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Closing the Achievement Gap Through Teacher Collaboration: Facilitating Multiple Trajec... - 4 views

    Two prominent methods for closing achievement gaps are discussed in this article: 1. increase district control over teaching and curriculum, and "minimum standard of instruction", 2. using teacher teams to develop curriculum and teaching methods. Because district control leads to set curriculum, methods, and assessments across schools, progress is easily measured. However, talented and creative teachers tend to feel less valued as educators, and more like tools of implementation. This could cause less effectiveness for having to fit lessons within such a strict construct. Teacher teams, or Professional Learning Networks, empower teachers for contributing to development of effective lessons. Educators tend to enjoy this approach, since it is more natural to teaching and learning, though it is difficult to measure what is being learned. Under district control, the focus can be on research based interventions, where measurement relies on teachers not straying from the mandated processes. Alternatively, it can focus on teacher learning, which would output teachers with similar goals, but who can draw from their own experience and knowledge. Mountain High School in Pleasantville, California, was divided into "learning communities" of around 80 students. Teachers were to serve as advisors, regularly contact families, collaborate with colleagues, and ELL and Special education students were divided amongst the communities. The teacher lack of experience with PDs showed, as they were more focused on student problems rather than ways to improve instruction. Teachers were also not used to contacting parents outside of problematic situations. It was also necessary to provide accommodations that help struggling students to strengthen the lacking skills that are preventing further growth. The proposed methods seemed sound, though implementation in the case study, was still problematic. The lack of success was potentially due to lack of understanding of what compris
    (Week 9: Amber, Angela, And Kenneth) This article is accessible through the link given by accessing Diigo. This article discusses two methods for closing the achievement gap due to teacher collaboration. The article discusses how teachers can collectively have discussion that may identify and address the structural issues that are built into the school system. Teachers can use this article to begin to understand how their instructional practices can be hampered by systematic inequalities. The idea of all of this is for these "Collaborations to require and build trust, routines and skills for further collaboration efforts. This also means that the collaborators will need training in order to help them talk about issues of teaching and learning and critique each other's practice (Levine and Marcus, 2007). This would be useful for our practicing teacher because (1) They teach in different districts so there will be some disparities, (2) critiquing each other can be more helpful and a great learning experience. References Levine, T. H., & Marcus, A. S. (2007). Closing the achievement gap through teacher collaboration: facilitating multiple trajectories of teacher learning. Journal Of Advanced Academics, 19(1), 116-138. From

Technology can close achievement gaps, improve learning | Stanford Graduate School of E... - 5 views

  • It also underscores that replacing teachers with technology is not a successful formula. Instead, strong gains in achievement occur by pairing technology with classroom teachers who provide real-time support and encouragement to underserved students.”
  • interactive learning, use of technology to explore and create rather than to “drill and kill,” and the right blend of teachers and technology.
  • applications of technology in low-income schools typically involves a “drill and kill” approach in which computers take over for teachers and students are presented with information they are expected to memorize and are then tested on with multiple-choice questions. In more affluent schools, however, students tend to be immersed in more interactive environments in which material is customized based on students’ learning needs and teachers supplement instruction with technology to explain concepts, coordinate student discussion, and stimulate high-level thinking.
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    • sirantoinne
      This article informed readers how learning gaps can become extinct with the impact of technology. In the article the author provides some tips on how tech can close the gap. It also implies that good instruction produces informed learners.
    This article looks at the importance of technology use in the classrooms in the 21st century and how this technology can be used to help close learning gaps. It specifically looks at students who are "at-risk". This article addresses great points but also cautions that in order for technology to be effective, it needs to be accompanied by professional development.
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    I enjoyed reading this article discuss how technology can be used to close achievement gaps, and improve learning in the classroom. I liked how the article listed recommendations for educators to use technology for risk high school youth. I think middle and elementary school educators can also find this article helpful with the mention of blended learning, which I use in my classroom as an elementary school classroom teacher.
    This article highlights a report completed by the Alliance for Excellent Education and the Staford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education in 2014. The article notes that students can make significant increases in learning and engagement through the use of technology. However, students from poor socio economic backgrounds may not have the same instruction or access to technology as those from more affluent neighborhoods. The auther then presents a list of solutions.
    I like that this article encourages a blended learning approach with technology. I think that tech is a powerful tool that needs to be paired with hands on activities for the early learners.

