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Brian G. Dowling - Meeting the Millennium Development Goals - 0 views

    Summary The combination of food and financial crises trapped an estimated 50 to 90 million people in extreme poverty in 2009. How can the Millennium Development Goals for 2015 be met in the wake of the economic crisis?
Brian G. Dowling

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 0 views

    On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the full text of which appears in the following pages. Following this historic act the Assembly called upon all Member countries to publicize the text of the Declaration and "to cause it to be disseminated, displayed, read and expounded principally in schools and other educational institutions, without distinction based on the political status of countries or territories."
Brian G. Dowling

World Press Freedom Day 2008 - 0 views

    Freedom of Expression is a fundamental human right as stated in Article 19 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. This is especially worth recalling as we mark the 60th anniversary of that declaration. It is essential to the efforts to implement the Millennium Development Goals both for those developed democracies that must take the lead and those under regimes that refuse to fulfill the needs of their people
Brian G. Dowling

Development Gateway : About - 1 views

    Another online resource that can be used in implementing the Millennium Development Goals. Development Gateway provides Web-based platforms that make aid and development efforts more effective around the world. It focuses on three areas where even small investments in information and communications technology can make a major difference:
Brian G. Dowling

Global Voices in English » About - 0 views

    Global Voices is a community of more than 300 bloggers and translators around the world who work together to bring you reports from blogs and citizen media everywhere, with emphasis on voices that are not ordinarily heard in international mainstream media. Including the Millennium Development Goals
Brian G. Dowling - 0 views

    I put their demonstration page up in a previous Diigo post. This is the actual site. Zunia offers: * Over 50,000 registered users, more than half of whom are from developing countries * A searchable content database containing over 125,000 content items * Content aggregated from more than 200 development organizations worldwide Zunia was launched in July 2009. Previously, the knowledge-sharing site of Development Gateway was dgCommunities. All the content from that site was migrated to Zunia.
Brian G. Dowling

COMmunication with and among PARTners / main_en - 0 views

    This is an excellent example of collaborative tools available on the internet and how they can be used in implementing the Millennium Development Goals. Background We live in an increasingly 'networked' development world, where information, knowledge, and relationships are critical aspects of more effective efforts. Our organizations are adjusting and adapting to become 'global learning networks;' as individuals, we are asked to take on a broader range of roles and tasks become active participants in knowledge co-creation, sharing and use. Taking advantage of emerging opportunities in this area calls for use to develop and use a different communication 'toolset' in our work; we also need to change the ways we work, adopting more a 'mindset' that favours open learning and sharing.
Brian G. Dowling

Zunia Presentation - 0 views

    Zunia demonstration page another online tool for collaboration and information exchange for global efforts like the Millennium Development Goals. Zunia is an online network for knowledge exchange among development professionals worldwide. Users from all over the world visit the portal to access news, events, best practices and publications on a wide range of development topics. Registration in Zunia is free and open to all. Users can stay informed on development issues, post information, get e-mail updates, create a professional profile and connect with peers.
Brian G. Dowling

David Cameron & Jeffrey Sachs: Educated women hold the key to ending poverty - Commenta... - 0 views

    First, the UK needs to meet our moral commitment to increase spending on aid to 0.7 per cent gross national income. But this investment has to go hand-in-hand with greater transparency, ensuring the money reaches the people who need it most. A Conservative government will create an independent aid watchdog and publish every item of aid spending online, so that the performance and impact of development policies are transparent to taxpayers in Britain and to people in the developing world.
    A British Conservative potential Prime Minister speaking of the Millennium Development Goals as a responsibility of his government. I made the point in my last blog post that the Millennium Development Goals resonate better everywhere than they do here in America.
Brian G. Dowling

Institute of Development Studies - Making the Case for Aid: The Challenge of UK Public ... - 0 views

    Aid budgets face immense pressure - despite overseas aid being critical for poverty alleviation in developing countries and the explicit commitments of the world's industrialised countries to the Millennium development goals. With the world economy in a major downturn, the stakes for developing countries could not be higher. Public support for international development and aid will play a key role. Will the public become unsure about the UK's aid budget when they begin to feel cuts in government expenditure at home? How well equipped are we to 'sell' the UK's aid programme to a sceptical public in times of economic austerity?
Brian G. Dowling

Support for Global Health -- Bloom 328 (5980): 791 -- Science - 0 views

    Editorial by Barry R. Bloom Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor of Public Health and former dean of the Harvard School of Public Health writing out against the $50 million reduction in funding for the Global Fund requested by the U.S. government for fiscal year 2011, in the face of increased requests for expanded coverage by those countries, would be a major setback. Sorry but you need to be an AAAS member to see the entire pieces.
Brian G. Dowling

Malaria Consortium - Malaria Consortium - 0 views

    Malaria Consortium works in partnership with communities, health systems, government and non-government agencies, academic institutions and local and international organisations to ensure good evidence supports delivery of effective services. Together, we work to secure access for groups most at risk, to prevention, care and treatment of malaria and other communicable diseases.
Brian G. Dowling

