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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Claude Almansi

Claude Almansi

Workout Test: Fitness Apps Vs. Personal Trainers | Molly Wood | The New York Times with... - 0 views

    "Fitness apps and calorie counters like MyFitnessPal and FitStar pose a challenge to the traditional personal trainer model, but which stands the test of time? Molly Wood tests them out. Produced by: Molly Wood, Rebekah Fergusson and Vanessa Perez Read the story here: Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: Subscribe on YouTube: Watch more videos at: " YouTube:
Claude Almansi

Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons who are Blind, Vis... - 0 views

    Ossia: Trattato di Marrakech per facilitare l'accesso alle opere pubblicate per le persone cieche, ipovedenti o con altre disabilità che impediscono l'uso dei testi stampati" Pagina del sito dell'OMPI dal quale il trattato può essere scaricato in inglese, francese, spagnolo, arabo, cinese e russo.
Claude Almansi

Accesso ai libri per i non vedenti: miracolo a Marrakech | ilBo Antonella De Robbio 201... - 0 views

    "1 luglio 2013 Antonella De Robbio Soltanto il 5% dei libri pubblicati nel mondo - meno dell'1% nei Paesi in via di sviluppo - è disponibile in formati accessibili per gli oltre 287 milioni di non vedenti e ipovedenti - in termini tecnici, visually impaired persons, persone con danni visivi - che non hanno accesso alla cultura nei supporti a stampa e in video, essendo inabilitate alla lettura per disabilità fisica. A fare fin qui da ostacolo il numero relativamente ristretto dei potenziali fruitori e, soprattutto, i vincoli posti dalle leggi a protezione dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale. Ma la situazione potrebbe cambiare: contro ogni aspettativa, si è concluso positivamente in questi giorni lo storico trattato di Marrakech, in seno alla conferenza diplomatica Ompi (Organizzazione Mondiale per la Proprietà Intellettuale, Wipo) tenutasi dal 17 al 28 giugno 2013. Il lavoro di lobbing dei diretti interessati, appoggiati dalla Chiesa cattolica che si è ufficialmente schierata a favore del trattato, non ha precedenti in termini di efficacia. L'Unione mondiale dei ciechi (Wbu) denunciava il rischio che quattro anni e mezzo di negoziati su un nuovo trattato per le persone cieche o con difficoltà di lettura potessero concludersi con un vuoto accordo "di facciata" o con un nulla di fatto. "Un trattato per i non vedenti o per chi detiene i diritti?" ci si chiedeva anche tra le associazioni bibliotecarie, dopo la sessione informale e la sessione speciale del Comitato permanente per il diritto d'autore e diritti connessi dell'Ompi."
Claude Almansi

Tortoise and the Hare - 0 views

  • The Tortoise and the Hare
    • Claude Almansi
      prova annotazione diigo
Claude Almansi

Video - Downsized U.S. Air Base Hits Azores Islands Hard - - 0 views

    "This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate. ... I ... I ... Richie's community ... its two thousand miles from the U S Coast has led to Europe's financial crisis better than me ... the reason why is because of the presence of a large U S Air Force base that has been used by Americans for over six decades ... a civic duty station Friday Jetson course that means ... the basis for buttermilk with the jobs and economy with a much needed cash injection ... but that is about change ... but some of two thousand and fourteen more severe thousand eight hundred and eighty Americans leaving a PC that is in these islands would head home ... as part of the U S government plan to cut five hundred began dollars in defense spending ... let me tying UB hundred and sixty America military personnel ... the reduced which the sports staff ... in hundreds opening playdough cost ... officials here say the consequences will be the ideal produced fell twenty two thousand residents ... and three ... the numbers are awful from any angle you look at namely enemy year reduction of thirty percent of the gross domestic product of our community ... local unemployment can go from eight percent to ... twenty years ... is to buy whenever reality to a small community in an island that has always welcomed the Americans like family ... the U S presence is everywhere the eye and ... bakery owner my little sis is news of the parts you USX it took a mosquito ... many of his customers are bracing for a doctor's future ... in their spending less money ... I ... deals have already dropped ten percent ... predicted to hit twenty five percent without a doubt ... girl co-workers and the beast the future looks even gloomier ... play that card is the day economic activity is carrying wheat production to the crisis stricken put's continent where demand isn't holding up ... that little chance of finding another job on the island ... may say more can turn of the country may be the
Claude Almansi