The Real Versus the Possible: Closing the Gaps in Engagement and Learning - 2 views

    This article focuses how to ensure that students remained engaged in learning. As we have a new generation of learners, it is important to ensure that students remained engaged with the presentation of instruction. Throughout the article, strategies are provided and an explanation of how to meet students needs in engagement are provided.

The 5 Keys to Successful Comprehensive Assessment in Action | Edutopia - 19 views

  • goals
  • These methods mean that assessment is no longer done to students, but with them, putting the focus on the student and learning.
  • Although students are awarded grades, they are rewarded through being at their best and coached through their challenges.
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    • tricia1022
      I do aspire to coach students through their difficulties. This articles gives teachers a lot to live up to. I like how it condenses unit planning.
  • podcast or a Prezi
  • learning
  • I want to make sure that all of my students succeed, so I must know those goals for all students.
  • "Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content." "Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience." "Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility of each source, and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources."
    • tricia1022
      These standards have to be incorporated into your entire school year for students to receive enough practice to master them. Feedback on the little things like warm up responses should have impact on the larger pieces of writing. LIGHT BULB IDEA have students rewrite responses from warm-ups and read them out loud to a partner. Have them do it the old way once, then the new way.
  • I began with the end in mind when I planned this unit
    • tricia1022
      Having a picture in mind of what product I want students to create is easy. Mapping out all the skills that students will need to create the product I am still working on but very possible.
  • Whether those are Common Core State Standards or other important district- or school-level objectives and outcomes, we must make sure that our units of instruction are aligned to them.
    • tricia1022
      Explaining a concept in writting is a higher-order thinking skill. A student can demostrate learning through writing an explanation. teachers have to give students enough sustenance to build knowlegde upon to own the concept.
  • the power of media.
  • "How do advertisers trick us?"
  • Even though there was choice in the written products, there was a common, standards-aligned rubric that could be used to assess all the products to ensure that all students were meeting the same outcomes.
  • Portfolio
  • In fact, students were able to show some of their content knowledge as well as speaking and listening standards around collaboration and effective presentation.
  • Performance assessments like these allow us to check not only for engagement, but also for deeper learning through 21st-century skills.
  • Feedback
  • differentiation decisions
  • Students were also given specific, timely, and actionable feedback through the formative assessment process, with peer critique, teacher critique, and even outside expert critique on their performance assessments.
  • . Student Ownership of Assessment Process
  • the rubrics
  • ments
  • learning
    WEEK 8 - (Chris Baugher, Patricia Bankis and A. Burns) Assessment is the key to good instruction. It shows us what students know and allows us to adjust our instruction. Assessment is tied to learning goals and standards, but students must own the assessment process as well, as they must be able to articulate what and how they are being assessed -- and its value.
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    point 4 - Formative assessment and feedback along the way - "Formative assessment allowed students to experiment and, yes, sometimes fail. However, they were given the tools, both through feedback and instruction, to improve and move forward to success." In the video it is mentioned that we often grade students on a paper, tell them what they have done wrong, but do not let them go back and rewrite the paper. Students should be able to experiment and fail... but need to be able to take these failures as lessons to go forward and succeed!
    Linda Darling-Hammond, professor of education at Stanford University "A false distinction has cropped up in the United States which seems to suggests that it is ok for outside summative assessments to just be multiple choice." She goes on to mention other countries that use project based summative assessments as well as essays, performance and oral examination to allow students to show understanding or learning im more real world methods.
    This article provides five useful strategies to help students improve and to improve assessments. There are two key factors in this article which ring true for me. The first is "formative assessment and feedback along the way" (Miller 2015) where students are given specific feedback on their assessment on how to improve and continue forward (Miller 2015). "Formative assessment allowed students to experiment and, yes, sometimes fail. However, they were given the tools, both through feedback and instruction, to improve and move forward to success." (Miller 2015). What this entails if differentiated instruction; something my district and school are pushing for. The second is "student ownership of assessment process" (Miller 2015). Giving students choice, options, and freedom allows students to take ownership and responsibility for doing something all while doing their best on it. In addition, students will know more about what is being asked of them or what they're supposed to do in order to earn a higher grade or preform the task more effectively. "These methods mean that assessment is no longer done to students, but with them, putting the focus on the student and learning" (Miller 2015). Hopefully with these implementations and integration, students can feel the focus from assessment scores to learning content and gaining understanding.
    This article is useful when considering big picture assessment objectives. In my own experiences, I have touched upon each of these strategies when conducting an assessment, but I've never built each of them into one assessment. The (5) strategies mentioned in this article include: Aligning Essential questions at the beginning of a unit to standars, building in written assessment components for students to describe/explain in writing, creating performance and project-based assessments to demonstrate understanding and application of concepts taught, regular and on-going formative assessments and feeback to help teachers to better tailor instruction to meet each learner's needs, and involving students in the decision-making process when choosing activities and when determining diagnostic measurement tools. As a World Language teacher, I think that these tasks which are challenging in themselves to build into curriculum, become extremely difficult in the L2 setting. I'm wondering how L2 instructors find themselves doing each of these things on a regular basis. Do they conduct all of it in L2, as it is suggested that L2 teachers do, or does some of this end up being done in English?