Partners In Health Vision - Whatever it takes - 0 views

  • The PIH Vision: Whatever it takes At its root, our mission is both medical and moral. It is based on solidarity, rather than charity alone. When a person in Peru, or Siberia, or rural Haiti falls ill, PIH uses all of the means at our disposal to make them well—from pressuring drug manufacturers, to lobbying policy makers, to providing medical care and social services. Whatever it takes. Just as we would do if a member of our own family—or we ourselves—were ill.
    The PIH model of care - partnering with poor communities to combat disease and poverty. This is an on-the-ground approach to implementing the Millennium Development Goals. Getting our governments to keep their promise is only one step in acheiving the goals. The world is focused as never before on averting millions of preventable deaths among poor people living in the developing world. For the first time, substantial funding is available to treat infectious diseases in impoverished settings. Funding alone, though, won't be enough. For this massive investment to make a real impact on the twin epidemics of poverty and disease, a comprehensive and community-based approach is key.
    The PIH model of care - partnering with poor communities to combat disease and poverty The world is focused as never before on averting millions of preventable deaths among poor people living in the developing world. For the first time, substantial funding is available to treat infectious diseases in impoverished settings. Funding alone, though, won't be enough. For this massive investment to make a real impact on the twin epidemics of poverty and disease, a comprehensive and community-based approach is key.
Brian G. Dowling

FrontlineSMS: A free, large scale text messaging solution for NGOs and non-profit organ... - 0 views

  • A lack of communication can be a major barrier for grassroots non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in developing countries. FrontlineSMS is the first text messaging system created exclusively with this problem in mind. By leveraging basic tools already available to most NGOs — computers and mobile phones — FrontlineSMS enables instantaneous two-way communication on a large scale. It’s easy to implement, simple to operate, and best of all, the software is free.
    FrontlineSMS is free open source software that turns a laptop and a mobile phone into a central communications hub. Once installed, the program enables users to send and receive text messages with large groups of people through mobile phones. What you communicate is up to you, making FrontlineSMS useful in many different ways.
Brian G. Dowling

RESULTS: Global - Orange County - 0 views

Brian G. Dowling

Half The Sky - 0 views

    Half the Sky lays out an agenda for the world's women and three major abuses: sex trafficking and forced prostitution; gender-based violence including honor killings and mass rape; maternal mortality, which needlessly claims one woman a minute. We know there are many worthy causes competing for attention in the world. We focus on this one because this kind of oppression feels transcendent - and so does the opportunity. Outsiders can truly make a difference.
Brian G. Dowling

From Hardware to Collaborative Philosophy - 0 views

    This post includes the latest bookmarks and puts them together as an example of moving from hardware technology to collaborative philosophy in social entrepreneurship. All of which will be necessary to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
Brian G. Dowling - Projects and perspectives on global health - 0 views

  • From the start of our projects to the finish, it’s people who determine what FrontlineSMS:Medic does, when we do it, and why. The tech tools we use exist to serve patients, community health workers, and healthcare professionals – not the other way around. This mindset is critical for a number of reasons. I’ll explain. We strongly believe that projects should start when clinics ‘pull’ them to a site, as opposed to having projects ‘pushed’ onto healthcare providers. Ken Banks included the (very important) push/pull differentiation in his “Development best practices for beginners” series. Clinics are not just convenient places to pilot technology innovations. Healthcare providers should demand programs they need, and we should be ready to respond. Local staff should determine how the tech will be used, and we should be flexible and helpful in working through use cases and functionality.
    The FrontlineSMS in action
Brian G. Dowling

The Most Important Number in the World | MIT World - 0 views

  • McKibben saw the way ahead as harnessing the Internet’s multiplicative power. In 2007, with the help of six students and email’s exponential impact, 1,400 simultaneous demonstrations took place countrywide. “The thing just went viral,” McKibben exclaims, “…the biggest day of grass-roots environmental activism since the first Earth Day in 1970.” Social networking and cell phones proved most effective tools for mobilization.
  • From Martin Luther King, Jr., McKibben absorbed principles of righteous activism. The good fight must be “creative…determined…joyful.” In closing, McKibben cautions “nature does not grade on a curve.” Global warming “is the morally urgent question of our moment.”
    "Just a sleep-deprived activist and organizer." That's how environmentalist Bill McKibben describes his current incarnation, with writing career in abeyance while he proselytizes about the danger of climate change. The plight he first wrote about as hypothesis in 1989 has evolved into "deeply rooted consensus." By 1995, world climatologists agreed: "Human beings are heating up the planet."
    This is related to goal 7 of the Millennium Goals. It may not have the label but it is global in scope and defines an issue that will with us for the next millennium based on what we do today.
Brian G. Dowling

UN Chronicle | A magazine for the United Nations. - 0 views

  • During the past two decades, population growth, improvement in incomes and diversification of diets have steadily increased the demand for food. Prior to 2000, food prices were in decline, largely through record harvests. At the same time, however, public and private investment in agriculture, especially in the production of staple food, decreased, which led to stagnant or declining crop yields in most developing countries.1 Rapid urbanization has led to the conversion of farmland to non-agricultural uses, and low food prices have encouraged farmers to shift to alternative food and non-food crops. Long-term unstable land use has also caused land degradation, soil erosion, nutrient depletion, water scarcity and disruption of biological cycles.
    Losing 25,000 to Hunger Every Day. From the UN Chronicles
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