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Josh Cockrell

The Orchestral Bassoon - 0 views

  • is a website that answers a plethora of questions about the bassoon. The bassoon is an instrument that several band directors lack in their own ensembles. When they do have them, many of them do no know how to answer pertinent questions about how to properly play it. This website offers recordings, orchestral excerpts, fingering charts, pedagogical methods, history, and tips on reed making. This is an extremely valuable site for the school band director or orchestral director that wishes to promote good double reed players in their ensemble.

MUSAIC - New World Symphony - 0 views

    This website has access to many professional musicians showcasing their talents through the New World Symphony. They have videos with specific instrumental instruction. If I wanted to show a private bassoon student a website where they can listen to many players, they can access this site and simply search bassoon and listen to famous solos such as The Rite of Spring. This is a great resource to demonstrate what professional musicians sound like in order for them to practice and mimic these sounds.

Welcome! | Music and the Bassoon - 0 views

    Lessons, videos, etc. for bassoon players
    This site was created to assist bassoon players in learning their instruments as well as a resource for educators. A student has access to 50 different units, covering pitches and basic techniques. Like a digital method book, the creator provides audio clips to perform along with as well as videos to introduce key techniques like key flicking.

Best Tips for Teaching Oboe & Bassoon (Collaborative Post) - Band Directors Talk Shop - 0 views

    As a bassoon player I often have people approach me about how I can play such an impossible instrument and how do I recruit? This article is short but has many good thoughts on how to recruit and have success in starting a double reed student. The main sections is how to garner interest to get students to play the instrument, the personality of a double reed player, and how to help students be successful once they've started playing a double reed. There are very helpful links to reed care also.

Band Directors Group: File Repository - 0 views

    A band director friend of mine told me about this site last summer.  There is a password, which is:  Grainger The Band Director Posthaven began with the Band Director Facebook page and the originator of the page, Brian Wis, wanted a place to share files with other band directors. This is a great resource in which band directors share files and other resources to assist the daily needs of a band director.  These files include posters, music (warm-ups, chorales, technique builders, curriculum guides, recruit tools and ideas, rubrics, music appreciation activities, band room rule/policies, how to deal with administrators, and more).  With the resources being submitted by band directors, this is a great source for new band directors and band directors at new schools.   I have used this site to find pitch tendency charts, scale sheets, and three excellent warm-ups.  You can spend hours upon hours searching this site.  Most of the files are PDFs which allows to open and print form any computer with a PDF reader.  There are some Microsoft Office documents which can be a problem.  Be mindful that some of the music repertoire may needs some adjustments for your ensembles needs or you have to add instruments to the instrumentation (missing Baritone TC, Oboe, Bassoon, or Baritone Sax parts)
    A band director friend of mine told me about this site last summer.  There is a password, which is:  Grainger The Band Director Posthaven began with the Band Director Facebook page and the originator of the page, Brian Wis, wanted a place to share files with other band directors. This is a great resource in which band directors share files and other resources to assist the daily needs of a band director.  These files include posters, music (warm-ups, chorales, technique builders, curriculum guides, recruit tools and ideas, rubrics, music appreciation activities, band room rule/policies, how to deal with administrators, and more).  With the resources being submitted by band directors, this is a great source for new band directors and band directors at new schools.   I have used this site to find pitch tendency charts, scale sheets, and three excellent warm-ups.  You can spend hours upon hours searching this site.  Most of the files are PDFs which allows to open and print form any computer with a PDF reader.  There are some Microsoft Office documents which can be a problem.  Be mindful that some of the music repertoire may needs some adjustments for your ensembles needs or you have to add instruments to the instrumentation (missing Baritone TC, Oboe, Bassoon, or Baritone Sax parts)
    A band director friend of mine told me about this site last summer.  There is a password, which is:  Grainger The Band Director Posthaven began with the Band Director Facebook page and the originator of the page, Brian Wis, wanted a place to share files with other band directors. This is a great resource in which band directors share files and other resources to assist the daily needs of a band director.  These files include posters, music (warm-ups, chorales, technique builders, curriculum guides, recruit tools and ideas, rubrics, music appreciation activities, band room rule/policies, how to deal with administrators, and more).  With the resources being submitted by band directors, this is a great source for new band directors and band directors at new schools.   I have used this site to find pitch tendency charts, scale sheets, and three excellent warm-ups.  You can spend hours upon hours searching this site.  Most of the files are PDFs which allows to open and print form any computer with a PDF reader.  There are some Microsoft Office documents which can be a problem.  Be mindful that some of the music repertoire may needs some adjustments for your ensembles needs or you have to add instruments to the instrumentation (missing Baritone TC, Oboe, Bassoon, or Baritone Sax parts)