Examination of Article: "Why Do Americans Stink at Math? By Elizabeth Green - 1 views

    (Week 7: Jeremy, Kelly, Patience and Sherita) This article is originally a Diigo share from 2015. This journal article is accessible in the link given above. This journal article discusses how here in America, there is a pervasive fear surrounding teaching and learning math. The author suggests that the American public suffers from innumeracy. Through discussing the article, the group agrees that many countries have mastered the use of American mathematical principles. The article discussed that by utilizing and engaging in clear mathematical methods of learning for students and by creating valuable conversations, making the learning process more viable, the students consequently, learn. "Instead of having students memorize and then practice endless lists of equations - which Takahashi remembered from his own days in school - Matsuyama taught his college students to encourage passionate discussions among children so they would come to uncover math's procedures, properties and proofs for themselves. One day, for example, the young students would derive the formula for finding the area of a rectangle; the next, they would use what they learned to do the same for parallelograms. Taught this new way, math itself seemed transformed. It was not dull misery but challenging, stimulating and even fun." (Green, 2014) Teachers can use this article to further their instructional practices by utilizing math in a real world format, in a conversational and hands on applicable manner, making learning math fun and interesting for their students. In some instances, math classes may be seen as boring and monotonous tools that serve to be an overtly unloved subject area here in America. The simple truth, is that many teachers love to learn and teach math here in America, and there is a realization for teachers, that all nations compete mathematically. In technology, industry, trade, consumerism and capitalism, numbers and mathematical data maintain a lot of the privile

Scaffolding English Language Learners and Struggling Readers in a Universal Literacy En... - 8 views

