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Contents contributed and discussions participated by cheyroseb


Introducing Do Re Mi - Fun Music Theory - 0 views

  • It is best to introduce the sol-fa names by learning to recognise the intervals in familiar nursery songs.
    • cheyroseb
      Good to think about when building elementary curriculum and lessons.
  • It is best to introduce the sol-fa names by learning to recognise the intervals in familiar nursery songs.
  • Start by teaching your little one So-Mi, which in the scale of C is G and E and sounds like “cuckoo” or “see-saw.”
    • cheyroseb
      m2 Jaws M2 Happy Birthday m3 Greensleeves M3 Kumbaya P4 here Comes the Bride TT Maria P5 Twinkle Twinkle m6 We are Young M6 NBC m7 Star Trek M7 Take me on P8 Somewhere Over the Rainbow
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • When So and Mi are familiar, you can introduce La (A).
    • cheyroseb
      Good to have a step-by-step (pun intended) for introducing little ones to solfedge.
  • Next you can introduce both Dos, high Do and low Do or bottom C and top C.
    • cheyroseb
      step 3
  • A very good song for teaching both Dos is The Balloon Song, which can be sung with real balloons and is always very popular! 
    • cheyroseb
      Make lesson plan around this later.
  • Fixed Do ( used in a lot of the European countries ) where they actually use the sol-fa note names to identify notes rather than letter names (C-D-E etc.)  So this means the note names remain the same regardless of the key that is being played.
    • cheyroseb
      An old professor told me fixed Do was helpful for producing musicians with perfect pitch, however that is not my goal when teaching solfege.
  • Movable Do  where Do is always the tonic. For example, in C major, C is do; in D major, D is do; in E-flat minor, E-flat is do, and so on. And the sol-fa syllables always stay the same when going from one key to the next regardless if there are sharps or flats.
    • cheyroseb
      Moveable Do is helpful for sight-reading and pitch relation within scales.
  • The moveable method gets too complex for younger children, so I tend to use the fixed Do method, but just wanted to clarify the difference here.
    • cheyroseb
      Could put every song in the same key for a while before explaining moveable do.
    A helpful guide for integrating and teaching solfege in the elementary school music classroom.

Best Practices for Children's Choir | Mrs. Miracle's Music Room | Music Education Blog - 0 views

  • Performance: Formal performance opportunities, such as evening concerts
  • Performance: Formal performance opportunities, such as evening concerts
    • cheyroseb
      Typically a winter and spring concert.
  • Social events: Such as a pancake breakfast or movie night for choir students
    • cheyroseb
      Would have to seek school administrators for approval.
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  • Community: Community performance opportunities, such as performing at a community center, caroling, etc.
    • cheyroseb
      High School used to carol to other schools in the district and sing at the senior homes in the area.
  • Here are Matt's favorite octavos:
    • cheyroseb
      Save for future jobs
  • Dona Nobis Pacem
    • cheyroseb
      Dona Nobis Pacem is perfect for teaching musical independence and tone quality
  • As you are choosing music, here are arrangers and composers whose music Matt and I love:
    • cheyroseb
      Save for future positions
  • sfmrd on "ooo"
    • cheyroseb
      Add Holy Moly Acts like follow the leader, except there are sounds that accompany the hand motions and warm up the different registers.
    Podcast and synopsis of best practices for children's choir. I want to reference this if the world works my way and places me in an elementary school next year.

Sally's Sea of Songs: Using Movies as Teaching Tools in Elementary Music - 0 views

    • cheyroseb
      Check for understanding. Check for understanding. Check for understanding. Check for understanding. Check for understanding. Check for understanding. Check for understanding. Check for understanding. Check for understanding. Check for understanding. Check for understanding. Check for understanding.
  • Always plan before, during, and after activities to solidify the learning impact.
  • Consider segmenting longer videos to allow students to engage with smaller chunks of information
    • cheyroseb
      Consider attention spans for age groups as well
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  • Be certain to confirm administration and district policies on using movies in the classroom.
    • cheyroseb
      Always important to seek approval from administrators before implementing media in the classroom
    Tips and tricks for utilizing movies for content reinforcement or introduction.

