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dhtobey Tobey

TheBrain :: TeamBrain - 1 views

  • TeamBrain It's time to collaborate.  Learn how to grow your ideas and streamline projects with your peers.
    Check out this video tutorial! Should we consider adding The Brain to our NBISE Institute Community Desktop? Steve, I'd like to hear from you how this might be integrated into the tabbed page structure and KE. Mike, what do you think about using Brain for shared mindmapping in lieu of MindManager since our Catalyst license expired and Brain is much more cost effective. We could still attach MindManager files to nodes in The Brain for sharing of more static mindmaps. Just a thought...
dhtobey Tobey

SkillsNET - 1 views

  • We worked with a company called SkillsNET® because its algorithm is linked to the Department of Labor statistics and standards. When you are done doing the Job Task Analysis (JTA), you take that data and apply it to the algorithm and out comes a series of SkillObjects. SkillObjects are simply a way of bundling knowledge, skills, abilities and training into small, manageable, chunks of human resource data… Because of the SkillObjects we know what skills they [sailors] will need… and since we are more effectively utilizing our manpower, we can then optimally man our units.” Commander, Naval Education and Training Command, Vice Adm. J. Kevin Moran at the FORCEnet Engineering Conference briefing the Sea Warrior vision
  • “The SkillsNET approach gives the United States Navy flexibility in defining the skills necessary for particular positions and providing training and career development opportunities tailored to individual service members.” Spokesperson, Naval Air Warfare Center “The company’s software helps employers compare what skills their employees need to what skills they actually have, and then devises a plan for bridging any gaps.” Dallas Business Journal
    Could these SkillObjects be converted into SCORM definitions for TestLets, CourseLets, and SimLets?
    Wow.. this reads like something you wrote almost.. !! "manageable chunks of HR data" .. I'll look into this and see if they share their schema / data model.. SK PS I'm guessing you have a google alert set for JTA :)
Michael Assante

Enhancing the Cyber Workforce - 1 views

    Our IEEE paper on workforce development
dhtobey Tobey

Lockheed Martin hit by cyber attack - Yahoo! Finance - 0 views

  • Lolita C. Baldor, Associated Press, On Sunday May 29, 2011, 4:13 am EDT
  • Hackers launched a "significant and tenacious" cyber attack on Lockheed Martin, a major defense contractor holding highly sensitive information, but its secrets remained safe, the company said Saturday.
  • Lt. Col. April Cunningham, speaking for the Defense Department, said the impact on the Pentagon "is minimal and we don't expect any adverse effect."
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  • Chris Ortman, Homeland Security spokesman, said his agency and the Pentagon were working with the company to determine the breadth of the attack and "provide recommendations to mitigate further risk."Lockheed Martin said in a statement that it detected the May 21 attack "almost immediately" and took countermeasures.
    Attack announcement that should be included in NBISE CoP library.
Steve King

SecurID Breach Suggested in Hacking Attempt at Lockheed - - 0 views

    Raytheon, another large military contractor, issued a statement on Friday saying that it took "immediate companywide actions" when the RSA breach was disclosed in March. "As a result of these actions," the company said, "we prevented a widespread disruption of our network."
dhtobey Tobey

Conference | - 0 views

    Possible outlet for NBISE competency modeling methodology paper.
dhtobey Tobey

Whatcom Community College's computer program honored for its cyber security - Top Stori... - 0 views

  • BELLINGHAM - Whatcom Community College's computer program is now considered one of the best in the country, especially in the areas of cyber security.The college was recently named as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security.
  • "It is a major threat to our security," said Corrinne Sande, Computer Information Systems program coordinator at WCC,
  • WCC is one of only 13 two-year schools in the country with the designation, which was opened to community and technical colleges last year. The University of Washington is also a Center of Academic Excellence in this area, but for a university instead of a two-year school.
    Candidate for Northwest ADAPTS program
Steve King

ONC Launches Health I.T. Competency Exams - 0 views

    The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has announced a "Health I.T. Professionals Competency Examination," a series of six exams to enable individuals to demonstrate their skill level in various roles and to enable health care organizations and vendors to assess the skills of their I.T. staffs.
dhtobey Tobey

