Academic integrity in online courses - 4 views
Here's a link to an interesting article about a topic of relevance to online education and about which I've been thinking this past week and a simple Prezi I created to highlight some main points o...
This is a group for students enrolled in MVCR's Technology Tools group.
Here's a link to an interesting article about a topic of relevance to online education and about which I've been thinking this past week and a simple Prezi I created to highlight some main points o...
I use Blackboard collaborate to meet with my students outside the classroom. It has features that allow me to talk to them and hear them, and write on a white board during my lecturing. Also it all...
Did she talk you into trying TWITTER? I am going to give it a try.
Qualtrics Tutorial for creating easier online surveys with better results displays than Survey Monkey. Focus is on creating better quizzes. This article looks a to how technology changes the way teachers teach, offering educators effective ways to reach different types of learne...
Great article.
Stephen Downes has been working in online education - previously called New Education for many years. Some interesting perspectives and links from his website may be helpful.
An article entitled, "50 Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom " by Samantha Miller provides many suggestions for establishing learning communities.
This is a free online tool that students can use to create online presentations
Here's a page of links to over 40 podcasts - developmental, for and by students, and special interest. I felt a need to see how other educators use podcasting and this page was full of ideas.
Autism awareness is more important than ever. With early intervention, children might be able to live more normal lives!
Thanks Gopal! The site currently features resources in Chemistry, Physics and Biology to help learners identify free and commercial virtual science labs. Through these online resources, st...
That's the purpose of digitising material and make it available in online libraries!
This site has links to resources to help educators jump start using social media--especially Twitter. There are also online safety tips and netiquette tips.
The Big Picture Of Education Technology: The Padagogy Wheel
There is a significant amount of work required for the development of effective online courses where the instructors incorporates active learning strategies as well as technology tools to optimize ...