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Maggie Verster

Don't Use Khan Academy without Watching this First - EdTech Researcher - Education Week - 4 views

    "In previous posts, I have summed up my position on Khan Academy as follows: Khan Academy teaches only one part of mathematics-procedures-and that isn't the most important part. Writing about mathematics, developing a disposition for mathematical thinking, demonstrating a conceptual understanding of mathematical topics are all more important than procedures. That said, procedures are still important, and Khan Academy provides one venue where students can learn them. In the end, I think every young person should have an account there. Even if only one in a thousand or ten thousand benefit, that would be a terrific outcome. "
Martin Burrett

ICTmagic Show Online Magazine - Jan 2012 - 0 views

    The January issue of the ICTmagic Show online magazine is out, full of my favourite recent finds and how you can use them in your class.
Martin Burrett

TeachMeet Cambridge Edu Resource Prezi - 0 views

    Cambridge presentation showcasing 11 resources from the ICTmagic website.
Ced Paine

Show me the money! - 0 views

    Teaching math through money
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