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Melanie Scott

National Geographic Online - 1 views

    This is a great website for science videos, photographs and information for students and teachers to go through to find information. I love many of the videos you can look through to help make a lesson more concrete for students. However the videos are many and great they always start with advertisements which I do not like and think it takes away from the video. However if you look at the Kid version of National Geographic I did find they did not have advertisements before the video begins.
    Melanie, I am going to check this site out for videos on butterflies for my project. Thanks!
    Love this site!! My dad works for National Geographic, so I get all of the kids magazines that go along with the site. My third grades love it!
Sharon Lee

Sibelius Music Tool (Denee Devenishh - FALL - EDTC 600) - 8 views

Denee, This software is probably really exciting for Music teachers and students. I see that Sibelius offers a free trial download for 30 days, which is always a plus.

EDTC600 music tools


Embed widgets for your site, blog, social network, and more! · Widgetbox - 1 views

    A collection of widgets -- and related code -- that can be embedded in websites.
Rich Agosta

Google Drive- EDTC 600 - 0 views

    Google drive is a great online collaboration resource. I recently had the opportunity to participate in a training called "iPad pair share." At the training we collaborated with about 40 other educators through Google drive. Throughout the training we were able to write down our thoughts or questions on different online/iPad tools. This would be great tool for students to collaborate on class projects or assignments. The only problem with this is that you have to have an account, which requires all the students to have an account to use this.
    Rich, We have started using Google Drive in our school and it has also been embraced countywide. It has really helped our teachers streamline forms and spreadsheets. It has also served as a great host for housing static information like our handbook and policies. Finally, the calendar option has made it a one stop shop for information. I am a fan of Google Drive, but like you said you need to have an account to use it.
sophia park

WordQ - Sophia Park EDTC600 - 2 views

This is a software that accommodates to different stages of learners. When I downloaded the software, I got to choose the stage that is perfect for most third graders (it even specified third grad...

writing tools speech

sophia park

Teach Your Monsters to Read - Sophia Park EDTC600 - 1 views This is a website that has games to help early phonics learners with sounds and syllables.

mathematics tools

started by sophia park on 13 Oct 13 no follow-up yet

eThemes - 0 views

    "eThemes is your source for content-rich, kid-safe online resources that will help enhance your teaching and save you time. eThemes provides free, fast access to over 2,500 collections of websites, on topics ranging from Aerodynamics to Zebras and everything in between!"
Leslie Schroeder

Dictionary & Translation Pro Nokia app - 0 views

    This free app is appropriate for anyone who can access a 3G or WiFi network to use all three sources (Thesaurus, Dictionary, and Translator). The application is invaluable for ESL students who can access the app via a mobile telephone for in-class assistance to hundreds of new words, definitions and translations.

Teaching With Glogster: Using Virtual Posters in the Classroom - ReadWriteThink - 2 views

    "Glogster is a Web 2.0 tool that allows users to create virtual posters combining text, audio, video, images, and hyperlinks and to share them with others electronically. Using Glogster's educational site, Glogster EDU, teachers can establish class lists and monitor student activity while protecting privacy and anonymity."
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