Downsized U.S. Air Base Hits Azores... with subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    • Claude Almansi
      Bottom English track = WSJ transcript, autotimed into captions by YT
    • Claude Almansi
      Top English track = YouTube's autocaptions
    "This is the captured audio of Downsized U.S. Air Base Hits Azores Islands Hard!B1BBA4F8-04F3-4039-9623-38B4D64B0703 on a black background. Just an experiment to compare YT's autocaptions with autotranscript given in" 2 sets of English subs; in their Revision 0 status: YT autocaptions and WSJ transcript autotimed into captions via YT.
Claude Almansi

Tools for DIY Captioning | Collaborative for Communication Access via Captioning - 0 views

  • is another online captioning tool
    • Claude Almansi
      Overstream does not work anymore.
  • A question that often comes up is how to “replace” the original YouTube video (without cc) with the newly cc’d version one creates with Universal Subtitles
    • Claude Almansi
      1. It's not a matter of "replacing" the original video, but of adding the CC captions to it. 2. It does not only work with YouTube videos, but with videos hosted on any platform that supports CC (Internet Archive e.g.) 3. This does not only work with CC captions created on Universal Subtitles - well, Amara now - but with any CC captions
  • Universal
    • Claude Almansi
      See above: this works with any CC captions, no matter what application you create them with.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • you can NOT download a fully captioned video at this time
    • Claude Almansi
      But you can download the video separately, and then play both the video and the captions on your computer with a desktop application.
  • You may have garbage content to remove near the beginning or end of the file if there is extra content in your transcript file, music, or other notations
    • Claude Almansi
      No: the garbage content is produced by saving the Word file as .doc or as .rtf. Save as UTF-8 encoded plain text, with the original .sbv extension if Word lets you. Otherwise, with the .txt extension, and change the extension from .txt to .sbv afterwards.
  • Make changes to the .sbv file by opening in Word
    • Claude Almansi
      Editing an .sbv file in Word is tricky: you might accidently delete some time codes. Much easier NOT to make the video private, and create a captioning page from it in an online app like Amara or DotSUB, add the caption file there and edit it there. Then download the edited captions and add them to YT. If you mind having the rough YT-produced captions showing, just write in the decription that they are still in progress.
  • Save as the same file type.
    • Claude Almansi
      Actually: save with the same file extension - .sbv in your example - but be careful to save as UTF-8 encoded simple text file
  • on the native Word file
    • Claude Almansi
      See above: it's quicker and easier if you use an online captioning platform. And you don't have to delete the automaticly synchronized captions until you're ready to upload the edited version.
  • Upload the new .sbv file “with timing” from the selection option. This is very quick. Click the video and see how it looks. Download the .sbv file again and repeat steps 8 through 12 until you are happy with the video.
    • Claude Almansi
      Again, if you create a page from the YT video on a captioning platform, it's much simpler, as you can do the whole adjusting there without having to download and reupload each time you edit the captions.
  • We received this comment from Claude A: “These instructions concern adding a transcript to a YouTube video to have it timecoded into subtitles by the YouTube automatic synchronization feature.”
    • Claude Almansi
      This could be cut: what I meant was that the title for this section could be changed to "Use the YouTube automatic synchronization to make captions from a transcript".
Claude Almansi

"Former Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice: 'Hard Work Before Us At Home'" with English sub... - 0 views

  • distinguish
    • Claude Almansi
  • stunned
    • Claude Almansi
Claude Almansi

Amara Support Center : How do I translate subtitles? - 0 views

    "Solutions → Amara FAQ and How-to Articles → Transcribing and Translating"
    Still obsolete, in spite of ticket April 25, 2012.
Claude Almansi

Amara Support Center : How do I download subtitles from Amara and upload them to my You... - 0 views

  • YouTube
    • Claude Almansi
      Why only YouTube? subs made with Amara can be added to videos on other platforms too.
  • At present, YouTube uses Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for English videos and transcripts, with plans to roll out this service for other languages
    • Claude Almansi
      Obsolete: YT has already added Japanese and Spanish, at least.
  • Click the down-facing arrow that is to the right of the Edit button.  
    • Claude Almansi
      The screenshot is obsolete.
Claude Almansi

Amara Support Center : How to input subtitles after submitting a video to Amara - 0 views