    This article describes the report of a 4 week study of the English reading comprehension of struggling readers. The research used technology to decrease achievement gaps in reading. Thirty 4th-grade students read narrative and informational hypertexts that contained vocabulary, comprehension strategy supports, and text to speech read aloud features. In the process, vocabulary and comprehension achievement was observed in the students. The results in this article suggest that struggling readers and Spanish-speaking ELLs used technology and beneficiated by learning vocabulary and effectively applying reading comprehension strategies.
    In reading this article it was quite interesting to me the successes that occurred when the school incorporated the use of a technology based universal digital literacy (UDL) tool. The digital text coupled with vocabulary support was instrumental in the success of these students. It is also important to note that the stories given to the students to study were a blend of folktales that represented many different cultures rather than strictly from the US. It is important to note that when ELL students and struggling readers are given text or material that is relevant to their own culture they are able to access prior knowledge to make connections to the new material. The supports utilized in the study were the initial discussion of "power words" that are prominent in the text. The mid reading strategy is a support to develop comprehension by prompting students at the end of each page to stop, reflect and summarize/predict then being prompted to give a written or recorded response. These activities are able to be tracked using the technology thus furthering a teachers ability to interpret student needs and supplement with various strategies in the classroom. An important element to this programs success was the training of the teachers on the UDL technology.

How testing practices have to change in U.S. public schools - The Washington Post - 0 views

    This article describes how testing has changed, especially since ESSA. Some states have dropped graduation required testing and even teacher evaluations tied to testing. Great article.

How Partners in School Innovation is addressing the Teaching Gap | Partners in School I... - 1 views

  • (“To Close the Achievement Gap, We Need to Close the Teaching Gap”),
  • The teaching gap refers to disparities between the working conditions and level of support for teachers in the United States and their counterparts in other industrialized nations. 
  • teachers in the U.S. have larger class sizes, spend more time directly teaching children
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  • work more hours per week than the international average.
  • Perhaps most importantly, U.S. teachers have less time for planning, collaboration and access to quality professional development when compared with teachers in other countries.
  • PLCs, including one that supported kindergarten teachers to integrate Common Core-aligned writing into their everyday practice.
  • eachers came together three times throughout the year to learn about the three genres of Common Core writing (narrative, informative and opinion), score writing assessments, analyze student writing samples, set writing goals for their students and plan writing instruction that specifically met the needs of English learners. The learning from the PLC was then supported through collaboration at their school sites throughout the year.
  • professional learning helped them make significant changes in their approaches to writing instruction, resulting in improved performance of kindergarten students. Specifically, those students outperformed all other grades on the district’s end-of-year writing assessment.
  • student achievement increases when teachers have time to learn and plan together.
  • teachers were able to consistently and systematically reflect on student data and their instructional practice. In addition, teachers created clear, measurable goals and designed instructional plans that met the needs of their English learners.
  • advocate for policies that will help close the teaching gap
  • providing development on the instructional shifts within the Common Core, supporting teachers to collaboratively design and refine CCSS-based units and lessons, and providing professional development on how to assess CCSS mastery.
  • providing opportunities for teachers to engage in professional development and collaboration around creating culturally and linguistically responsive lessons and classroom learning environments that reflect the identities of their students
    This site provided an article that looked into what the organization, Partners in School Innovations is doing to "not just close the achievement gap, but the teaching gap." Results from a survey are shared regarding average class sizes and the time spent teaching versus the time spent planning. The article provides a case study of a school that focused on instructional gaps and its results. This is a great read for administrators, policymakers and other stakeholders.
    I realize this has more to do with achievement gaps than specific gaps within a single classroom, but it has been my experience that targeted instruction to support a few helps every learner in the room.

Five Keys to Closing Achievement Gaps with Blended Learning - 0 views

    In this article John Albert discusses ways to close the achievement gap through the blended learning approach. With this new learning approach growing more and more popular each school year, it is important to recognize how it can close gaps, if utilized correctly. John talks about five key points in implementing the blended learning approach successfully that will in return close achievement gaps; choosing the right tools, training staff, creating a data team, engaging parents, and highlighting success.
Mary Babiarz

Flocabulary - EDTC 610 - 3 views This website offers educational rap songs and rap videos. You can start a free trial that lasts 30 days, but there is a fee for individuals and better pricing for sch...

video audio social studies mathematics science music EDTC 610

started by Mary Babiarz on 16 Oct 13 no follow-up yet

Bridging the cultural gap in the classroom | Manuel Hernandez Carmona | TEDxAmoskeagMil... - 0 views

    Manuel Hernandez Carmona is an ESL teacher from New York. The video describes the importance of providing culturally relevant material to students to ensure academic success. He emphasizes how critical it is to help students make connections with their own personal experiences to build bridges into other content.

