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Brian G. Dowling

Factsheet - Debt Relief Under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative - 0 views

    The HIPC Initiative is a comprehensive approach to debt reduction for heavily indebted poor countries pursuing IMF- and World Bank-supported adjustment and reform programs. To date, debt reduction packages have been approved for 33 countries, 27 of them in Africa, providing US$49 billion (net present value terms as of the decision point) in debt-service relief over time. Eight additional countries are potentially eligible for HIPC Initiative assistance and may wish to avail themselves of this debt relief.
Brian G. Dowling

TED | Talks | Hans Rosling: New insights on poverty and life around the world (video) - 0 views

    I feature Hans Rosling's site at my blog Milestone's for a New Milennium so it makes sense to include this in with the Achieving the Millennium Goals resources.
Brian G. Dowling

About GAVI Alliance - 0 views

    Their mission To save children's lives and protect people's health by increasing access to immunisation in poor countries. Addresses the MDG goal of global health.
Brian G. Dowling

Ending Poverty, But Only on Paper - The American, A Magazine of Ideas - 0 views

    The Millennium Development Goals actually increase rural dependence on knowledge and skills from urban areas-at the expense of community empowerment. It does not change my mind about the goal but it does give food for thought on how we achieve it. What I get out of this is an argument against Developed Nation's paternalism.
Brian G. Dowling

End Poverty 2015 | We are the generation that can end poverty - 0 views

    We are the first generation that can end poverty.
Brian G. Dowling

End Poverty 2015 - UN Millennium Campaign - 0 views

    No Excuses
Brian G. Dowling | Policy and Legislative Advocacy - 0 views

    From the site: We know what needs to be done, so let's do it and do it together. Therein lies one challenge. Look around the room. Where are the foundations, nongovernmental organizations (NGO), religious organizations and corporations? They are critical partners in reducing poverty and improving people's lives. But their voices and views are not well represented at this official roundtable. Development requires decisive governmental action: governmental leaders must keep their promises. But development is not solely a governmental task.
Brian G. Dowling

88 Ways to DO Something About Poverty Right Now - 0 views

    Taking on the Millennium Development Goals is a major world wide task that will have to involve nations across the globe. We, though as individuals can take small steps every day to make the world a better place.
Brian G. Dowling

Millennium Campaign | MDG in Asia and the Pacific - 0 views

  • The Millennium Campaign aims to build political will for the achievement of the MDGs primarily through raising public awareness and increasing pressure on governments. Through supporting national campaigns with advocacy, networking, mass mobilizations, training and capacity building, as well as media and communications development the Millennium Campaign works with citizens to monitor and hold their government's to account for their commitments made to achieving the MDGs.
    The Millennium Campaign emerged as a response to the failing efforts of governments in keeping their promises and commitments to achieve the MDGs by the target year 2015. As an initiative of the UN, the Campaign aims to inspire a global movement to achieve the Goals and eradicate extreme poverty by 2015.
Brian G. Dowling

The Most Important Number in the World | MIT World - 0 views

  • McKibben saw the way ahead as harnessing the Internet’s multiplicative power. In 2007, with the help of six students and email’s exponential impact, 1,400 simultaneous demonstrations took place countrywide. “The thing just went viral,” McKibben exclaims, “…the biggest day of grass-roots environmental activism since the first Earth Day in 1970.” Social networking and cell phones proved most effective tools for mobilization.
  • From Martin Luther King, Jr., McKibben absorbed principles of righteous activism. The good fight must be “creative…determined…joyful.” In closing, McKibben cautions “nature does not grade on a curve.” Global warming “is the morally urgent question of our moment.”
    "Just a sleep-deprived activist and organizer." That's how environmentalist Bill McKibben describes his current incarnation, with writing career in abeyance while he proselytizes about the danger of climate change. The plight he first wrote about as hypothesis in 1989 has evolved into "deeply rooted consensus." By 1995, world climatologists agreed: "Human beings are heating up the planet."
    This is related to goal 7 of the Millennium Goals. It may not have the label but it is global in scope and defines an issue that will with us for the next millennium based on what we do today.
Brian G. Dowling - Projects and perspectives on global health - 0 views

