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Cassie Banka

The Textbook Free Math Classroom - 18 views

    Excellent Livebinder of resources for math classrooms
    Excellent Livebinder of resources for math classrooms
Martin Burrett

Are you a Math Magician? - 0 views

    A good whiteboard resource for practising the four operations. Choose from two difficulty levels and to practise mixed or a single operation.
Martin Burrett

Linking multiplication and division - 0 views

    A great division/multiplication flash based whiteboard resource where users arrange numbers and signs in the right order.
Martin Burrett

Column Subtraction - 0 views

    A great maths whiteboard resource for learning about column subtraction.
Darren Kuropatwa

Locate Primary content: Primary, Mathematics subject area, Planning, Lesson resources - 0 views

    Loads of great teaching resources from the UK. Many have downloadable media such as interactive flash files, spreadsheets, word docs, powerpoint, iwb files (in various formats), and more.
Maggie Verster

MIT BLOSSOMS-maths and science video classes 4 high school - 13 views

    "The open repository of interactive high school lesson video modules sponsored by MIT's Learning International Networks Consortium (LINC) has unveiled an updated website. Every lesson, filmed in high school classrooms from Brooklyn to Beirut to Bangalore, is still a complete resource that includes video segments, a teacher's guide, downloadable hand-outs, and a list of additional online resources relevant to the topic. Since first appearing in these pages six months ago, the library of videos has grown to over 50 math and science lessons, all freely available to teachers as streaming video, Internet downloads, DVDs, and videotapes."
Martin Burrett

ICTmagic Mobile - 0 views

    Mobile portal of my ICTmagic educational resources site. Get recently added resources on the go through your mobile web browser.
Martin Burrett

Magic Squares - 0 views

    "This is a maths resource that can be used to challenge pupils to complete a magic square, using only the numbers provided, to make sure that each row, column and diagonal all add up to the focused magic number. The resource provided challenges students to add up to 9, 12, 15 & 18, and could be used as a homework challenge, an additional classroom activity, or as a main activity within a maths lesson. Challenge pupils to work on two different methods for each magic number. This activity could be adapted with larger number, and other mathematic operations"
Roland O'Daniel

Wolfram Education Portal: Free Resources and Materials for Teachers - 12 views

    In the portal you'll find a dynamic textbook, lesson plans, widgets, interactive Demonstrations, and more built by Wolfram education experts. Absolutely a great resource. Builds in representations, applets, explanations of variable use etc. Great tool.  Since it is in Beta, I am wondering how long it will be free and what their plans are for the future. 
Cassie Banka

Pi Day Collection - 2 views

    Pi Day Resources
    Pi Day Resources through LiveBinders
Martin Burrett

Fraction & Equivalent Fraction - 0 views

    A useful flash fractions activity. You can either read fractions or make equivalents. A good resource for whiteboards.
Martin Burrett

Edcanvas - 0 views

    Create an interactive online lesson with this brilliant site. Upload and curate all the resources for a lesson in one place and access them with one click. The site works with Office files, PDFs, flash files, small videos, images and internet links and even connects to Google Drive and Dropbox. Then simply share the link with anyone who need to use view it.
Martin Burrett

Maths Blog - 0 views

    A fabulous maths blog with a huge catalogue of Primary maths resources, many of these available to download as PDFs.
Martin Burrett

Column Subtraction - 0 views

    A great maths resource for learning about column subtraction. See how to complete the problems step by step. There are three levels to choose from.
Julie Shy

I Speak Math | Integrating Technology and Mathematics - 0 views

    I Speak Math is an sidea-filled and informative blog from a math teacher currently at a project-based private school in North Carolina. Posts are updated often and include pictures of classroom projects along with links to resources used. Examples include a kinesthetic box and whisk-ers plot activity, foldables for functions and graphing, and reflections upon students grading their own tests. Explore the site further by viewing top posts through the link on the side bar. Search the site using the search box on the top of the page. Most posts include several tags. Click on a tag to find other posts with the same topic or click on popular tags located in the tag cloud on the side bar.
Martin Burrett

Decimal Place Value Cards - 0 views

    A great virtual place value card resource for whiteboards. Enter the number you want and see deans apparatus for each.
Martin Burrett

Gooru - 0 views

    This site has an extensive collection of science and maths resources and videos to use with secondary students. Free sign up required.
Garrett Eastman

Mathematics Education Research Page | Facebook - 10 views

    "This is a resource page for anyone who is interested in research in mathematics education." (Facebook)
David Wees

Flickr: Bad graphs - 0 views

    This Flickr group (which I just started) has "bad graphs" which I am collecting as a resource for math educators. Please apply to join the group if you are interested in adding your own resources to it. Otherwise, feel free to use the graphs and data visualizations we've collected.
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