The Usefulness of Brief Instruction in Reading Comprehension Strategies - 3 views
akhanu on 11 Nov 17(Week 9: Adiatu, Julie, and Heather) This journal article was found in the UMUC Library by Julie, and is accessible through the link given above. The article was written by Daniel Willingham, a cognitive psychologist. Mr. Willingham believes that comprehension strategies, such as questioning and monitoring, are effective in improving reading comprehension and should be taught to students. The article raises the question of how much the strategies should be taught. Mr. Willingham determined that two weeks of strategy instruction is sufficient because students learn everything they need within this duration. The article is useful to teachers because it discusses the benefits of various reading comprehension strategies at a variety of grade levels, and points out the most powerful and weakest strategies. This journal article is useful to our group because the teachers' artifacts are based on the reading comprehension and vocabulary gaps of their students, and the authors stress that teachers should strictly monitor the oral reading skills of students that are having reading comprehension difficulties. Reference Willingham D. T. (2007). Ask the cognitive scientist: The usefulness of brief instruction in reading comprehension strategies. American Educator, 30(4), 39-45, 50.
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jessicacarr65 on 27 Feb 18This article explains different types of reading strategies that are best to use when teaching comprehension across all grade levels. This article is very useful to my group because we are all focusing on reading skills/comprehension and determining learning gaps in each grade level when it comes to this topic. The author describes which type of strategy works best for which grade level and everyone in my group teaches a different grade.
jessicacarr65 on 03 Mar 18This article explains different types of reading strategies that are best to use when teaching comprehension across all grade levels. This article is very useful to my group because we are all focusing on reading skills/comprehension and determining learning gaps in each grade level when it comes to this topic. The author describes which type of strategy works best for which grade level and everyone in my group teaches a different grade.