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Zunia Presentation - 0 views

    Zunia demonstration page another online tool for collaboration and information exchange for global efforts like the Millennium Development Goals. Zunia is an online network for knowledge exchange among development professionals worldwide. Users from all over the world visit the portal to access news, events, best practices and publications on a wide range of development topics. Registration in Zunia is free and open to all. Users can stay informed on development issues, post information, get e-mail updates, create a professional profile and connect with peers.
1More - 0 views

    I put their demonstration page up in a previous Diigo post. This is the actual site. Zunia offers: * Over 50,000 registered users, more than half of whom are from developing countries * A searchable content database containing over 125,000 content items * Content aggregated from more than 200 development organizations worldwide Zunia was launched in July 2009. Previously, the knowledge-sharing site of Development Gateway was dgCommunities. All the content from that site was migrated to Zunia.

David Cameron & Jeffrey Sachs: Educated women hold the key to ending poverty - Commenta... - 0 views

    First, the UK needs to meet our moral commitment to increase spending on aid to 0.7 per cent gross national income. But this investment has to go hand-in-hand with greater transparency, ensuring the money reaches the people who need it most. A Conservative government will create an independent aid watchdog and publish every item of aid spending online, so that the performance and impact of development policies are transparent to taxpayers in Britain and to people in the developing world.
    A British Conservative potential Prime Minister speaking of the Millennium Development Goals as a responsibility of his government. I made the point in my last blog post that the Millennium Development Goals resonate better everywhere than they do here in America.

Institute of Development Studies - Making the Case for Aid: The Challenge of UK Public ... - 0 views

    Aid budgets face immense pressure - despite overseas aid being critical for poverty alleviation in developing countries and the explicit commitments of the world's industrialised countries to the Millennium development goals. With the world economy in a major downturn, the stakes for developing countries could not be higher. Public support for international development and aid will play a key role. Will the public become unsure about the UK's aid budget when they begin to feel cuts in government expenditure at home? How well equipped are we to 'sell' the UK's aid programme to a sceptical public in times of economic austerity?

Landscapes of Infection -- Hurtley et al. 328 (5980): 841 -- Science - 0 views

    From the AAAS Science Magazine - special issue for May on Tuberculosis and Malaria two of of focuses for MDG 6.

Malaria Consortium - Malaria Consortium - 0 views

    Malaria Consortium works in partnership with communities, health systems, government and non-government agencies, academic institutions and local and international organisations to ensure good evidence supports delivery of effective services. Together, we work to secure access for groups most at risk, to prevention, care and treatment of malaria and other communicable diseases.

Support for Global Health -- Bloom 328 (5980): 791 -- Science - 0 views

    Editorial by Barry R. Bloom Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor of Public Health and former dean of the Harvard School of Public Health writing out against the $50 million reduction in funding for the Global Fund requested by the U.S. government for fiscal year 2011, in the face of increased requests for expanded coverage by those countries, would be a major setback. Sorry but you need to be an AAAS member to see the entire pieces.

UNCDF | United Nations Capital Development Fund - 0 views

    The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) offers a unique combination of investment capital, capacity building and technical advisory services to promote microfinance and local development in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs):

USAID: USAID History - 0 views

    On September 4, 1961, the Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act, which reorganized the U.S. foreign assistance programs including separating military and non-military aid. The Act mandated the creation of an agency to administer economic assistance programs, and on November 3, 1961, President John F. Kennedy established the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

Earth Day 2010 // Bloggers Unite - 0 views

    One of the original global voices speaking about Millennium Development Goal 7 Environmental Sustainability will be highlighted in another Bloggers Unite event

Development Gateway Foundation : Information Tools. Global Partnerships. Effe... - 0 views

    This was featured in my blog Milestones to a New Millennium and looks like a very good tool for education and research.
    The Development Gateway Foundation is an international nonprofit organization that provides Web-based platforms to make aid and development efforts more effective around the world.

South Asia - The End of Poverty - 0 views

    Recent changes in the global economy make this even more of a challenge and it shows even when we do make progress it only increases our responsibility.
    South Asia: Economic Growth and Inequality Facts South Asia Can Cut Poverty by Two Thirds in a Decade Report Despite obstacles such as conflict, corruption and high fiscal deficits in some countries, South Asia has achieved impressive economic growth and poverty reduction in the past decade, thanks mainly to economic reforms in the 1990s. If this growth accelerates to 10 percent a year, the region could see single-digit poverty rates by 2015. A closer look at the evidence suggests that much remains to be done to achieve these accelerated growth rates. These challenges require increasing investment, productivity, and the quality of labor, while addressing the problem of lagging regions and poor service delivery. South Asia can also benefit from regional cooperation in trade, water and energy, among other things.

