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USCC statement on threats of withdrawal from US-South Korea trade agreement - 0 views

    U.S. Chamber President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue issued the following statement in response to reports that the Trump administration is considering withdrawing from the U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement.

​8 Proven Ways to Help Close the Achievement Gap | EdSurge News - 13 views

    An informative and engaging article that provides eight solutions to tackling the achievement gap.  It is well organized and written with clear reasoning for each solution.
  • ...12 more comments...
    Emotional start, easy to read eight part checklist that can help bridge the instructional gap; good tools to make sure all is being done to properly cater towards the full comprehension of material by students.
    This short article highlights years of research that examined the racial achievement gap. Research and finding suggest that much of what accounts for the disparities in achievement is attributed to socioeconomic factors. The article offers 8 ways for closing the gap among those most impacted based on the findings and best practices.
    Great article. Another source of proof that higher levels of expectations and rigor really do help close the gap. I also like that they reinforce the value of school and home connection.
    This article talks about using assessments to tell if interventions are working, this like a response to intervention. Raising the bar for the student to they can be successful. Monitor the students progress on a monthly basis and get the parents involved
    When we met, April's mother was in drug rehabilitation and her father was in jail. She would stare at the ground and rarely utter a word. I was a sophomore in college and was serving as April's mentor; I feared that we might never develop a close relationship.
    When we met, April's mother was in drug rehabilitation and her father was in jail. She would stare at the ground and rarely utter a word. I was a sophomore in college and was serving as April's mentor; I feared that we might never develop a close relationship.
    I almost put this article up myself. Very moving.
    This article highlights 8 ways to provide educational gains to students needing them most. The goal is closing the achievement gap between struggling learners and high performing students. 1. Use Evidence-Based Instruction, 2. Provide a Rigorous Curriculum, 3. Increase Instructional Time, 4. Introduce Supplemental Instruction, 5. Monitor Progress, Ideally Monthly, 6. Motivate & Engage, 7. Deepen Professional Development, 8. Link School and Home
    This is a great article that highlights different things that can be done in the classroom to close the achievement gap the two that I think are most important are the increased instructional time, and link between school and home. I think almost every teacher has wished for more instructional time in the classroom, I know I only see my students every other day and I often think about how much more I could teach them if I saw them every day like math and ELA. I also think the communication between home and school is important to a student's ability to learn.
    Great article! I like how it was connected to an inspirational story. I like how each of the ways was described. Often in the busyness of teaching, it's good to have reminders of what is needed, so that you can strengthen weaknesses.
    (Week 9: Sheila, Suzanne and Cathy) This article is accessible through the link above. This article explains eight ways educators can inspire academic advancements in students, especially students from lower socioeconomic statuses. While mentoring the author gain insight on how to help close the achievement gap. The writer and her team identified that evidence base instruction, a rigorous curriculum, increased instructional time, supplemental instruction, progress monitoring, motivating and engaging, professional development, and a link to school and home would accomplish those gains. The author believes that "if teachers know about and follow those suggestions they could help close the achievement gap." (Fisher, 2015) This article can be a great resource for teachers. Many of the suggestions could be incorporated by most teachers. However, the article also assumes that if followed these eight tools will close the achievement gap. The author also does not explain how teachers can increase instructional time. Reference: Fisher, O. (Oct 2015). 8 proven ways to help close the achievement gap. Istation. Retrieved from
    The article was very informative. I especially liked the 8th suggestion, "Link home and school." This is an essential piece that I think educators need to do a better job with for at-risk students. When there are more people engaged and involved, students have a broader network of support to ensure success. We need to do more community outreach to help our students improve both academically and in the broader sense.
    I really enjoyed this article. As a new instructor I am constantly looking to engage my adult students. Through my instruction, making that personal connection is so important. Once you make that personal connection I find that students start making a personal connection with their assignments as well. I find having a non-academic conversation at the beginning of class can help the students feel involved classroom citizens.
    This article really gives great advice on how teachers can help close the achievement gap by changing small things they do in the classroom. The two things that stuck out to me was allowing more time and progress monitoring. Sometimes time is all a student needs to succeed. When students feel rushed they end up just picking whatever answer they think is right or just something to complete the assignment. Allowing students to return to their unfinished work could really help students concentrate knowing that they don't have to rush to finish an assignment. As far as progress monitoring goes, it helps when the teacher really cares about making sure the students are on the right track and that their parents are aware of the work they have completed or would need to complete to get them on track.