  • Once you've submitted a video to Amara, you'll land on the Typing page
    • Claude Almansi
      No. You'll land on the main page for subtitling the video. To get to the transcribing (phase 1) of the widget, you must first request the opening of the subtitling widget.
  • similar to the image below
    • Claude Almansi
      No: the interface has changed: there are 4 stages now, not 3.
  • which
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • ally pauses after each 8 seconds
    • Claude Almansi
      No: 4 seconds now.
  • Recommended
Claude Almansi

Amara Support Center : How can I decline a task - 0 views

  • How can I decline a task
    • Claude Almansi
      This is still the page that was already obsolete when I submitted the ticket for it on June 25, 2012 closed unanswered by Darren Bridenbeck on July 29, 2012. Here is the ticket's content: TED videos are a very particular case, because TED wants workflowed tasks, has provided for them in the settings, and has an external-to-Amara communication support. The problem I have is with tasks arbitrarily imposed by the Amara software in groups that don't want them and whose settings don't foresee them. What happens if I delete such a task? Does it get reassigned to an admin working for Amara, or at random to any other participant of the group, possibly already struggling with Amara-arbitrarily-imposed tasks her/himself? Then your screenshot also shows the Reassign option: that option does not appear to the assignee if s/he is a member. I don't know about managers, not having yet been hit by an Amara imposed task in a team where I am one. Moreover: in , there is a task assigned to me to "Transcribe English Subtitles" of…, without a link to the latest draft, because Amara also fully deleted that draft, which amounted to the transcript of the first 9 min+ of the video (the 2 revisions I made are still mentioned in the activity stream in my dashboard page, over 9 hours after that arbitrary deletion). For that task, the drop-down menu only offers me two options: Start Now or Upload Draft. No way to decline it. So if you insist on having screenshots about tasks, you should have one for each of the fanciful ways Amara presents tasks to people, and use a video added to a normal team where tasks are arbitrarily imposed by Amara, not a video added to TED where tasks are a choice.
    "Solutions → Amara FAQ and How-to Articles → Amara Teams"
Claude Almansi

Amara Support Center : What's a "Task" and why does it matter? - 0 views

  • in order for a subtitle to become published
    • Claude Almansi
      ... for a set of subtitles...
  • on a team
    • Claude Almansi
      Not only "to be published on a team": to be published at all.
  • The types of tasks required for publishing varies among teams.
    • Claude Almansi
      Either "The types... vary" or "The type... varies".
    • Claude Almansi
      "... varies from team to team" rather than "varies among teams".
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • There are four different types of tasks:
    • Claude Almansi
      This list should be reworded in better, simpler English.
  • You’re going to want to find an unassigned task, which means that no one else is working on it at the moment.
    • Claude Almansi
      The Tasks tab links to the /tasks/?assignee=none page anyway, which only shows unassigned tasks
    • Claude Almansi
      This also means that once someone has started working on a task, it doesn't appear anymore in the page linked to by the Tasks tab.
  • which can vary by team
    • Claude Almansi
      What should be done when a team hasn't configured a due date, and thus tasks remain assigned indefinitely to the person who started it?
    "Solutions → Amara FAQ and How-to Articles → Getting Started as a Team Member"
Claude Almansi

Amara Support Center : Joining Teams - 0 views

  • The three processes for joining a team is
    • Claude Almansi
      ... are
  • one of the team members will need to invite you first
    • Claude Almansi
      A team where joining is by invitation only is hardly likely to let any member invite other people. So an explanation on how to use the filter to find the team's admins might be useful, especially in large teams that often have totally inactive admins.
    "Solutions → Amara FAQ and How-to Articles → Getting Started as a Team Member"
Claude Almansi

Amara Support Center : Setting up your account - 0 views

  • Go to
    • Claude Almansi
      So Amara has acquired since May 2012, according to a whois. Yet the link still redirects to
  • You can either create an account directly through Amara, or if you can access Amara with any of your twitter, OpenID, Google, facebook, or TED logins.
    • Claude Almansi
      It should read: "... or you can access Amara..." (without "if")
  • hover over the “me” link in the upper righthand corner of any page in Amara
    • Claude Almansi
      The link is not called "me" but people's usernames.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Was this article useful? Yes or No
    • Claude Almansi
      If you click "No", you are invited to submit a ticket. And Amara has now decided to close all tickets and ask users to use the forum instead. So something must be changed: either this forum-only policy, or the link on "No" in the feedback dialogue.
  • You can add multiple languages
    • Claude Almansi
      "You can add further languages" would be clearer.
    "Solutions → Amara FAQ and How-to Articles → Getting Started as a Team Member"
Claude Almansi

