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Ed Webb

The public gets a voice in the 'future of news' - Communication Leadership blog - 0 views

  • There are a couple of reasons why many people don't realize how close newspapers are to a meltdown. First, news media executives don't want to paint a depressing picture of the future. Not surprisingly, they're inclined to present an optimistic and hopeful narrative that says they'll ride out the worst and emerge even stronger. Second, so far anyway, news consumers haven't seen anything close to the full impact of the digital revolution.
    • Ed Webb
      Astutely observed
  • The truth is no one knows what the future of news will be
    • Jared Bernhardt
      I think we can assume that the age of the magazine will be dead in 7-8 years.
  • Let's apply the same model to the present.  In brainstorming the future of news, all hands are needed, those of the amateurs as well as the pros.
    With the economy getting deeper and deeper into a hole, and avenues to produce journalism (blogs, twitter, what have you) increasing, will 2009 be the year that citizen journalism takes its place within the 3 pronged formula of news gathering? Corporations rise and fall on a daily basis--The Post begs me to keep subscribing with them--to the point where getting a weekly paper is less than buying the Sunday edition alone. This is not the year for digitizing the paper(via devices like a Kindle) because of the high price point. The Kindle was announced at 359.00--which in my opinion is not consumer friendly.
    Economy being in a hole is kind of cliche, but you catch my drift.
Jared Bernhardt

Amazon Kindle 2 Debuts To Mixed Reviews -- Amazon Kindle E-Book -- InformationWeek - 0 views

    Amazon announced the Kindle 2 yesterday.
Ed Webb

Free Philip Rizk | الحرية لفيليب رزق - 0 views

    Arrested Egyptian blogger/activist/filmmaker
Ed Webb

Driven down by debt, Dubai expats give new meaning to long-stay car park - Times Online - 0 views

  • Dubai is emptying out
  • Heading home 3.62 million expatriates in Dubai 864,000 nationals 8% population decline predicted this year, as expatriates leave 1,500 visas cancelled every day in Dubai 62% of homes occupied by expatriates 60% fall in property values predicted 50% slump in the price of luxury apartments on Palm Jumeirah 25% reduction in luxury spending among UAE expatriates
    Sign of the times.
Ed Webb