Skills Framework for the Information Age - 0 views

  • The Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) provides a common reference model for the identification of the skills needed to develop effective Information Systems (IS) making use of Information Communications Technologies (ICT). It is a simple and logical two-dimensional framework consisting of areas of work on one axis and levels of responsibility on the other.
  • SFIA enables employers of IT professionals to carry out a range of HR activities against a common framework of reference - including skill audit, planning future skill requirements, development programmes, standardisation of job titles and functions, and resource allocation.
    European initiative to catalog and rank information technology skills
Steve King

Health Information Technology Professional Exam By HIT Pro - 0 views

    Health Information Technology Professional (HIT ProTM), the competency exams for tomorrow's health IT professionals, will confirm that your experience and skills are ready to meet the nation's need for health information technology workers. As the healthcare industry transitions to electronic health records (EHRs), HIT Pros show a commitment to their profession and their career. They are eager to demonstrate competency in this evolving field and are excited to work on the leading edge of health IT.
Steve King

Prepare for the "Advanced Persistent Threat" - 0 views

    Good round up of APT issues
Steve King

Special report: Government in cyber fight but can't keep up | Reuters - 0 views

    The Pentagon is about to roll out an expanded effort to safeguard its contractors from hackers and is building a virtual firing range in cyberspace to test new technologies, according to officials familiar with the plans, as a recent wave of cyber attacks boosts concerns about U.S. vulnerability to digital warfare.

    The twin efforts show how President Barack Obama's administration is racing on multiple fronts to plug the holes in U.S. cyber defenses.

    Notwithstanding the military's efforts, however, the overall gap appears to be widening, as adversaries and criminals move faster than government and corporations, and technologies such as mobile applications for smart phones proliferate more rapidly than policymakers can respond, officials and analysts said.
dhtobey Tobey

