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Merlyn Seeley

Basic Feng Shui in the Living room to create Zen - 0 views

    Zen includes everything around you as well as your living space. Learn to expand your Zen life into your surroundings.
Merlyn Seeley

What is ego in Buddhism and how do I do away with it? - 1 views

    If you have ever thought, "why am I never happy" then this publishing may just enlighten you a lot.
Merlyn Seeley

How to do the Self Improvement Meditation - 0 views

    Use this meditation to overcome any obstacle in your life, Buddhist meditation is becoming more and more prevalent in the US.
Merlyn Seeley

What is your Zen? - 0 views

    Includes a video excerpt from "The Zen Mind" documentary from Empty Minds Films.
Merlyn Seeley

The Dharma is free and it matters not what school you study in - 0 views

    We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. -The Buddha
Merlyn Seeley

Was Jesus a Buddhist? - 0 views

    Whether you are Buddhist, Christian or anything else you cannot dispute the historical evidence.
Merlyn Seeley

New Zen Buddhist student interviews: Nathan Napierala - 0 views

    New category, Buddhist student interviews, come read and see first hand what Buddhism is doing to save peoples lives today.
Merlyn Seeley

Local Zen Buddhist Sangha making a difference in the Big Country - National Zen Buddhis... - 0 views

    What are you doing to counteract what we have all done to the earth? One group says they have had enough!
Merlyn Seeley

Breaking News! Lipton Tea agrees to end cruel animal tests immediately - National Zen B... - 0 views

    VICTORY! Lipton Tea company agrees to end animals testing immediately!
Merlyn Seeley

Buddhist study: Guidelines for being a good person part 7 - National Zen Buddhism | Exa... - 0 views

    Last part of the "Guidelines for being a good person". If you missed it start at part 1 (linked on article) and read up. namaste
Merlyn Seeley

Kentucky to pass bill offering Christianity as school elective - National Zen Buddhism ... - 0 views

    Is your city next in line to violate your children's religious freedom?
Merlyn Seeley

Happy Chinese New Year, it is the year of the Rabbit - National Zen Buddhism | Examiner... - 0 views

    Don't quite understand how to celebrate the Chinese New Year? This should help
Merlyn Seeley

Buddhist study: Guidelines for being a good person part 6 - National Zen Buddhism | Exa... - 0 views

    Been keeping up with the series, Guidelines for being a good person? If not here is your chance to jump aboard.
Merlyn Seeley

Amidst the North Korean attack The Buddhist Channel needs you - 1 views

If you can The Buddhist Channel needs you, Namaste.

Buddhist news nonprofit zen buddhism examiner merlyn seeley

started by Merlyn Seeley on 24 Nov 10 no follow-up yet
Merlyn Seeley

A cup of Lipton Tea never tasted so cruel - 0 views

    ACTION ALERT!! Drink Lipton Tea regularly? You might want to read this to be well informed about what you may be supporting.
Merlyn Seeley

New Year's resolution: I resolve to follow the 7th Zen precept - 0 views

    New Year, New me and you, this is just one resolution I have made.
Merlyn Seeley

Buddhist study: Guidelines for being a good person part 3 - 0 views

    Welcome to part 3 of Guidelines for being a good person. If you have been following the series, don't miss this one!
Merlyn Seeley

Buddhist study: Guidelines for being a good person part 1 - 0 views

    How should Buddhist's treat their parents?
Merlyn Seeley

Buddhist study: Guidelines for being a good person part 2 - 0 views

    As promised part 2, if you missed part 1, please go to the home page and click the link. Subscribe to the column if you don't want to miss the next 6 parts.
Merlyn Seeley

What is the meaning of life? - 0 views

    Everyone at one point or another usually asks this question...
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