The End of Solitude - - 0 views

shared by Ed Webb on 09 Feb 09 - Cached
  • if the property that grounded the self, in Romanticism, was sincerity, and in modernism it was authenticity, then in postmodernism it is visibility
    • Ed Webb
  • Reading, as Robinson puts it, "is an act of great inwardness and subjectivity." "The soul encountered itself in response to a text, first Genesis or Matthew and then Paradise Lost or Leaves of Grass." With Protestantism and printing, the quest for the divine voice became available to, even incumbent upon, everyone.
    • Ed Webb
      Mark Edmundson makes a similar argument in "Why Read?" - - he believes reading has the potential to be life-changing.
  • The world was now understood as an assault on the self, and with good reason.
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • The Romantic ideal of solitude developed in part as a reaction to the emergence of the modern city. In modernism, the city is not only more menacing than ever, it has become inescapable, a labyrinth: Eliot's London, Joyce's Dublin. The mob, the human mass, presses in. Hell is other people
    • Ed Webb
      "Hell is other people" - L'enfer c'est les autres - is one of the more famous utterances of Jean-Paul Sartre.
  • authenticity
  • heroic self-discovery, a voyage through interior realms made vast and terrifying by Nietzschean and Freudian insights
  • the universal threat of loneliness
  • But through the 70s and 80s, our isolation grew. Suburbs, sprawling ever farther, became exurbs. Families grew smaller or splintered apart, mothers left the home to work. The electronic hearth became the television in every room. Even in childhood, certainly in adolescence, we were each trapped inside our own cocoon. Soaring crime rates, and even more sharply escalating rates of moral panic, pulled children off the streets. The idea that you could go outside and run around the neighborhood with your friends, once unquestionable, has now become unthinkable. The child who grew up between the world wars as part of an extended family within a tight-knit urban community became the grandparent of a kid who sat alone in front of a big television, in a big house, on a big lot. We were lost in space.
    • Ed Webb
      This begins to veer into conservative reaction - compare to Rothman on television. Is all so gloomy, really? Would we all be happier if things were more like the 1950s? I really don't think so. Only the rich white men would be happier.
  • A constant stream of mediated contact, virtual, notional, or simulated, keeps us wired in to the electronic hive — though contact, or at least two-way contact, seems increasingly beside the point.
  • Visibility secures our self-esteem, becoming a substitute, twice removed, for genuine connection
  • My students told me they have little time for intimacy. And of course, they have no time at all for solitude
  • The two emotions, loneliness and boredom, are closely allied. They are also both characteristically modern
  • Boredom is not a necessary consequence of having nothing to do, it is only the negative experience of that state. Television, by obviating the need to learn how to make use of one's lack of occupation, precludes one from ever discovering how to enjoy it. In fact, it renders that condition fearsome, its prospect intolerable. You are terrified of being bored — so you turn on the television.
  • consumer society wants to condition us to feel bored, since boredom creates a market for stimulation.
  • has been said
    • Ed Webb
      Passive mood raises questions: said by whom? in what context?
  • the Internet is as powerful a machine for the production of loneliness as television is for the manufacture of boredom
    • Ed Webb
      Wow - now, that is nicely written, whether one agrees with it or not.
  • Lost, too, is the related propensity for sustained reading
  • Reading now means skipping and skimming; five minutes on the same Web page is considered an eternity. This is not reading as Marilynne Robinson described it: the encounter with a second self in the silence of mental solitude
    • Ed Webb
      Are both kinds of reading not possible?
  • there is no mental space that is not social (contemporary social science dovetailing here with postmodern critical theory). One of the most striking things about the way young people relate to one another today is that they no longer seem to believe in the existence of Thoreau's "darkness."
  • The MySpace page, with its shrieking typography and clamorous imagery, has replaced the journal and the letter as a way of creating and communicating one's sense of self
  • The suggestion is not only that such communication is to be made to the world at large rather than to oneself or one's intimates, or graphically rather than verbally, or performatively rather than narratively or analytically, but also that it can be made completely
    • Ed Webb
      Do we really buy that suggestion? Does anybody? I know what Facebook et al are selling, but am not convinced too many are buying it.
  • We are not merely social beings. We are each also separate, each solitary, each alone in our own room, each miraculously our unique selves and mysteriously enclosed in that selfhood.
  • One must protect oneself from the momentum of intellectual and moral consensus — especially, Emerson added, during youth.
  • Today, of course, universities do everything they can to keep their students from being alone, lest they perpetrate self-destructive acts, and also, perhaps, unfashionable thoughts. But no real excellence, personal or social, artistic, philosophical, scientific or moral, can arise without solitude. "The saint and poet seek privacy," Emerson said, "to ends the most public and universal."
    • Ed Webb
      Harsh, dude. But possibly fair. Does this mean universities are broken? Beyond redemption? Or is the argument too sweeping here? Not everybody has the talent or inclination to be a seer. Those that do, will find their solitude, surely?
  • Solitude isn't easy, and isn't for everyone.
  • But it takes a willingness to be unpopular.
    • Ed Webb
      Almost anything worthwhile takes that willingness.
  • Not for nothing does "gregarious" mean "part of the herd."
Ed Webb

Ex-Leader of Iran Announces Candidacy - - 0 views

shared by Ed Webb on 09 Feb 09 - Cached
  • the 30th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution this week.
    • Ed Webb
      As revolutions go, that's pretty successful.
  • It is unclear whether the Guardian Council, a hard-line body of clerics close to the supreme leader that has the power to approve or disqualify candidates, will try to prevent Mr. Khatami from running.Conservative politicians and former supporters of Mr. Ahmadinejad who now criticize his policies have said that if Mr. Khatami entered the race, they would unite behind Mr. Ahmadinejad.
  • he is not deep in his thinking
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “Mr. Khatami would not be an appropriate president and there might be riots again if he gets elected,” he warned, referring to the pro-democracy demonstrations during Mr. Khatami’s presidency.
Ed Webb

Inanities: The kidnapping of Philip Rizk - 0 views

  • While there are many worse features of dictatorships and oppression, I am always reminded that one of its defining aspects is tedium, and that it involves hours of standing around waiting with that awful mixture of boredom and fear in your chest.
    • Ed Webb
      Astutely observed.
Manon Latil

Abbas Seeks Greater Gaza Role for His Palestinian Authority - - 0 views

    Abbas went to Turkey this week end. Erdogan wants Turkey to have a main role in the Middle East as a crisis-solver. Is now involved in the Schalit release negociations.
Ed Webb

Egypt and beyond: Protestors demand release of Philip Rizk - 0 views

  • Students and teachers are planning another protest tomorrow, Sunday, at the AUC new campus at 12.30.
    • Ed Webb
      Maybe AUC is not so dull after all...
Ed Webb