Cyberlearning: Transforming Education (nsf10620) - 0 views

  • NSF 10-620
  • Research supported by the Cyberlearning program will explore the opportunities for learning made possible by new technologies, how to help learners capitalize on those opportunities, new practices that are made possible by learning technologies, and ways of using technology to promote deep and lasting learning of content, practices, skills, attitudes, and/or dispositions needed for engaged and productive citizenship. Cyberlearning research will marry what is known about how people learn with advances in information and communications technologies to advance understanding of how to cultivate a citizenry that engages productively in learning both in and out of school and throughout a lifetime; and that possesses the knowledge, knowledge building, collaboration and reasoning capabilities to make informed decisions and judgments about problems ranging from their immediate lives to ethics, privacy, and security concerns to global challenges such as war and peace, economics, health and wellbeing, and the environment.
  • The goals of the Cyberlearning program are: To better understand how people learn with technology and how technology can be used productively to help people learn, through individual use and/or through collaborations mediated by technology; To better use technology for collecting, analyzing, sharing, and managing data to shed light on learning, promoting learning, and designing learning environments; and To design new technologies for these purposes, and advance understanding of how to use those technologies and integrate them into learning environments so that their potential is fulfilled.
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  • Every project should therefore seek to answer questions about how to better promote learning, how to promote better learning, or how learning happens in technology-rich environments (including exploring relationships between people and technology that result in productive learning and access provided with technology to learning resources, such as data and scientific information). Each project should also focus, concurrently, on innovative technology design, ways of coherently integrating technologies for learning, and/or the integration of such technology into targeted learning environments. Especially sought are projects in which technology allows the tailoring of learning experiences to special needs and interests of groups or individuals, as well as ways in which technology allows expanding education beyond classroom settings
  • It is expected that all projects will advance understanding about how people learn with technology, how to use technology to help people learn, and/or how to use technology to enhance assessment or education practices
  • These projects may be of several different types:
  • Proposals should make clear the roles of all team members (PIs, supporting investigators, advisors, and others), why the proposed team is an appropriate one, and what expertise each team member brings. Teams should include members who have experience with the learners and environments being targeted and who are expert at relevant engagement and learning issues. Proposers should make clear the challenges associated with assessment and evaluation, robustness and broader usability that they anticipate, and the team members that will help with each of these.
  • Project proposers should also include on their teams people who can help them plan towards fulfilling the transformational potential of their work, including, as appropriate, those who can help them transition their technology to broad use and those from stakeholder groups who will need to be integrated into the project as innovations move towards scalability, broad dissemination, and continuation over time.
  • Integration and Deployment Projects (INDP Projects)
  • Since successful collaborative research depends on thoughtful coordination mechanisms, a Collaboration Plan is required for all proposals involving multiple investigators. The length of and level of detail provided in the Collaboration Plan should be commensurate with the complexity of the collaboration.
  • They may advance understanding of how to productively integrate a variety of established technologies to better promote learning or promote better learning in a target population and environment. They may provide guidelines on extending the usage of some promising technology or technologies over a larger variety of learner populations, advancing understanding of how to better address learning needs of different populations. They may provide guidelines on extending the usage of some promising technology or technologies over a larger variety of learning contexts, advancing understanding of learning processes that underlie disciplinary areas or the constraints and affordances (opportunities offered) of different environments for learning. They may combine advances in two or more of these areas.
  • It is expected that technologies will be deployed and evaluated in a large variety of learning environments, that by the end of the project, the technology will be ready for technology transfer and commercialization, and that the guidelines proposed will be broadly applicable beyond the particular technology being deployed. By later years of the project, facilitation of technology use should be done by those who would naturally be the facilitators in the chosen learning environment (e.g., teachers, scout leaders, parents, peers). Formative analyses: As for DIP projects, formative analyses should answer questions about usability, learning, effective and sustained use, as well as issues associated with scale-up, sustainability, workforce development, and long-term efficacy (as appropriate).
  • It will be appropriate for many proposals to include the development of innovative curricula or educational materials in addition to proposing technological innovations.
  • A successful research project should be potentially transformative; grounded in existing learning and education research; seek to answer questions about learning with technology; measure learning gains, take into account appropriate elements of the learning ecology in designing its innovation, evaluating its innovation, and answering research questions; include team members with all necessary expertise, including expertise for outreach and dissemination; be aware of potential scalability and sustainability issues; and use appropriate methodologies to evaluate innovations and measure learning gains. Our expectation is that many grants made by this program will seed long-term research enterprises. The transformative potential of proposed projects may be many years out, so proposers should make clear what that potential is and the predicted time horizon.
  • Collaborative Proposals. All collaborative proposals submitted as separate submissions from multiple organizations must be submitted via the NSF FastLane system. Chapter II, Section D.4 of the Grant Proposal Guide provides additional information on collaborative proposals.
  • Proposal Titles: Proposal titles must begin with an acronym that indicates the categories in which proposals are being submitted, as follows Exploration Projects - EXP Design and Implementation Projects - DIP Integration and Deployment Projects - INDP
  • The acronym should be followed with a colon then the title of the proposed project. If you submit a proposal as one in a set of collaborative proposals, the title of your proposal should begin with the acronym that indicates the project category, followed by a colon, then "Collaborative Research" followed by a colon, and then the project title. For example, if you are submitting an Exploration Project, the title of each collaborative proposal would be EXP:Collaborative Research: Project Title.   Project Summary:  The Project Summary must include an explicit description of both the Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts of the activities proposed, preferably in separate paragraphs titled "Intellectual Merit" and "Broader Impacts".   
  • Project Description: Project Descriptions should include the following sections: Vision and Goals. Describe: The theories of learning investigators are drawing from. Learning objectives: what learners are expected to learn and how the proposed innovation or its integration into the learning environment is expected to promote that learning. The population of learners, including any needs, abilities or interests relevant to achieving the learning objectives. How the proposed innovation is matched to the needs, abilities, and interests of targeted learners. Because deep understanding and facile capabilities emerge only over long periods of time, how the proposed innovation or its integration into some learning environment is expected to sustain engagement.
  • Research Plan and Outcomes. With appropriate references to the literature, describe the research questions to be answered through your research and a comprehensive research plan to answer them. Make clear the learning domain to be explored (e.g., content, subject matter, topics, skills, practices), and make a research-based case for the promise of the particular technological innovation for promoting learning in this domain. Describe the data to be gathered and analytic approaches to be taken to analyze the data.   It is anticipated that technological innovations will be iteratively refined over the course of the project based on analysis of formative data.  Describe the formative evaluation methodology you will use, including means to assess learning and engagement.  Describe the project outcomes you expect to generate, including products. Discuss how you will collect and analyze data to supply evidence of learning outcomes. Innovation Outcomes (For DIP and INDP projects ONLY). Describe how the proposed innovations and ways of integrating them into the learning environment take into account the environmental and human factors important to learner success (e.g., the cognitive, developmental, affective, and social needs of learners, the cultural milieu in which the learning technologies will be used, and the capabilities and expectations of human agents in the environment).  All claims about the appropriateness of the proposed innovation should be supported with evidence from the literature.
  • A Collaboration Plan is required for all proposals involving multiple investigators. The length of and degree of detail provided in the Collaboration Plan should be commensurate with the complexity of the proposed project.  Collaboration Plans should be included at the end of the Project Description in a section entitled "Collaboration Plan", and up to 3 additional pages are allowed for Collaboration Plans. The Collaboration Plan should describe: the specific roles of the project participants in all organizations involved; information on how the project will be managed across all the investigators, institutions, and/or disciplines; identification of the specific coordination mechanisms that will enable cross-investigator, cross-institution, and/or cross-discipline scientific integration (e.g., yearly workshops, graduate student exchange, project meetings at conferences, use of videoconferencing resources or social media technologies, software repositories, etc.); and specific references to budget line items that support collaboration and coordination mechanisms.
  • What is the intellectual merit of the proposed activity? How important is the proposed activity to advancing knowledge and understanding within its own field or across different fields? How well qualified is the proposer (individual or team) to conduct the project? (If appropriate, the reviewer will comment on the quality of the prior work.) To what extent does the proposed activity suggest and explore creative, original, or potentially transformative concepts? How well conceived and organized is the proposed activity? Is there sufficient access to resources? What are the broader impacts of the proposed activity? How well does the activity advance discovery and understanding while promoting teaching, training, and learning? How well does the proposed activity broaden the participation of underrepresented groups (e.g., gender, ethnicity, disability, geographic, etc.)? To what extent will it enhance the infrastructure for research and education, such as facilities, instrumentation, networks, and partnerships? Will the results be disseminated broadly to enhance scientific and technological understanding? What may be the benefits of the proposed activity to society?
    Checklist of sections to be addressed in the proposal
dhtobey Tobey