Challenges in Mixed Ability Classes and Strategies Utilized by ELI Teachers...: UMUC Li... - 0 views

    (Week 7: Dave and Kristina) This journal article is accessible through the link given above by accessing the UMUC library. This journal article discusses the challenges that nearly all teachers face in classes where there they encounter students of mixed abilities. The article provides solutions such as 'provided specific activities for varying students', and notes that teachers with a 'positive attitude toward mixed abilities' correlate to more positive outcomes within their classrooms (Al-Subaiei, 2017). Teachers in our team can use this information because the problem of having students of mixed abilities is a ubiquitous one. It enlightens the reader that many teachers have not received adequate training regarding differentiation to provide effective lessons to classes that contain learners of mixed abilities. While Al-Subaiei (2017) doesn't offer solutions specific to any particular subject area, it certainly does shine a light and help teachers reflect on an issue that we all face to varying degrees. References Al-Subaiei, M. S. (2017). Challenges in Mixed Ability Classes and Strategies Utilized by ELI Teachers to Cope with Them. English Language Teaching, 10(6), 182-189. Retrieved from

How testing practices have to change in U.S. public schools - The Washington Post - 0 views

    This article describes how testing has changed, especially since ESSA. Some states have dropped graduation required testing and even teacher evaluations tied to testing. Great article.

How Partners in School Innovation is addressing the Teaching Gap | Partners in School I... - 1 views

  • (“To Close the Achievement Gap, We Need to Close the Teaching Gap”),
  • The teaching gap refers to disparities between the working conditions and level of support for teachers in the United States and their counterparts in other industrialized nations. 
  • teachers in the U.S. have larger class sizes, spend more time directly teaching children
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • work more hours per week than the international average.
  • Perhaps most importantly, U.S. teachers have less time for planning, collaboration and access to quality professional development when compared with teachers in other countries.
  • PLCs, including one that supported kindergarten teachers to integrate Common Core-aligned writing into their everyday practice.
  • eachers came together three times throughout the year to learn about the three genres of Common Core writing (narrative, informative and opinion), score writing assessments, analyze student writing samples, set writing goals for their students and plan writing instruction that specifically met the needs of English learners. The learning from the PLC was then supported through collaboration at their school sites throughout the year.
  • professional learning helped them make significant changes in their approaches to writing instruction, resulting in improved performance of kindergarten students. Specifically, those students outperformed all other grades on the district’s end-of-year writing assessment.
  • student achievement increases when teachers have time to learn and plan together.
  • teachers were able to consistently and systematically reflect on student data and their instructional practice. In addition, teachers created clear, measurable goals and designed instructional plans that met the needs of their English learners.
  • advocate for policies that will help close the teaching gap
  • providing development on the instructional shifts within the Common Core, supporting teachers to collaboratively design and refine CCSS-based units and lessons, and providing professional development on how to assess CCSS mastery.
  • providing opportunities for teachers to engage in professional development and collaboration around creating culturally and linguistically responsive lessons and classroom learning environments that reflect the identities of their students
    This site provided an article that looked into what the organization, Partners in School Innovations is doing to "not just close the achievement gap, but the teaching gap." Results from a survey are shared regarding average class sizes and the time spent teaching versus the time spent planning. The article provides a case study of a school that focused on instructional gaps and its results. This is a great read for administrators, policymakers and other stakeholders.
    I realize this has more to do with achievement gaps than specific gaps within a single classroom, but it has been my experience that targeted instruction to support a few helps every learner in the room.

Phonics and Word Study for ELL's K-5 - 2 views

    This is a great article found on ASCD that highlights the importance of word study and phonics instruction as part of Guided Reading instruction to build basic foundational skills for ELL students. This is a chapter found in the book "Research-Based Methods of Reading Instruction for English Language Learners, Grades K-4." I chose this article because it includes actual guided reading lessons for groups who are working on specific skills such as word endings, vowel combinations, blends, diagraphs etc. Linan-Thompson, S & Vaughn, S. (2007). Phonics and Word Study. Research-Based methods of reading instruction for English language learners, grades K-4. Retrieved from

ERIC - Closing Achievement Gaps: Revisiting Benjamin S. Bloom's "Learning for Mastery",... - 0 views

    I selected this article as it serves as a reminder that as educators we need to look at our instructional techniques and designs to figure out what we can do better in helping our students learn. Sometimes, we get so comfortable with a particular strategy, that we fail to see how it impacts student learning. This article is a reminder that we must vary instruction to promote student learning. Abstract: The problem of achievement gaps among different subgroups of students has been evident in education for many years. This manuscript revisits the work of renowned educator Benjamin S. Bloom, who saw reducing gaps in the achievement of various groups of students as a simple problem of reducing variation in student learning outcomes.

