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Jenni Swanson Voorhees

Edtech: Is it time for creative destruction? - Lessonlane - 0 views

    Danish blog translated - thoughts about "creative destruction" as the process we need to innovate education.
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

What Makes Great Blogwriting? | Write to Done - 0 views

    Concise statement about how a blog is a different form of writing.
David Boxer

125 Top Blogs on Blended Learning - Getting Smart by Katie Vander Ark - #blendchat, Adv... - 1 views

    "Last year we published a list of 60+ blended learning articles. With the extensive use of blended learning in classrooms and lots of shared success stories, we doubled that total.  Following are 125 blogs by category."
    This is great! Thanks for sharing this. It will help with my lit review on blended learning
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

iPad Adventures at Lower School - 0 views

    A collective blog by Lower School teachers at Sidwell Friends School.
Renee Hawkins

How To Attribute Creative Commons Photos | Foter Blog - 0 views

    An article and infographic to help you and your students sort out the issues around citing Creative Commons photos.
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

UK To Teach Programming Starting At Age 5 | Fluency21 - Committed Sardine Blog - 0 views

    My favorite quote: "Instead of children bored out of their minds being taught how to use Word and Excel by bored teachers, we could have 11-year-olds able to write simple 2D computer animations using an MIT tool called Scratch."
Renee Hawkins

Putting Activities Through the SAMR Exercise | Langwitches Blog - 0 views

    Can you automatic the process of choosing a SAMR activity? Check this survey. It's designed to help teachers think through the SAMR model. 
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

To Get the Most Out of Tablets, Use Smart Curation | Fluency21 - Committed Sardine Blog - 0 views

    Ideas for curating work when it is tablet-based
Renee Hawkins

LearnersCloud Blog: 'Mobile learning is eating the world' - 0 views

    Tablets and mobile phones are personal, powerful, and open.  Microsoft? What's that?
Renee Hawkins

10 Major Mobile Learning Trends to Watch For | MindShift - 1 views

  • Mobile learning, focuses on learning through mobile devices, allowing learners to move about in a classroom or remotely learn from the location of their choice.
    • Renee Hawkins
      This is a great example of anytime anywhere learning.  Do you agree or disagree? Why or Why not?
David Boxer

Five Key Digital Features for Deeper Blended Learning - 1 views

    introduce five key features of blended learning, from the learning-centric perspective on instructional interaction between teacher, student, and digital content.
David Boxer

Using Tech Tools to Provide Timely Feedback | Edutopia - 0 views

    "I also learned effective ways to track student progress toward learning goals that will inform the feedback I give students. While my effectiveness as a teacher has grown exponentially, I still have a lot to learn. ... These are some of my experiences, ideas and resources for using technology to provide meaningful feedback to students -- and making the process more streamlined for everyone."
Renee Hawkins

K-5 iPad Apps for Remembering: Part One of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy | Edutopia - 1 views

    Blooms and apps.
Renee Hawkins

Beyond SAMR: The Teacher's Journey To Technology Integration | Catlin Tucker, Honors En... - 0 views

    Caitlin Tucker's blog describes how teachers can use the SAMR model in their classrooms.
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

6 Ways Students Can Collaborate With iPads - from Greg on Edudemic | Leading Change in ... - 0 views

    Ways to collaborate using iPads
Teresa Sengel

Amidst a Mobile Revolution in Schools, Will Old Teaching Tactics Work? | MindShift - 0 views

  • The point at which kids learn is when they go into their community and research noteworthy historical sites to understand their significance.
  • What the mobile phone added was an immediacy to the task at hand. Was it imperative to the learning process? Probably not. But did the QR creation make the project more interesting, more relevant to their lives, and thus more personal for students? That’s what educators are betting on.
  • When the child takes a picture with a phone, the child can then integrate the picture into an artifact that also contains a concept map, an animation, etc. In fact, the picture can be imported into a drawing program, then labeled with text. So it is more than a camera.”
    A focus on the pedagogy required to fully embrace mobile technologies.
    Things to consider when selecting tech tools
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

Interactive Writing » Mapping Media to the Common Core - 0 views

    Wes Fryer's exploration of ways to encourage interactive writing, and creation of e-portfolios for students of all ages.
Jenni Swanson Voorhees

Why the 'learning pyramid' is wrong - 1 views

    Here is a discussion about the research behind the Cone of Learning. Evidently it's an old controversy.
Renee Hawkins

22 Effective Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom | Edudemic - 1 views

    A great blog - rethinking Twitter using Blooms!
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