Kristen Ashburn's heartrending pictures of AIDS | Video on - 0 views

  • In this moving talk, documentary photographer Kristen Ashburn shares unforgettable images of the human impact of AIDS in Africa. About Kristen Ashburn Kristen Ashburn's photographs bring us face-to-face with real people in desperate circumstances. Taking us to the intimate spaces of her subjects -- the victims of war, disaster, epidemic
    AIDS is one of the terrible triangle of diseases making up te poverty related killers afficting developing countries

Business & Human Rights : The World Bank Launches Private-Public Initiative to Empower ... - 0 views

  • The World Bank Launches Private-Public Initiative to Empower Adolescent Girls Author: World Bank Dated: 10 Oct 2008 The World Bank joined governments and the private sector today to launch the Adolescent Girls Initiative (AGI) to promote the economic empowerment of adolescent girls in poor and post-conflict countries...The AGI is being piloted in Liberia through a partnership between the Bank, the Nike Foundation...It will be expanded in the coming year to include Afghanistan, Nepal, Rwanda, South Sudan...“...Every global company should invest in the girl effect. Economists have demonstrated that it is the best possible return on investment,” said Mark Parker, President and CEO of Nike...Public and private sector partners pledged today around $20 million to fund the Initiative, including: The Nike Foundation $3M. [also refers to Cisco, Standard Chartered, Goldman Sachs]

Values and Vision | - 0 views

  • Values and Vision At CivicActions, we believe in aligning our work with our values. Every member of our team is committed to taking action in the world to make positive change. Here's a sample of the kinds of values we share and rely on to guide our work.
    Another example of an Online resource addressing the Millennium Development Goals.

Portfolio | Development Seed - 0 views

  • We work with organizations that have world-changing agenda and realize the potential of online tools to help them reach their goals. Our clients come to us looking to do more than simply build an online presence. They want to build communications tools that push the limits and make a concrete impact on their causes. Browse through our portfolio to see the work we have with our clients and learn about the comprehensive communications solutions we have built.
    These are the folks providing the online infrastructure for the Stand Up Take Action site and many others. The technical wizards behind the curtain. So much of what we strive to do would not be possible.

U.S. falls behind other developed countries in infant mortality - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

  • U.S. falls behind other developed countries in infant mortality The United States ranks 29th. The rate has not improved because of an increase in premature births, health officials say.
  • A rise in twins and triplets, driven by the use of infertility treatments, contributed somewhat to the rise in premature and low-birth-weight births, Petrini said. But even accounting for those trends, premature births are increasing, possibly tied to rising rates of obesity, diabetes and hypertension.
  • "We as a nation place less emphasis on primary care and prevention than a lot of these other industrialized democracies do that have lower rates than we do," said Dr. Ann O'Malley of the Center for Studying Health System Change, a Washington-based research group.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Health advocates acknowledge that many of those countries have more homogeneous populations than the United States. But they also have fewer gaps in healthcare coverage and health systems that emphasize primary care."We're great in this country at taking care of really sick people with high-tech interventions," O'Malley said. "But we're not very good at plugging people into preventive care."
    Healthcare, even in our own backyard, is often a matter of a new way of thinking and not necessarily a funding problem.
    Our potential motivation to get behind global child healthcare seems dubious if we are 29th in the world. The problem does is not a matter of not enough money but how we live our lives.

MIT World » : Institutions, Geography, and Growth - 0 views

  • ABOUT THE LECTURE:Three billion people on earth live on less than two dollars a day. A relative handful of us fare astronomically better. How do economists account for global “haves” and “have-nots”? Roberto Rigobon attributes a vast income inequality across countries to four connecting factors: luck, geography, quality of institutions, and quality of policies. If a country lies close to the 50th parallel, its citizens’ average income is six times greater than that of an equatorial country. Heat takes a toll on nation-building. Take Caribbean and Latin American countries, which experienced a wave of malaria in the 1500’s. Spanish colonists preferred to extract resources and send them home, rather than risk death by staying. Those nations developed impoverished economies and institutions that continue today. Colonists moved to cooler climes settled down, invested in the new world, and created enduring social structures. Rigobon can’t recommend a single, economic, or political doctrine to help a struggling nation achieve prosperity. “The set of rules depends on a country’s culture, history and religion…. In the end the only sustainable regime is democracy, freedom of speech, and the rule of law, but how we get there isn’t irrelevant.” Rigobon encourages developing nations to embrace social and political conflict as “an opportunity to improve.”
    I found this after having viewed his most recent talk at MIT. Rigobon can be rather irreverant, but there are many points of connection today with what he was saying back in 2004. One area he might have gotten wrong is picking Russia over China in terms of long term development, that could be argued though he migh have changed his mind since then.

Poverty Action Lab - 0 views

  • The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) serves as a focal point for development and poverty research based on randomized trials. The objective is to improve the effectiveness of poverty programs by providing policy makers with clear scientific results that help shape successful policies to combat poverty.

    The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) serves as a focal point for development and poverty research based on randomized trials. The objective is to improve the effectiveness of poverty programs by providing policy makers with clear scientific results that help shape successful policies to combat poverty.

MIT World » : Projects for Change: Bringing Management Tools and Ideas, Colla... - 0 views

  • Sastry endorses David Kolb’s “learning loop” model: concrete experience, observation and reflection, forming abstract concepts, then further implementing and analyzing. She ponders if this cycle can transcend classroom learning to engender change in the world. Her own research and consulting in health care delivery are based on such a stepped method. She stresses that an integrated, holistic perspective is also required. For instance, a malnourished patient will be unable to absorb drugs administered for AIDS; medicine is insufficient without food. As to the larger picture, she says “obviously we’ve got to tackle global warming and carbon emissions, but we also need to tackle poverty.”
    Sastry endorses David Kolb's "learning loop" model: concrete experience, observation and reflection, forming abstract concepts, then further implementing and analyzing. She ponders if this cycle can transcend classroom learning to engender change in the world. Her own research and consulting in health care delivery are based on such a stepped method. She stresses that an integrated, holistic perspective is also required. For instance, a malnourished patient will be unable to absorb drugs administered for AIDS; medicine is insufficient without food. As to the larger picture, she says "obviously we've got to tackle global warming and carbon emissions, but we also need to tackle poverty."
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