Learning Registry | sharing what we know - 3 views

    The is a new approach to capturing, connecting and sharing data about learning resources available online with the goal of making it easier for educators and students to access the rich content available in our ever-expanding digital universe. Today large collections of learning resources sit online, waiting to be accessed.
    I really liked the site. Just looking at the partners to this network, I came across European School Net (, as well as many organizations and government entities in the U.S. KW

Back to school: How parent involvement affects student achievement (full report) - 7 views

    Good article on how involving parents in the school community can lead to better student achievement and attendence.
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    This is more pertinent to Group 6's EQ but relevant for all teachers.
    I agree with you, Katherine. I think that this article typifies the heart of our EQ in that enumerates important statistical macrodata concerning parental involvement in overall student achievement. A nice find, indeed.
    The report provides plenty of research results to support the more parental involvement in schools, and specifies which types of parental involvement yield the greatest academic improvements: programs and interventions to increase family engagement in homework, targeted programs on parenting practices regarding attendance, and regular school communication with parents such as orientations and newsletters. This quote from the Conclusion summarizes the research well: "While all forms of parent involvement play significant roles in the health of the school and the community, home learning activities are perhaps the wisest investment of school dollars and effort to produce long-lasting academic gains. While such involvement is fairly straightforward in elementary school, it's also possible later on. At the middle and high school level, school activities that promote the parent's role in maintaining high expectations for their children benefit students."
    "Parent involvement can make a difference in a child's education." I know this is true in my school. I know for a fact that my students who have parents that are involved do better academically. This does not mean that the parent necessarily has to have a high level of education. I have had students really succeed because their parents check their agenda and homework each night when they come home. Sometimes, just knowing or having a parent that cares and that is there to push you is enough.
    I agree wholeheartedly with the quote that states "Parent involvement can make a difference in a child's education." Once I read this line, I was intrigued with the rest of the article. I am a very driven individual when it comes to education, and I want that for my son as well. My wife and I are constantly coaching our son on the importance of education, and making sure that he completes his work on time and correctly. I have seen first hand in my two years of teaching what parent involvement can do for a students school work. I have seen students whose parents are actively involved in their school careers, and the students performed on a much higher level than those of students whose parents did not seem to be involved.

Confucius teaching in a dialogue of Xue Er - 0 views

    Show translation:[ None] [ Modern Chinese] [English] 学而: 子贡曰:"贫而无谄,富而无骄,何如?"子曰:"可也。未若贫而乐 1,富而好礼者也。"子贡曰:"《 诗》云:' 如切如磋,如琢如磨。 '其斯之谓与?"子曰:"赐也,始可与言诗已矣!告诸往而知来者。" Xue Er: Zi Gong said, "What do you pronounce concerning the poor man who yet does not flatter, and the rich man who is not proud?" When teaching and learning Chinese languages and cultures, It is usually hard to find a good classic literature especially about Confucius. Confucius dialogue with his students are the heart of Chinese classic literatures and Chinese and Asian cultures. This website will give people a len to look into classic Chinese literature with rich resources.

Closing the Achievement Gap - 0 views

    This article describes how teachers can close the achievement gap by using Benjamin S. Bloom's learning for mastery technique. The article explains the importance of using a variety of instructional measures and teaching strategies in the classroom to help close the achievement gap in different subject areas.

Embed widgets for your site, blog, social network, and more! · Widgetbox - 1 views

    A collection of widgets -- and related code -- that can be embedded in websites.


    Week 8 Google Scholar is among the best scholarly search engines online yet only a few select of educators know its secrets.As a rule of thumb that applies to all Google products, the effective use of any service from Google s can only be achieved through mastering its deep and hidden features.

English Language Arts Standards \" Writing \" Grade 6 - 0 views

    CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.1.b Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.