Time to Move to Competency-Based Continuing Professional Development « Educat... - 0 views

    • dhtobey Tobey
      A similar approach to GTED for teacher continuing education. Perhaps there is something to learn from this approach to competency modeling.
  • Often, the word competency and skill are used interchangeably. While they are related, they are not the same. A competency is a demonstrated ability to perform a particular job or task. A competency includes skills, but also behaviors and the ability to apply those skills in order to perform a job or task
  • In 2008 UNESCO, in partnership with Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, and ISTE, formalized the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) with an aim to measure the ICT proficiency of teachers against a common international standard and to aid in their professional development
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  • In closing, effective competency-based professional development includes the following components: Adoption of a common set of competency standards defined by role. A computer science teacher may require different competencies contained in the ICT-CFT than a 3rd grade literacy teacher. Teachers identify areas where they need competency improvement. A rich and varied set of aligned resources is provided to teachers to fill those competency gaps which could include job shadowing, classes, workshops, or eLearning. Improved teacher competencies are verified through assessments, observation, or portfolio work. Peer support or mentoring is offered to help teachers carry forward ICT use to the classroom. Teacher competency development is refined and iterated in a continuous-improvement cycle.
dhtobey Tobey

MeriTalk - 0 views

    Marketing organization that maintains a calendar of all IT events
dhtobey Tobey

ADL Registry - 0 views

    The ADL Registry is sponsored and operated by the U.S. DoD Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative. It provides a means for registering, searching, and discovering digital objects using a common set of metadata.
dhtobey Tobey

