3 activities to support developing number sense with children. All can be used across KS1 or KS2 with differentiation and difficulty all adaptable by the teacher.
The website says: "THE Place For Educational Games!Our research-based and standards-aligned free educational math games and language arts games will engage, motivate, and help teach students. Click a button below to play our free multi-player and single-player games! In the future we'll add features enabling you to save records, tailor content for differentiated instruction, and pinpoint student problem areas."
I think using the games in conjunction with a holistic approach to developing skills would make for a great way of getting students to practices some skills. Let students play, set goals, monitor those goals, reflect on their progress, and apply strategies/heuristics to specific problems they struggle with would create an environment in the classroom where learning was fun, self-monitored, and successful.
Abstract: "Why do people contribute content to communities of question-
answering, such as Yahoo!Answers? We investigated this
issue on MathOverflow, a site dedicated to research-level
mathematics, in which users ask and answer questions. Math-
Overflow is the first in a growing number of specialized Q&A
sites using the Stack Exchange platform for scientific collab-
oration. In this study we combine responses to a survey with
collected data on posting behavior on the site. User behavior
suggests that building reputation is an important incentive,
even though users do not report this in the survey. Level of
expertise affects users' reported motivation to help others,
but does not affect the importance of reputation building.
We discuss the implications for the design of communities
to target and encourage more contributions."
We specialize in Mathematics Assignments that are complex enough, such as the Law of Probability or Differential and Integral Calculus, Science, Algebra, Geometry and topology, Combinatorics, Logic, Number theory etc Question Can a linear equation and a non linear inequality be solved in the same way? Explain Why. What makes them different?
Examining Exemplary Mathematics Instruction in Howard County
Purpose: This wiki has been designed as a repository for resources and for sharing of ideas. Each of the seven visitation teams will have an opportunity to share reflections and pose questions for further analysis. This is a public wikispace so please respect norms related to confidentiality. Keep the conversations about the work...do not include school or teacher names.
Khan Academy is a widely know and used cross-curricular educational video site. While there is some content for younger students, most videos are for older students and adults.