Enhancing Alphabet Knowledge Instruction: Research Implications and Practical Strategie... - 1 views

    (Week 7: Ruchel and Beth) This journal article is accessible through the link given above by accessing the UMUC library. This journal article discuss practical strategies to help with teaching the alphabet. The importance of the alphabet for early literacy skills is discussed in the article. The article stresses the flaw with the popular "letter of the week" way of teaching the alphabet including the fact that this method takes 26 weeks just to cover the alphabet as well as the fact that if students know a number of letters those weeks are a waste of valuable class time. Teachers can use this article to further their instructional practices in the early childhood classroom by focusing on EAK (Enhanced Alphabet Knowledge Instruction) which "emphasizes identifying the letter name and sound, recognizing the letter in text, and producing the letter form, through flexible, distributed cycles of review based on factors that influence acquisition of alphabet knowledge" (Jones, Clark & Reutzel, 2013). "Rather than the traditional method of one cycle of massed instruction, EAK instruction advocates teaching letters through multiple, distributed instructional cycles which allows for letters to be introduced, practiced, and revisited several times, as needed, during the school year" (Jones et al., 2013). References Jones, C., Clark, S., & Reutzel, D. (2013). Enhancing Alphabet Knowledge Instruction: Research Implications and Practical Strategies for Early Childhood Educators. Early Childhood Education Journal, 41(2), 81-89. doi:10.1007/s10643-012-0534-9

Moving to Assessment-Guided Differentiated Instruction to Support Young Children's Alph... - 1 views

    (Week Nine: Ruchel and Beth) This article is accessible through the UMUC library via Document Express. This journal article is about differentiated instruction when it comes to teaching students the alphabet. The article highlights the fact that "Early literacy experiences vary widely... and children show substantial differences in their alphabet knowledge development. Thus, children in the same early childhood classroom may exhibit differing levels of alphabet knowledge" (Piasta, 2014). Teachers can use this article to further their instructional practice by using the strategies and assessments discussed in the article to work with students in ways that will help the individual child learn all the letters verses a whole class approach to teaching the alphabet. The article discuses how, "The familiarity of children with letters included in their own first names, for example, has long been observed" (Piasta, 2014). But when it comes to teaching the alphabet in a whole class approach teachers are not acknowledging "differences across letters, often providing the same amount and types of instructional activities for each of the 26 letters irrespective of the ease or difficulty of learning a particular letter (Piasta, 2014). The article provides an idea that all "Early childhood educators may wish to assess all the children in their classrooms or may first use established alphabet screening assessments" (Piasta, 2014). It is also helpful for educators "To conduct a diagnostic alphabet assessment, an educator presents a child with each of the 26 letters and asks the child to supply the name and/or sound for each letter. The educator marks whether the child supplied a correct name and/or sound. Although the assessment can be scored in terms of the total number of correct letter names or sounds (i.e., 0 to 26), most important for diagnostic purposes are which letter names and sounds the child knows (Piasta, 2014)...
    ...The article finds that small group learning "has been demonstrated to be more effective than whole-class or even one-to-one instruction in supporting young children's early literacy development (Piasta, 2014). The article also stresses the fact that educators should "plan and use effective teaching practices to deliver alphabet instruction on the selected letters. Alphabet instruction can take place in many fun, engaging, and authentic contexts" (Piasta, 2014). In closing, "Outside of planned alphabet instruction, educators may also take advantage of additional "teachable moments" to review and reinforce children's alphabet learning whenever these occur" (Piasta, 2014). References Piasta, S. B. (2014). Moving to Assessment-Guided Differentiated Instruction to Support Young Children's Alphabet Knowledge. Reading Teacher, 68(3), 202-211. doi:10.1002/trtr.1316

The Use of Screencasts in Mathematical and Scientific Education - 2 views

    Week 9: This is a journal article that ties in the importance of screencasts and mathematical education. The article delves deeper into e-learning and evaluates the effectiveness of screencasts on both math and science. Screencasts can be used as instructional strategies for increasing learning beyond what an individual educator can do for any one child at a time. The key behind this strategy in its value is if it is reused enough times to impact learning. It is a resource to keep in mind when planning for reteaching or providing more exposure and support for a concept learned.

Vocabulary Instruction in Commonly Used Kindergarten Core Reading Curricula - 2 views

    Week 9- By: Tanya S. Wright and Susan B. Neuman This article shows that their is a lack of vocabulary acquisition and instruction in kindergarten classrooms. The author expresses that there is a possibility that this limit can cause lasting consequences in literacy development as students get older. This article helps teachers by emphasizing the importance of incorporating explicit vocabulary instruction while teaching reading. - 0 views

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