Resisting The Deficit Model - Reading Compiled for the New Teacher Underground - July 2012 - 0 views

    In looking at student's achievement, I always like to ask myself whether I'm unconsciously contributing to their difficulties. Reading like these help me reflect.

"Mind the Gap" in the Classroom - 2 views

    Abstract: This reflective essay describes a teacher's development of a student-centered approach to teaching which bridges the gap between students' knowledge before and after a course. In "mind the gap teaching," students' prior knowledge leads the conversation and, in turn, the teaching, allowing them to integrate new information more effectively.

Teacher: We are trying to close the achievement gap all wrong - 0 views This is an interesting article to read. This is ...

Education Cultural Differences Love Relationships Low Income

started by vciany8 on 04 Jul 17 no follow-up yet
Alison Burns

Fostering Literacy Practices in Secondary Science and Mathematics Courses: Pre-service... - 9 views

    WEEK 7 - Chris Baugher, Patricia Bankins and Alison Burns - First reading. "This paper investigates how pre-service teacher education can provide a strong literacy foundation for content area teachers. Pre-service teachers emphasized their growing awareness of how literacy strategies can enhance student learning in their specific subject areas." (Orr, Kukner and Timmons, 2014)
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    This article gives an accountant of the obstacles and resistance pre-service teachers encountered when attempting to incorporate literacy strategies with content area instruction. There are success stories and some teachers that were overwhelmed by time constraints, other curriculum demands, and personal insecurities about their own literacy skills. Chris, Alison, & Patricia I found the article but was unsuccessful attaching it to the group. Alison attached to the group for me. Thank you Alison.
    This article gives an interesting insight to content area literacy and infusing literacy into science and math classes. I was particularly interested in the different ways the sample teachers incorporate literacy strategies into their teaching. They talk of expanding notions of what learning and assessment can look like in science and math. Teachers must have a solid content knowledge themselves to be able to express "the most useful forms of representation of those [topics to be taught in the subject area and] ideas, the most powerful analogies, illustrations, examples, explanations, and demonstrations-in a word, the ways of representing and formulating the subject that make it comprehensible to others. (Schulman, 1986, p. 9)
    The article supports this week's activity and Willigham's video on content knowledge improving reading skill. The first section in 'content area literacy" says it all: "Content area literacy is the ability to acquire understandings of, and think critically about, new content in a discipline using reading, writing and multiple other forms..." (Draper, 2002; Heller & Greenleaf, 2007; Kane, 2011; McKenna & Robinson, 1990) The article as a whole supports and builds upon the importance of not only literacy but also what assessments could look like and what they should reflect. Lastly, "[b]ecause literacy is important in all subject areas, content area teachers can plat a significant role in their students' literacy development" (Alger, 2007, 2009; Draper, 2002; Lind, 2008, Heller & Greenleaf, 2007). Before students can learn the material, we as teachers must become familiar and competent enough in the content to not only explain the ideas but to show them and relate them to the students' lives and prior knowledge.

Strategies to Guide ELLs in Learning Math: Research Implication and Strategies - 1 views

(Week 7: Ashleigh and Jennifer) This journal article is accessible through the link provided by the UMUC Library. The article 'Strategies to Guide ELLs in Learning Math' provides suggestions on ...

