Guy Debord - Society of the Spectacle, 1973 pt. 1 - 1 views
Hussein Khalil on 30 Apr 12This is a movie made and narrated by Guy Debord himself, based on his "Society of the Spectacle" - however the narration itself consists of his writings, as well as those of Marx and Hegel. It is a very critical take on Media and its effects in times of great change (ongoing industrialization and rise of consumerism). There are several parts to it, just wait till the end of the video to move on to Part 2.
Hussein Khalil on 30 Apr 12Also, it brought this article to mind as a (pre-emptive) counter-argument: And got me to think of how critically Debord would view social media platforms' role in representation and spectacle (Facebook, Youtube, Blogger to a larger extent)