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Merlyn Seeley

Basic Feng Shui in the Living room to create Zen - 0 views

    Zen includes everything around you as well as your living space. Learn to expand your Zen life into your surroundings.
Merlyn Seeley

What is your Zen? - 0 views

    Includes a video excerpt from "The Zen Mind" documentary from Empty Minds Films.
Merlyn Seeley

Local Zen Buddhist Sangha making a difference in the Big Country - National Zen Buddhis... - 0 views

    What are you doing to counteract what we have all done to the earth? One group says they have had enough!
Merlyn Seeley

Buddhist study: Understanding the six realms of existence - National Zen Buddhism | Exa... - 0 views

    Good afternoon, here is the newest study on the National Zen Buddhism column. May all beings become enlightened. Namaste
Merlyn Seeley

Pay Fast With PayPal - PayPal - 0 views

    Can you donate something to the Shikata Zen Ashram Project? We are a nonprofit organization that is trying to open a spiritual ashram nestled in the beautiful Ozark Mountains of Missouri. We will offer spiritual retreats, sheltering for homeless families and children, meditation classes and sessions for anyone. Dharma studies and talks for the public, an organic farmers market where we will donate goods to organizations that help the homeless and children in the local area. We will offer a shelter to those that are in need. We want to be a light to the local community and will also offer the land for organizations to come and study organic farming, holistic medicine, taichi, yoga and lots of other spiritual activities. But we can not do this without the publics help. Please help by donating if you can. Namaste. Shikata Zen Ashram and Sangha site:
Merlyn Seeley

New Zen Buddhist student interviews: Nathan Napierala - 0 views

    New category, Buddhist student interviews, come read and see first hand what Buddhism is doing to save peoples lives today.
Merlyn Seeley

Shikata Zen Ashram - About us - 0 views

    New Zen Buddhist site and organization, check it out!
Merlyn Seeley

New Year's resolution: I resolve to follow the 7th Zen precept - 0 views

    New Year, New me and you, this is just one resolution I have made.
Merlyn Seeley

Donate - Shikata Zen Ashram - 0 views

    Support a great cause, donate to the Shikata Zen Sangha and Ashram and help us build a place where healing can take place for those that are hurt spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Together we can make a difference in the world one person at a time.
Merlyn Seeley

Breaking News! Lipton Tea agrees to end cruel animal tests immediately - National Zen B... - 0 views

    VICTORY! Lipton Tea company agrees to end animals testing immediately!
Merlyn Seeley

Buddhist study: Guidelines for being a good person part 7 - National Zen Buddhism | Exa... - 0 views

    Last part of the "Guidelines for being a good person". If you missed it start at part 1 (linked on article) and read up. namaste
Merlyn Seeley

Kentucky to pass bill offering Christianity as school elective - National Zen Buddhism ... - 0 views

    Is your city next in line to violate your children's religious freedom?
Merlyn Seeley

Happy Chinese New Year, it is the year of the Rabbit - National Zen Buddhism | Examiner... - 0 views

    Don't quite understand how to celebrate the Chinese New Year? This should help
Merlyn Seeley

Mindfulness meditation shows significant brain altering effects - National Zen Buddhism... - 0 views

    According to the newest study you have more reason to meditate.
Merlyn Seeley

Awakening to the truth of ultimate compassion - National Zen Buddhism | - 0 views

Merlyn Seeley

Buddhist study: Guidelines for being a good person part 6 - National Zen Buddhism | Exa... - 0 views

    Been keeping up with the series, Guidelines for being a good person? If not here is your chance to jump aboard.
Merlyn Seeley

Buddhism & meditation what can it do for you? - National Zen Buddhism | - 0 views

    How much do you know about Buddhism, meditation and the benefits one gains from following the path.
Merlyn Seeley

Happy Losar Tibet - National Zen Buddhism | - 0 views

    Today all across the country of Tibet Buddhists are celebrating the biggest celebration of all year. Losar as they call it is the Tibetan New Year's celebration and it begins today. Losar is a two week celebration much like the celebration...
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