Michael Tilson Thomas: Music and emotion through time | Video on - 0 views

  • He didn't read a note, and he was profoundly hearing impaired.
    • Claude Almansi
      Music and hearing impairment
Claude Almansi

WebCite 4 "Subtitles for full screen viewing please!" - 0 views

    jakov September 18, 2011 @ 05:15 PM via web Hi there! It would be great to have the subtitles also in full screen mode (e.g. over youtube videos). Maybe there could be a toggle button for this? Support Staff 2 Posted by Craig Zheng on September 23, 2011 @ 08:18 PM This is one we've been working on. Hope to have it ready soon! 3 Posted by jakov on September 27, 2011 @ 06:10 PM looking forward to this ;) 4 Posted by Jason on September 28, 2011 @ 11:53 PM hasn't this feature been available in the past? Support Staff 5 Posted by m.shamraeva on November 18, 2011 @ 08:55 AM Not yet, I am afraid. Sorry for the inconvenience and please stay tuned for updates! Best regards, Margarita Shamraeva QA Analyst UniversalSubtitles team
Claude Almansi

fernandotakai | Amara - 0 views

    "Username fernandotakai Member since Feb. 29, 2012, 2:41 p.m. About User has not submitted a bio. Memberships arthur-test Music Captioning" fernandotakai is listed as admin of Music Captioning team, but his joining was not recorded in the Activity page of the team. According to what seems to be his LinkedIn profile he is "Senior Software Engineer at Participatory Culture Foundation". This would explain how his joining MC was not recorded in the Activity page. And his joining seems likely to have something to do with Amara's attempt to solve the task blocking issue.
Claude Almansi

"Watch President Obama's Remarks on New Immigration Policy" with English subtitles | Amara - 0 views

    "Draft only Showing Revision 0, created Today by Claude Almansi . " Today= June 16, 2012 - 0:52 The draft banner was added even though I completed the subs and marked them complete. After making this bookmark, I downloaded the taskblocked subs and uploaded them again. This removed the draft banner. Now there is a normal notice saying: "Showing Revision 1, created Today by Claude Almansi ."
    See : Revision 1 - Today by Claude Almansi Uploaded Timing: 100% Text: 100% Revision 0 - Today (draft) by Claude Almansi Timing: 100% Text: 100
Claude Almansi

"Michael Moore on the Rachel Maddow Show - Part 1 (11/3/11)" with English subtitles | A... - 0 views

    "Showing Revision 3, created Yesterday by Avatar of Claude Almansi . " Yesterday = June 9, 2011 (?) "Avatar of Claude Almansi" is not a member of the Occupy Wall Street team. When viewing these subs signed in as this Avatar, only "Revision 0 - 02/07/2012 - by Claude Almansi" was showing, made 4 months before the Amara software started taskblocking videos. There was a "Roll back to this version" button, so I used it to see what would happen. The reversion removed the "Draft only Showing Revision 2, created 06/07/2012 by Claude Almansi . " banner of the former revision and reactivated the formerly disabled Edit Subtitles link. Of course, it also suppressed the subs that had been added in Revisions 1 and 2. All revisions can be viewed by admins (perhaps also managers members) of the team but they cannot roll back to any of them. The task added by the Amara software to these subtitles at the time of Revision 1 remains: "Transcribe English Subtitles Video: Michael Moore on the Rachel Maddow Show - Part 1 (11/3/11) (08:23) Subtitles: latest draft transcribed by Avatar of Claude Almansi" Comment: In this case, I control both "Claude Almansi" and "Avatar of Claude Almansi" users, and I saved the Revision 2 subtitles as Claude Almansi (admin at Music Captioning) before reverting to Revision 0 with the avatar (not member of the team). But the same rolling back could be done on any taskblocked subs of the team by any Amara user who is not a member of it, thus making successive work unavailable
    14/06/2012 The situation remains identical: as admin, I can't roll back to the version preceding the one in which, as a non member, I rolled back to version0
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