sorts of educational services people might want and need, rather than by predefined collections of students assigned, almost randomly, to individual teachers
  • one thing I have been observing is that educators have been gravitating toward one or another of these 23 roles. Some of them, presumably the more extroverted, have taken on the role of lecturer or demonstrator. Others, who were perhaps more technically inclined, have become programmers or bureaucrats. Still others, those perhaps work best with presence or human contact, prefer to function as coaches or mentors. Not everybody can perform every role; not everybody wants to perform every role.
  • it is frustrating when people identify the role of the teacher as the central factor influencing the success or failure of a student's education. Leaving aside any influence of external factors, such a statement begs us to question what aspect of the educator's role it is that is so vitally important. And while the likely answer may be that they all are, or that it depends on the individual student, it seems clear that continuing to treat them as a single role, to be performed by a single person, increasingly defies the reality that is today's educational system
  • Though there may still be thousands of people employed today with the job title of "teacher" or "educator", it is misleading to suggests that all, or even most, aspects of providing an education should, or could, be placed into the hands of these individuals.
  • not every student wants or needs the services of every role
1More - 1 views

    How Edmodo can benefit the learner and teacher.

The Global Search for Education: Can Tech Help Students Learn? | C. M. Rubin - 0 views

  • teachers who are more inclined and better prepared for what are known as student-oriented teaching practices, such as group work, individualized learning, and project work, are more likely to use digital resources. But in many cases, teachers were not adequately prepared to use the kind of teaching methods that make the most of technology
  • Overall, the most successful plans were incremental and built on lessons learned from previous plans.
  • There is increasing recognition of the important role of teachers in education. But we need to go beyond the idea that teaching is an art that requires exceptional talent. There are exceptional teachers, but we need to support the professional development of all teachers, and we can do so if we invest in the scientific base of the teaching profession and empower those very exceptional teachers to become leaders who inspire other teachers.Technology offers great tools in this respect. I'm thinking of platforms for collaboration in knowledge creation, where teachers can share and enrich teaching materials; of the amount of data that can be collected to measure students' learning; or of the increasing use of blended learning models in teachers' training, in which online lectures are combined with individualized expert support and feedback from peers. Because they enable feedback loops between theory and everyday classroom practice and are supported by a network of like-minded peers, these models have been found to be much more effective than the traditional model of courses, workshops, conferences and seminars
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Integrating technology successfully in education is not so much a matter of choosing the right device, the right amount of time to spend with it, the best software or the right digital textbook. The key elements for success are the teachers, school leaders and other decision makers who have the vision, and the ability, to make the connection between students, computers and learning.I would encourage all educators to invest in their professional knowledge about how technology can improve their work practices.

Explanation - What is Design-Based Research (DBR)? - 5 views

  • iterative analysis, design, development, and implementation,
    • djplaner
      For netgl you won't be doing "full/real" DBR. It won't be iterative and you won't be doing the development and implementation stages. Just the analysis and design. Mainly due to time constraints.
  • contextually-sensitive design principles and
    • djplaner
      One of the challenges you'll face is identifying the design principles that will underpin your intervention. It is important that these design principles be based on good "theory"
  • current real-world problems
    • djplaner
      Identifying what your problem is and how other people have understood it and how they have attempted to solve it, is a very useful first step in the analysis phase.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Design-based research requires interactive collaboration among researchers and practitioners
    • djplaner
      Hence the peer review element in Assignment 2. Actively trying to encourage you to share your ideas and approaches with others, from both within and outside the course.
    Page used in the "what is DBR" week.

Seeking Perpetual Beta Harold Jarche.pdf - 1 views

    Network Leadership Model -

2 Billion Jobs To Disappear By 2030 | Future Jobs | Futurist Predictions - Futurist Spe... - 1 views

    Teaching requires experts. Learning only requires coaches.

Why It's Too Easy To Dismiss Technology Critics: Or, The Fallacies Leading A Reviewer T... - 0 views

  • One recurring strategy to invalidate a technology critic’s observations is to frame an issue in terms of overly simplistic comparisons. Then, all you need to do is allege the critic is blind to obvious advantages and makes a mountain out of a molehill by dramatizing small problems.
  • If you’re not taking deep pause to consider what’s lost if drones create material conditions that lead to moral hazards, whether sufficient oversight will ensure robotic cars can make appropriate moral decisions, and if banging the security drum too loudly unfairly stacks the deck against privacy, then you’re looking past significant issues.

The ideals and reality of participating in a MOOC - 1 views

  • The research found that autonomy, diversity, openness and connectedness/interactivity are indeed characteristics of a MOOC, but that they present paradoxes which are difficult to resolve in an online course. The more autonomous, diverse and open the course, and the more connected the learners, the more the potential for their learning to be limited by the lack of structure, support and moderation normally associated with an online course, and the more they seek to engage in traditional groups as opposed to an open network
  • he research suggests that the question of whether a large open online network can be fused with a course has yet to be resolved
    A conference paper reflecting on the experience of participating in one of the early connectivist MOOCs (cMOOC).

Vark preferred learning styles and online education: Management Research News: Vol 27, ... - 0 views

    Vark preferred learning styles and online education. This is available in full text through USQ however I could not link to it there.

Against 'Distributed Cognition' - 2 views

    A journal article that seeks to rebut a certain view of distributed cognition. Distributed cognition is a view of cognition often connected in various ways with networked learning. It expands cognition beyond the human mind into the connections it makes with elements of the socio-cultural context in which it is located. This is perhaps a bit beyond what you might consider in your work, but it is related and the issues/arguments discussed here may be useful
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