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zeina ammar

Obama campaign salutes anniversary of Romney's health care law - CNN Political Ticker -... - 0 views

    US politics starting to resemble Lebanese politics...
Hussein Khalil

Guy Debord - Society of the Spectacle, 1973 pt. 1 - 1 views

    This is a movie made and narrated by Guy Debord himself, based on his "Society of the Spectacle" - however the narration itself consists of his writings, as well as those of Marx and Hegel. It is a very critical take on Media and its effects in times of great change (ongoing industrialization and rise of consumerism). There are several parts to it, just wait till the end of the video to move on to Part 2.
    Also, it brought this article to mind as a (pre-emptive) counter-argument: And got me to think of how critically Debord would view social media platforms' role in representation and spectacle (Facebook, Youtube, Blogger to a larger extent)
Hussein Khalil

The Failure of Lebanon's Facebook Demonstrations - 0 views

    When people started shooting at each other in Tripoli and Tarik el Jdide, the rest of the Lebanese were visibly angry. Residents were clamoring loudly on radio talk shows, on TV stations and on the internet for the insanity to stop. A cry for assembly was made across social media platforms, one that echoed faintly on the ground and brought no material progress.
Dina Azar

Obama's rebuttal! - 4 views

    Take that, Mitt Romney. Also, check out even our dear obama is subject to framing, please check out the blog! it's just a tad ridiculous.
Dima Saber

The presidential candidates: The men (and woman) who would be president | The Economist - 3 views

    A slideshow of the five leading candidates for the French presidency
Daniel Bou Diab

Tenor of Santorum's endorsement of Romney depends on Friday meeting, adviser says - 0 views

    Rick Santorum plans to endorse Mitt Romney in the general election against President Barack Obama, that much is clear. The question is, how strongly will he support his former rival after months of brutal back-and-forth attacks during the Republican primary season? The answer could become more clear on Friday, when Santorum and Romney plan to [...]
Miriam Assaad

Pro-Santorum super PAC hits Romney in Illinois - 0 views

    A super PAC supporting Rick Santorum announced Thursday that it bought $310,000 in ads in Illinois in advance of that state's primary next week. The target: Mitt Romney. Santorum racked up a pair of wins earlier this week in Mississippi and Alabama, but trails far behind Romney in the delegate count.
Tarek Maamari

Kony 2012: Invisible Children's viral video sparks criticism that others say is unfound... - 0 views

    More anti-KONY stuff
Hussein Khalil

Poll Positions - 1 views

    The article discusses polling and how accurately it reflects public opinion, the case being Netanyahu's stance on attacking Iran.
Dina Azar

Guest post: Joseph Kony is not in Uganda (and other complicated things) - By Michael Wi... - 0 views

    Click here to see photos of the evolution of the LRA. Thanks to an incredibly effective social media effort, #StopKony is trending on Twitter today. The campaign coincides with a new awareness-raising documentary by the group Invisible Children.
    "Coming back to the "Kony 2012" video and its celebrity endorsements, what are the consequences of unleashing so many exuberant activists armed with so few facts? Defining Uganda in the international conversation by issues that are either geographical misfires (Save northern Uganda!) or an intentional attempt to distract the international community (Death to the gays!), do a disservice to the many critical problems Uganda has."
Jad Rahme

Politics - Election News - 2012 Presidential Campaign - Breaking News, Blogs, Results -... - 1 views

    This is a gret web platform to follow the US presidential elections. Check it out!
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