Unit 22 | Music and the Bassoon - 0 views

    The purpose of this website is to provide insightful and practical lessons and resources for the private instructor of the Bassoon. 

The Woodwind Fingering Guide - Online fingering charts for flute, piccolo, oboe, clarin... - 0 views

    The woodwind fingering guide is the best resource for finding specific fingering charts for every woodwind instrument.  The woodwind fingering guide provides multiple fingerings for every note and specific fingering charts for every instrument relating to alternate fingerings, trill fingerings, and other extended techniques.  This resource is excellent for students who are starting a new instrument or wish to learn new notes.
    This site has in depth fingering charts for each woodwind instrument. There are handy trill and tremolo fingerings. Also, there are alternate fingerings when pitch issues need to be corrected. This is not an updated site or pretty by any means, but it gets the job done and is a good resource for instrumental teachers.

IMSLP/Petrucci Music Library: Free Public Domain Sheet Music - 0 views

shared by dluddy on 09 Feb 19 - No Cached
    This website contains PDFs of music that is available for free to download in the United States. The music is public domain or available via a Creative Commons license. There is also an option to purchase some music. While is strictly for wind band music, IMSLP contains music for band and orchestra, as well as vocal and other instrumental works. This is very helpful with finding older music or replacing parts, especially with music that is out of print.
    The International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) is a great site to find timeless works of instrumental and vocal music. The site is free to use, but membership is available. The public domain site is easy to navigate and provides scores and recordings out thousands of composers and their music. Make sure not to click on advertisements and download something on accident in the free version. This site is a great resource for educators to find musical works from great composers that are no longer in print, and they is free.
    IMSLP is a website where anyone can search music that is no longer under copyright law. Here you can find music from a symphony score to a Beethoven piano piece. This resource can be used by growing student-run ensembles that wish to perform classical music. I use this website when I want to practice bassoon repertoire or when I need to find another piece to practice on piano. This is also a great resource to show students how to properly find music with educated keyword searches through a public domain.

The Woodwind Fingering Guide - Online fingering charts for flute, piccolo, oboe, clarin... - 1 views

    This website is an in depth resource for woodwind fingerings, offering a comprehensive list of fingerings for instruments ranging from clarinet to sarrusophone!
  • ...4 more comments...
    This website is an in depth resource for woodwind fingerings, offering a comprehensive list of fingerings for instruments ranging from clarinet to sarrusophone!
    This website offers fingering charts for basic fingerings as well as alternate, trill, and other advanced fingerings for all woodwind instruments.  In addition to traditional instruments, the website also offers fingerings for non-traditional woodwind instruments.
    This website offers fingering charts for basic fingerings as well as alternate, trill, and other advanced fingerings for all woodwind instruments.  In addition to traditional instruments, the website also offers fingerings for non-traditional woodwind instruments.
    A helpful resource that provides fingering systems for those woodwind instruments that we have have forgotten since pedagogy classes.
    This resource provides fingering charts for all woodwind instruments and would be a great resource for predominately brass music educators and private teachers 
    The Woodwind Fingering Guide provides finger charts for all woodwind instruments. They even include fingering charts for rare instruments like the Sorrusophone and the Charanga Flute.
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