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avivajazz  jazzaviva

Doctors Blog - 0 views

    A place for doctors to blog medicine medical blog blogs medicalblog medicalblogs doctorsblog doctorsblogs "doctor blogs" "physician blogs" "doctor blog" "physician blog" doctors physicians blogs bloggers doctor physician professionals
avivajazz  jazzaviva

doc2doc Blogs - 0 views

    A place for doctors and medical students to blog medicine medical blog blogs medicalblog medicalblogs doctorsblog doctorsblogs "doctor blogs" "physician blogs" "doctor blog" "physician blog" doctors physicians blogs bloggers doctor physician professionals students "medical students"
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Science in the Open | Friendfeed for Scientists | What, Why, and How? - 0 views

    friendfeed science medicine scientists doctors physicians researchers biomedicine biomedical socialmedia socialnetworking "social media" "social networking" medicine2.0 healthcare2.0 profession professional web2.0 lifestream lifestreams streaming streams
avivajazz  jazzaviva

ScienceRoll | Medicine and Web 2.0 - 0 views

    All kinds of resources, from Twitter applications for physicians to visualizations of various categories of medical research on PubMed. Fantastic blog; do NOT miss it!
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Twitter & Medicine // Scholarly tweets - 0 views

    Twitter, Doctors...and Better Medicine?

Why We Avoid Telling Patients the Truth | The Health Care Blog - 3 views

    "Today, most patients with cancer never receive information from their physicians about their prognosis or even imminent death. According to a recent article in The Journal of the American Medical Association, not telling patients their prognosis leads to a worse quality of life for both patients and their caregivers."

The hidden curriculum in medical school - 0 views

    "They want you to study by yourself and become obsessed with how well you understanding the material. ergo - stop caring about whether anyone else understands it. It would be a great system to develop overconfident get-mine solo practice doctors, but everyone knows there's too much paperwork to run a solo practice these days. We're also coming upon the age of specialists when collaboration will be at a premium. A disease like diabetes is complex. You might need primary care physicians working with vascular surgeons, endocrinologists, ophthalmologists, I could list every specialty. Not to mention nutritionists, personal trainers, policy makers."
avivajazz  jazzaviva

doc2doc.bmj // Doctors' Community, Forums & Social Networking - 0 views

    Welcome to doc2doc // Connecting doctors worldwide - doc2doc registration is free and connects you to colleagues around the world. * Get answers to your clinical questions from a community you can trust. * Start a discussion about anything from the latest research to careers advice. * Find colleagues you used to work with. * Create your own online meeting place for your friends, colleagues, hospital or society.
    Welcome to doc2doc // Connecting doctors worldwide - doc2doc registration is free and connects you to colleagues around the world. * Get answers to your clinical questions from a community you can trust. * Start a discussion about anything from the latest research to careers advice. * Find colleagues you used to work with. * Create your own online meeting place for your friends, colleagues, hospital or society.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

As Babyboomers Approach 65, Doctors Flee | Cuts in Medicare Payments Force Cuts in Doct... - 0 views

    At a time when baby boomers are approaching the age of 65, some physicians attuned to this economic reality have simply stopped accepting Medicare patients.
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