  • From the start of our projects to the finish, it’s people who determine what FrontlineSMS:Medic does, when we do it, and why. The tech tools we use exist to serve patients, community health workers, and healthcare professionals – not the other way around. This mindset is critical for a number of reasons. I’ll explain. We strongly believe that projects should start when clinics ‘pull’ them to a site, as opposed to having projects ‘pushed’ onto healthcare providers. Ken Banks included the (very important) push/pull differentiation in his “Development best practices for beginners” series. Clinics are not just convenient places to pilot technology innovations. Healthcare providers should demand programs they need, and we should be ready to respond. Local staff should determine how the tech will be used, and we should be flexible and helpful in working through use cases and functionality.
    The FrontlineSMS in action
Brian G. Dowling

Milestones for a New Millennium Wiki / FrontPage - 0 views

    This is self-promotional, but I finally have the new PBWorks wiki ready for official unveiling. This is why I have not been paying nearly enough attention to my blog (that and real life/day job). Although I have included connections to the new wiki on this site for some time, it is only now that it is complete enough to make fully public. Of course being a wiki, it in never really complete simply a work in progress and continual improvement.
Brian G. Dowling

From Hardware to Collaborative Philosophy - 0 views

    This post includes the latest bookmarks and puts them together as an example of moving from hardware technology to collaborative philosophy in social entrepreneurship. All of which will be necessary to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
Brian G. Dowling

Half The Sky - 0 views

    Half the Sky lays out an agenda for the world's women and three major abuses: sex trafficking and forced prostitution; gender-based violence including honor killings and mass rape; maternal mortality, which needlessly claims one woman a minute. We know there are many worthy causes competing for attention in the world. We focus on this one because this kind of oppression feels transcendent - and so does the opportunity. Outsiders can truly make a difference.
Brian G. Dowling

RESULTS: Global - Orange County - 0 views

Brian G. Dowling

Sustainable Development Network :: - 0 views

    The Sustainable Development Network is a coalition of individuals and non-governmental organizations who believe that sustainable development is about empowering people, promoting progress, eliminating poverty and achieving environmental protection through the institutions of the free society.
Brian G. Dowling

UN Chronicle | A magazine for the United Nations. - 0 views

  • During the past two decades, population growth, improvement in incomes and diversification of diets have steadily increased the demand for food. Prior to 2000, food prices were in decline, largely through record harvests. At the same time, however, public and private investment in agriculture, especially in the production of staple food, decreased, which led to stagnant or declining crop yields in most developing countries.1 Rapid urbanization has led to the conversion of farmland to non-agricultural uses, and low food prices have encouraged farmers to shift to alternative food and non-food crops. Long-term unstable land use has also caused land degradation, soil erosion, nutrient depletion, water scarcity and disruption of biological cycles.
    Losing 25,000 to Hunger Every Day. From the UN Chronicles
Brian G. Dowling

FrontlineSMS:Medic | Text Messages Save Lives - 0 views

  • How powerful is a light-weight tool in the right hands? During a six month pilot in Malawi, our partner doubled the number of people being treated for Tuberculosis.
  • Driven by local ownership and appropriate technology. In the developing world, lack of infrastructure prevents health workers from delivering efficient healthcare to rural areas. As health workers travel from clinics to reach isolated patients, they are often as disconnected from central clinics as the patients they are trying to serve. The mission of FrontlineSMS:Medic is to advance healthcare networks in the developing world by building and distributing innovative, appropriate mobile technologies. The centerpiece of our system is FrontlineSMS, a free, open-source software platform that enables large-scale, two-way text messaging using only a laptop, a GSM modem, and cell phones. We are also developing several applications for the FrontlineSMS platform that will enable better patient management, electronic medical records via the cell phone, cheap mobile diagnostics, and mapping of health services.
    Implementing the Millennium Development Goals health objectives in the developing world will require new technologies arising from disruptive innovation. Finding new uses for technologies we take for granted.
Brian G. Dowling

Milestones for a New Millennium MDG7 - 0 views

    These are some of the links from the diigo Eco20/20 group that I thought had some relevance to the No. 7 Millennium Development Goals. Decided to use this method rather than tagging each link since that was already done.
Brian G. Dowling

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - 0 views

    Millennium Promise Alliance Inc. Date: September 2008 Purpose: to promote the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Africa by 2015 Amount: $500,000 Term: 2 years Topic: Advocacy & Public Policy Region Served: Africa Program: Global Development Grantee Location: New York, NY Grantee Web site:
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