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Brian G. Dowling

BloggersUnite for Stand Up Take Action End Poverty Now! // Bloggers Unite - 0 views

    This is an official Online Event in support of the 3 day global Stand Up Take Action End Poverty Now event. For the past four years millions of people around the world have made the decision to be counted and "Stand Up and Take Action" demanding that world leaders end poverty and achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 189 world leaders made a promise at the United Nations Millennium Summit through he Millennium Declaration in 2000 adopting the MDGs as a roadmap to end poverty and its root causes. That promise is still unfulfilled by all but a few countries, including the United States.
Brian G. Dowling

International Women's Day // Bloggers Unite - 1 views

    One of the Bloggers Unite events that can be seen being in support of Millennium Development Goal No. 3 Gender Equity
Brian G. Dowling

World Population Day // Bloggers Unite - 0 views

    A United Nations event to focus on the UNFPA. Population impacts are 8 of the Millennium Development Goals. This Bloggers Unite event focuses on the work of the UNFPA
Brian G. Dowling

World Press Freedom Day // Bloggers Unite - 0 views

    A United Nations event highlighting the basic means of getting the word out about the need for and the challenges of meeting the Millennium Development Goals. Another Bloggers Unite event
Brian G. Dowling

World AIDS Day // Bloggers Unite - 1 views

    Another Bloggers Unite event in support of Millennium Development Goal 6 Combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases
Brian G. Dowling

Make Noise for the Millennium Development Goals // Bloggers Unite - 1 views

    A Bloggers Unite event in support of the Stand Up Take Action Campaign MAKE NOISE for the MDGs
Brian G. Dowling

Earth Day 2010 // Bloggers Unite - 0 views

    One of the original global voices speaking about Millennium Development Goal 7 Environmental Sustainability will be highlighted in another Bloggers Unite event
Brian G. Dowling

International Literacy Day // Bloggers Unite - 1 views

    Fits in with Millennium Development Goal 2. Universal Education and is another Bloggers Unite event
Brian G. Dowling

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty // Bloggers Unite - 1 views

    I participated in the Bloggers Unite event last year. It fits in with Millennium Development Goal No. 1 End Poverty
Brian G. Dowling

Microlending and Microfinance Organization - 0 views

    About Our Organization We invite you to explore the following pages to learn more about ACCION's leadership - men and women at the forefront of the microfinance industry - whose energy and enthusiasm are behind our every effort in the fight against poverty. In addition to our Board of Directors and Management Team, ACCION is fortunate to count among its leadership ranks the President's Council and Women's Leadership Network - all dedicated supporters who lend their financial and professional resources to ACCION's mission. Featured in a post supporting S1425 GROWTH
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