Cyber Hiring to Surge by 2015 - Wired Workplace - 0 views

  • The federal cybersecurity workforce could grow to more than 61,000 employees by 2015, in part due to new demands, such as mobile computing, cloud services and social media, according to a new report. The federal government-specific results of the 2011 Global Information Security Workforce Study, conducted by (ISC)2 and Frost & Sullivan, indicate that federal information security professionals are being stretched too thin by their work to secure the increasing amount of critical information flowing through government networks. The new demands placed on cyber professionals as a result of the government's push for mobile devices, cloud computing and social media could result in a federal cyber workforce that is 61,299 strong by 2015, the report noted. The survey of 145 C-level federal executives also found that the most serious challenges facing federal IT departments are application vulnerabilities (73 percent), mobile devices (66 percent), viruses and worm attacks (64 percent), cyber terrorism (58 percent) and internal employees (58 percent).
  • Hord Tipton, executive director of (ISC)2, said
  • "We need new people, and we need younger people," he said. "The government needs defined career paths to help find the skills it needs, get them classified, evaluate what those jobs are worth and put good standards in place." The study also found that certification is far more important to the federal government than it is to other sectors. For example, 63 percent of CIOs and CISOs said security certifications were "very important," compared to 45 percent of worldwide survey respondents.
dhtobey Tobey

AA-ISP selects BrainX On-line System for CISP® Accreditation Program | Press ... - 0 views

  • We felt a need to both identify and then test the set of competencies and skills required at the individual rep level”, stated Reeves. AA-ISP Founder and CEO, Bob Perkins goes on to note, “For years corporations have made significant investments in hiring, training, and on-boarding inside sales professionals. Yet there remains a need to, quantify, measure, and then test these skills to assure an individual was competent. We selected BrainX [] because their unique on-line learning system. If a salesperson doesn’t meet the required knowledge and skill level the BrainX on-line learning system builds a personal set of Sales Courses and simulations to help the salesperson master the required knowledge and skills so they can pass the accreditation requirements.
  • Bruce Lewolt the CEO of BrainX says he is proud that an organization that understands the world of sales training as well as the AA-ISP would recognize the value of personalized sales training that is mastery based
  • Lewolt agrees and added that it is only with this level of mastery that the conscious centers of the brain are freed up to really listen to what the customer is saying well enough to be able to read between the lines and figure out what it really driving the customer
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  • The BrainX On-line Learning system is an intelligent system that uses a series of knowledge, skill and belief assessments and builds a cognitive learning profile on each learner. The BrainX Digital Tutor uses the first set of assessments to figure out just what each sales person should focus on and combines this with the personal cognitive profile to mold the delivery of the lesson content and simulations in a way that helps each individual master the required set of skills and competencies in the shortest amount of time so they can obtain their CISP®.
  • About BrainX BrainX is the next generation of online learning and Talent Management! BrainX is the first system to combine patented intelligent learning technology with mastery-based, learning strategies. BrainX participated in the landmark research on the neurobiology of effective sales training and used this research to design the BrainX system. The result is a system that accepts any type of content (e.g. product training, sales training, negotiation training) and stores the content in a way that allows the BrainX Digital Tutor to understand the content. The BrainX system figures out just what each person already knows along with what they need to learn. The system uses this information along with the understanding of the lesson content to build personalized lessons that teach each person just what they need: to know; to be able to do; and to believe about why something needs to be done in the correct way. With BrainX the days of one size fits all sales training courses are gone forever. The BrainX system also builds a cognitive learning profile on each learner and uses this information to customize the way lessons are taught and to determine how much post lesson reinforcement each sales person needs. This approach is so effective that when compared to traditional online learning, BrainX users achieve mastery in 50% less time.
    Brain-X appears to be a system worth investigating as we develop tools to support assessment-based development.
dhtobey Tobey

GIAC Security Expert (GSE) - 0 views

    Potential source of Competency Model Development Panel members.
dhtobey Tobey

Security Training, CEH, Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Certified Ethical Hacker,... - 0 views

    Potential partner in developing and distributing assessments targeting the entry level of operational security testing.
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