7 Effective Ways to Use Acka Backa in the Music Classroom - PRIMARILY MUSIC - 0 views

    • cheyroseb
      Every minute counts!
    • cheyroseb
      I love elementary music for this reason-- lesson activities are themed and have fun games attached to them!
  • ou definitely don’t want them just sitting down waiting for the game to end!
  • ...6 more annotations...
    • cheyroseb
      This connects to the article I annotated about teaching solfege :)
  • This song is a perfect song to teach and reinforce those rhythms in the lower grades (K-2)
  • Acka Backa is made up of so, la, and mi so if you are looking for a song to teach those pitches this is it!
  • Whoever is out goes to the center of the circle and selects one of the four voices. Whatever voice he or she selects is how we will perform the song the next round.
    • cheyroseb
      I like that this version keeps them involved in the game even after they get "out"
  • Use Acka Backa to reinforce steady beat with your little ones. You can have them clap the beat, play rhythm sticks or pass around a ball or bean bag on the beat.
    • cheyroseb
      I like the variety of options presented here-- some classes will be able to handle certain options better than others will.
  • Because they have learned Acka Backa in Kindergarten it’s a great way to bring it back when you’re teaching meter and have them feel the beat. I teach Acka Backa in 2/4 meter but it can also be used to teach 4/4.
    • cheyroseb
      I think it would be a great example to show older classes *why* it is in 2/4 compared to 4/4 (beat stresses, important words, etc.)
    Blog featuring different ways to utilize a circle game for music instruction.

9 Exciting Name Activities that Your Kids will Love - PRIMARILY MUSIC - 0 views

  • Jump in, Jump Out
    • cheyroseb
      I like this for older grades (4-5). They'll have more patience to wait for the circle to come all the way around.
  • Bee Bee Bumblebee, Can You Sing Your Name for Me
    • cheyroseb
      I love this as a first day of music activity for Kindergarten
  • Say Your Name
    • cheyroseb
      This game would also work for a composer or instrument unit. Students could have cards or nametags with the picture on the front and use that instead of their name.
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  • Up the Ladder
    • cheyroseb
      This seems like a really fun game for 2nd and 3rd grade :) Older grades could even incorporate their own body percussion associated with their name.
  • There is a Class
    • cheyroseb
  • Who’s that Tapping At my Window
    • cheyroseb
      I would use this for 1st grade. It's simple enough to teach, but complex enough to assess where they are with certain concepts.
    An excellent set of first day of music activities to help teachers learn names and establish classroom routine.

7 Effective Vocal Exploration Activities for Your Music Class - PRIMARILY MUSIC - 0 views

  • Sirens
    • cheyroseb
      In my choirs I have always run sirens as a "roller coaster" game. They follow my magic wand up and down until they see the cut off sign
  • cholars act out the sounds that they would hear in different parts of the story.
    • cheyroseb
      You could also teach a song and have students sing in different voices (lion, mouse, alligator) or instruments (trumpet, flute, cello)
    Activities and ideas for teaching young children to explore their vocal capacities.

Music Teacher Job Search: advice from administrators | Organized Chaos - 0 views

  • Tailor your philosophy of education to the specific job you're applying for-
    • cheyroseb
      Interesting, I didn't think to adjust my philosophy of education.
  • an elementary general music class vs a high school band job.
    • cheyroseb
      That clears it up
  • This is particularly for general music teachers, as truly assessing all of the hundreds of students on all of the many areas general music covers can be a particular challenge.
    • cheyroseb
      I have a magic chart and a magic point system
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  • If you current/ former students were asked to describe your teaching style, what adjectives would they use?
    • cheyroseb
      Fun, but strict. Caring
  • there needs to be some enthusiasm and energy to accompany your knowledge.
    • cheyroseb
      Good, I have plenty of it!
  • I'm looking for a certain level of organization that is necessary for effective teaching. I'm looking for organization and thoughtfulness in your answers that shows me a certain deliberateness to organize/ plan/ reflect to go along with your passion and creativity.
    • cheyroseb
      I've never been so glad to be as organized as I am, as I am right now.
  • Ask good questions in the interview yourself!
    • cheyroseb
      What are you looking for your music teacher to bring to the team? Is there a choir in place? Could it be arranged? How would you feel about having a mid-year musical/play?
    Music teacher job search advice from the hiring table.

Ace the Interview: questions to ask | Organized Chaos - 0 views

  • I think it is commonly understood that it's important to do your research on the district/school/job for which you're applying before you go into the interview at all. The question time at the end is where your preparation, or lack thereof, can become most apparent! You don't want to ask a question that can easily be answered through an internet search.
    • cheyroseb
      Very important.
  • This is a great opportunity to showcase your knowledge about different teaching methodologies (like Orff, Kodaly, MLT etc) even if the interviewers don't know what you're asking!
    • cheyroseb
      Certainly helps with curriculum planning. Are you allowed to bring a notepad in the interview room to write down questions/answers?
  • make sure to ask about class length, frequency, and whether it is year-long or only part of the year!
    • cheyroseb
      Good to know!
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  • I like this question better than "what will my schedule be like?" because it suggests that you're wanting to know how much time you'll have with each class to cover everything, rather than wondering what your workload will be like.
    • cheyroseb
      Such a good way to phrase this!
  • What curricular / professional development resources and equipment / space can I expect to have available to me in this position?
    • cheyroseb
      Things I wish I knew going into this job-- I would have stayed at the underpaying school.
  • What are the extracurricular/ performance expectations?
    • cheyroseb
      It would also help to know what your students are capable of bringing to the table. My students now can't stay after school, so everything is during prep time.
    Great questions to ask in an interview for a music teacher position.