Journalism is Not a Crime » More info on Phillip Rizk from KABOBfest - 0 views

shared by Ed Webb on 08 Feb 09 - Cached
  • On her blog, a friend of mine recently lambasted Egyptians for their failure to take to the streets like people in Turkey, Morocco, France and dozens of other countries. While I don’t feel the same way she does, I feel her frustration. What is happening to Philip Rizk is just a reminder of the harsh realties of life in Egypt. There is no way Mubarak and his people can maintain their alliances without a crushing iron fist - state of emergency.
    • Ed Webb
      The virtual public sphere clashes with the physical, state-controlled public sphere.
  • I’m curious to see how much media coverage this whole story will receive… So far, very few news outlets have picked it up.
Ed Webb

The Associated Press: Israel turning rightward going into Tuesday ballot - 0 views

  • But the war in Gaza, a looming recession and a pervasive belief that giving up land only draws more attacks have boosted Netanyahu and other hard-line candidates
    • Ed Webb
      Guess that didn't work out quite the way Livni & Barak hoped.
  • we tried to be nice to the Arabs
  • Even with a late victory, however, Livni would not be able to form a government without bringing hawks on board. That would put her in the same position she was in three months ago, when she failed to put together a coalition and triggered the current election by refusing to cave in to the right's demands
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • His Yisrael Beitenu Party now appears to be vying with Barak's Labor to be Israel's third largest party.
    • Ed Webb
      That is HUGE.
  • one of the campaign's most colorful TV ads, courtesy of the dovish Meretz Party: "If you liked Mussolini, if you were missing Stalin, you'll love Lieberman."
  • he would allow existing Jewish settlements in the West Bank to expand.
  • if the Obama administration lends its support to an idea gaining currency in international circles of trying to pull the Islamic militants of Hamas out of Iran's orbit by offering incentives.
  • Netanyahu seems the most likely to carry out a military strike on Iran, which Israel sees as its top threat.
  • Israeli hawks have carried out their nation's most important territorial concessions, most notably Menachem Begin's withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula in 1982 and Ariel Sharon's 2005 evacuation of Gaza.
    • Ed Webb
      I'm glad they pointed this out. Only Nixon could go to China.
  • With Arabs soon to outnumber Jews in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Israel will have a hard time remaining a Jewish state if it holds on to all the land it now controls.
Ed Webb

YouTube - Seth Godin Explains Why You Need a Tribe - 0 views

    Why do people buy IPods, rather than better & cheaper digital music players? Why are the Grateful Dead such a draw? Great ideas on consumption, identity, activism, networking...
    Seth Godin interview on tribes, virality etc.
Ed Webb

Egypt police detain Egyptian-German activist | World | Reuters - 0 views

  • no formal charge
    • Ed Webb
      This is, sadly, not as rare as one would hope in Egypt.
  • Rizk, who blogs at Tabula Gaza ( is "passionate" about Gaza and had recently completed most of the work on a short documentary about non-violent resistance to Israeli occupation,
    • Ed Webb
      When David Faris comes later this semester we can ask him about blogging and activism in Egypt. Note that Rizk has branched out into another medium - low-cost digital video means a documentary is a more accessible tool for activists than previously.
Ed Webb

YouTube - Clay Shirky - 0 views

    One of the smartest analysts of emerging digital media practices. Worth 40 minutes of your time.
    Shirky rocks out in this excellent lecture/presentation on digital media and how we organize and disseminate data. Pull rather than push.
Ed Webb

The BBC's Twitter slip: Peter Horrocks' lesson on private messages | Media | guardian.c... - 0 views

    More lessons in how not to use Twitter
Ed Webb

Congressman Twitters secret trip to Iraq | Webware - CNET - 0 views

    Surveillance, security, intelligence, technology. This story could start a lot of conversations.
Ed Webb

PressThink: It Took 23 Years, But I Finally Got to Give My View of the National Press o... - 0 views

  • Great that Bill gave you a louder platform to point out the corrosive effects of the Washington bubble, of which the national media are so important a part. A shame that the discussion of the possible impact of the internet was so brief at the end there. Nevertheless, I think what came over quite strongly was the sense that this is a moment of real potential for change, for fracture in the ideological hegemony of the establishment, for ideas otherwise readily dismissed as 'radical' or 'far left' or simply laughable to finally get a hearing in the public sphere. Because the public sphere itself has become a more contested, dynamic, and fractious place, which is all to the good. Nice work all round.
    Discussion of the Bill Moyers video also bookmarked
Ed Webb

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS - 0 views

    Compelling discussion. In Gramscian terms, we could be at a point of a war of maneuver (we can discuss in class), a moment where one ideological hegemony is being broken down to be replaced by who knows what.
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