EDTC615 Spring2018 Research mathematics

started by ashleighclarke on 21 Mar 18 no follow-up yet

Improving Reading in the Primary Grades - 6 views

    Week 8- Fifteen years later, this article investigates recommendations provided by the National Research Council's seminal report:Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children. The article discusses which of these recommendations have been implemented in U.S classrooms over the past 15 years and which strategies have been avoided. The authors then share more recent research studies sharing strategies that may help teachers improve primary-grade reading. Authors: Nell K. Duke and Meghan K. Block
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    This article provide some honest and prevalent difficulties when it comes to teaching reading to primary aged children. It mentioned three main obstacles for students, including a short term orientation toward instruction, a lack of expertise among educators on how to teach specific reading skills, and limited availability in the school day to teach all content. As a current primary educator, I would have to add two further obstacles--lack of support in the classroom, either due to not having an aid, or having an intervention specialist, as well as lack of home support, specifically in low income areas.
    The article provides valuable insight into the impact that vocabulary instruction can have on reading comprehension. It is also noted that because reading instructional has changed over the years this too has contributed to comprehension and vocabulary development. It appears that the approach to reading instruction needs to be revisited to determine which strategies works the most effectively.
    I loved this article. My school is currently focusing on Academic Language in our School Improvement Plan, we are also an IB school where students are to use Academic Language more often. I'm glad to see that many of our commonly used words are included in this list. I also love how they go through the examples of how to teach a new word. In middle school I feel these higher level vocabulary words are used more often than in primary ages.

Top 10 Evidence Based Teaching Strategies - 8 views

    Week 9: The article gives the top 10 evidence based teaching strategies research by Shaun Killian. These 10 strategies gives teachers steps to fine tune lesson plans and SMART goals for your DAP process. Shaun list these practices and gives a brief explanation for each practices. Most teachers care about their students' results, and if you are reading this article, you are undoubtedly one of them. There is no doubt that teachers make a difference to how well their kids do at school. For teaching strategies to be included on this list, they had to: Be supported by hard research, instead of anecdotal case studies or untested theories Have a substantially higher effect on student results than other teaching strategies Be able to be used on a wide range of subjects and in every year level
    Response to Intervention's great promise is often undercut by the potential difficulty of implementation. However, evidence based teaching strategies are useful tools for the educator in a system that constantly changes as new theories and standards arise. This article gives an overview of the most effective teaching strategies, of which most can be fairly easily integrated into lessons. Some of the most intriguing strategies, are the ones that do not involve actions to take but an adjustment in teacher focus, such as nurturing metacognition and allowing flexible learning time.This serves as an effective reference and perhaps, reminder of good teaching methods, though a few specific examples would be all the more helpful. In the comments, the author offers a little more clarification about the strategies and their rankings.

Real Life Applications in Mathematics: What Do Students Prefer? - 0 views

    (Week 8: Maia and Shawntel) This article is accessible through the UMUC library. The focus of this article was to introduce and explain the importance of strategies that motivate and engage students when learning how to solve word problems in algebra classrooms. The author argues that students show more engagement in algebra word problems when they are guided through problems that have real-life problems. The article provided data based on a study where students were given similar problems to solve with real-life and fictional problems. The students trended a preference to the real-life problems while also scoring higher on real-life problems. The authors state, "given a set of word problems covering a variety of application areas, students prefer problems which either generates intrigue or problems to which they can easily relate" (Premadasa and Bhatia, pg 15, 2013). Our group choose this article because of the current situation for the implementation process. The practicing teacher was met with a lot of resistance when introducing the new tactic. This supports our notice and wonder questions that students are not engaged and positive when approaching algebra word problems. The attitude of students directly impacts comprehension of word-problems. Therefore, we used a planning protocol to re-adjust the types of problems that were presented to the students. The practicing teacher found instructional videos that had current and real-life scenarios. Although it is still early in the implementation process, the teacher did notice an attitude change among the students as the proceeded with the material. Premadasa, K., & Bhatia, K. (2013). Real Life Applications in Mathematics: What Do Students Prefer?. International Journal For The Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning, 7(2),

Real Life Applications in Mathematics: What Do Students Prefer? - 1 views

(Week 8: Maia and Shawntel) This article is accessible through the UMUC library. The focus of this article was to introduce and explain the importance of strategies that motivate and engage stude...


started by mmaclin on 28 Mar 18 no follow-up yet
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