Kodaly Inspired Classroom: Back to School {First Day Activities} - 0 views

  • "Down, Down Baby" is from the Amidons. SO FUN! Apparently this is a favorite, because it's being sung on the bus!
    • cheyroseb
      This would also be a fun circle game to play at the end of class if you find yourself with a little time left over.
  • Mamalama: I learned this in Level 3, and we take it a bit faster than in this video, but it is SO FUN! I even had a student get the last part after just a few listenings. CRAZY!
    • cheyroseb
      I like this one as an elementary vocal warm up as well.
    Some more first day of music activities for elementary students.

Kodaly Inspired Classroom: Getting Ready for the First Day of School {Music Rules} - 0 views

  • I am going into my fourth year teaching and my third year at my current school. I feel like each year I do a better job of starting the school year off the right way.
    • cheyroseb
      I started this year so underprepared I am hopeful that next year will be a million times better.
  • M- Make good choices U- Use kind words S- Show Respect (to classmates, teacher, and the music) I- Involve yourself C- Care for our room and instruments
    • cheyroseb
      LOVE THIS I am always telling my students to make good choices.
  • I think that will be interesting to talk with the kids about on the first day.
    • cheyroseb
      Not saying "this song is bad" but "I don't like this song because it's too slow/quiet, etc.)
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  • I came up with a song for each rule using the melody of a folk tune.
    • cheyroseb
    Establishing rules for a general music class in an elementary setting.

Kodaly Inspired Classroom - 0 views

  • but this actually took about 25 minutes with both of my classes.
    • cheyroseb
      Someone else's trial is my preparation
  • I said that we would be doing something kind of new in music the next few times we have class so I wanted to share with them about it today so that we could spend all of our time in centers the next two times. 
    • cheyroseb
      Builds anticipation :)
  • nstead of having all of the centers spread out around the perimeter of the room, which is where I put them when we were actually doing centers, I lined up all my centers at the front of the room under the board. 
    • cheyroseb
      Provides easy access
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  • I emailed the list to their teacher and asked their teacher to line them up in that order (so the four students in group 1 are first, followed by group 2 and so on....) the next time they came to music.
    • cheyroseb
      Very smart idea.
  • played" each center one or two turns
    • cheyroseb
      Good for preparation
  • On my computer, I had the zip file that contained all of the PDFs for each file pulled up so that as I was going through them with the whole group, if I wanted them to be able to see something better, I could show them the PDF version instead of the  tiny cards I was holding for some of the centers.
    • cheyroseb
      Helps reinforce expectations for each center
  • I had directions for each center posted at each center in case they forgot or were absent when we went over the centers, but there seemed to be no issues with students knowing what to do at each center.
    • cheyroseb
      An ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure.
  • they were all in the right order.
    • cheyroseb
      If the classroom teacher is aware of expectations, they can help support and enforce them
  • Do you have other ideas that I haven't thought of? Share below!
    • cheyroseb
      It would be good to have centers for each grade, or kits within center stations for each grade-- color coded
  • This is a really fun practice game for upper elementary and middle school! I also love this game for older beginners because it is an easy way to take those easy ta and titi rhythms and really make a more challenging game.
    • cheyroseb
      We used to do a game like this for theatre. I would love to use this as a beginning of the year activity for assessment, or a way to practice certain parts for a concert.
  • This could be done as an ostinato pattern that is repeated, or you could rotate through a set of cards for the students to play.
    • cheyroseb
      I like the idea of using cue cards with simple rhythmic ostinatos to accompany a cd track. You could introduce the ostinatos before the activity and practice by switching between cards. Once the kids feel comfortable, play the song and use the cue cards.
  • Use rhythm flashcards to create a song that the students know well. Have the students clap and read the rhythms and see if they can figure out the mystery song.
    • cheyroseb
      Would be awesome to use with 4/5th grade and disney songs.
  • Then students work to find the flashcards they need to match the rhythms of that song.
    • cheyroseb
      Could have students work in teams for a prize.
  • I Have, Who Has game cards
    • cheyroseb
      I LOVE i have/who has. It's a great way to reinforce aural skills and ensure that your students are paying attention
    A series of annotations on the home page of a Kodaly inspired blog. Features 2 articles.
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