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Garrett Eastman

IDEAL Technologies for Mathematics Learning: Opportunities and Challenges - 2 views

    Paper by John Olive,The University of Georgia ,Keynote Paper for the first IDEAL conference held at Bayburt University, Bayburt, Turkey, July 4, 2012
Garrett Eastman

Estonia Puts Math on the Map - 2 views

    "Estonia said it plans to adopt an innovative math curriculum developed by a UK-based group called Computer-Based Math. The effort is the brainchild of Conrad Wolfram, brother of Stephen Wolfram who cofounded Mathematica, a computational software program designed to help with project workflows in almost any industry. "
Garrett Eastman

Video Game Creation as a Platform for Mathematical Learning - 4 views

    by Penta, Michael K., M.S., UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LOWELL, 2011, 83 pages; 1507796 Abstract record for a thesis completed in December 2011, fulltext requires subscription or purchase. A news story on the departmental blog describes the kinds of games involved, the participants and the results.
Garrett Eastman

It adds up: Hands-on challenges turn the Franklin Institute into a kind of arcade showi... - 2 views

    Design Zone, at Franklin Institute in Philadelphia through April 1, introduces children to creative challenges at intersection of math engineering and science.
Garrett Eastman

Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Teachers College Educational Technology Conference - 3 views

    From a conference held May 19-20, 2012, includes: "Math Strategies in Digital Storytelling: Effects of Multiple Pedagogical Agents on Learning Single-Digit Addition Strategies", "Connected to Word Problems: Improving Mathematical Problem Solving While Exergaming," "Digital Modeling Artifacts as Geometric Thinking & Learning: Top, Side and Perspective Views to Improve Spatial Abilities," "Credibility of Culturally Situated Design Tools: Mathematics and Black Identity," "The Use of Dynamic Geometry Software for the development of Specialized Subject Matter Knowledge."
Garrett Eastman


    "The article reports the main insights gained from a study that implemented a game-enhanced learning environment for the training of pre-service elementary school teachers. Teachers taking an undergraduate mathematics methods course experienced some of the ways in which online educational games could help students internalize key mathematical concepts across the school curriculum while at the same time improving their attitudes towards the subject. The course also familiarized teachers with the design principles for constructivist gaming environments. Findings indicate a positive impact on teachers' competence in selecting, evaluating, and productively using online games as an instructional tool."
Garrett Eastman

Prime Climb, User Adaptive Edu-Game for Math - 5 views

    "In this paper, we will describe work that we have done in this direction using as a test-bed an edu-game for number factorization, Prime Climb. This game includes a pedagogical agent that provides adaptive interventions during game playing based on a model of student learning [13, 18]. Here we focus on how we re-implemented the original Prime Climb game into a framework that enables rapid prototyping and testing of different design hypothesis. We also discuss preliminary work on using eye tracking data on user attention patterns to better understand if and how students process the agent‟s adaptive interventions." (from the introduction)
Garrett Eastman

How Do Students Acquire an Understanding of Logarithmic Concepts? - 0 views

    " The use of logarithms, an important tool for calculus and beyond, has been reduced to symbol manipulation without understanding in most entry-level college algebra courses. The primary aim of this research, therefore, was to investigate college students' understanding of logarithmic concepts through the use of a series of instructional tasks designed to observe what students do as they construct meaning. APOS Theory was used as a framework for analysis of growth. APOS Theory is a useful theoretical framework for studying and explaining conceptual development. Closely linked to Piaget's notions of reflective abstraction, it begins with the hypothesis that mathematical activity develops as students perform actions that become interiorized to form a process understanding of the concept, which eventually leads students to a heightened awareness or object understanding of the concept. Prior to any investigation, the researcher must provide an analysis of the concept development in terms of the essential components of this theory: actions, process, objects, and schemas. This is referred to as the genetic decomposition. The results of this study suggest a framework that a learner may use to construct meaning for logarithmic concepts. Using tasks aligned with the initial genetic decomposition, the researcher made revisions to the proposed genetic decomposition in the process of analyzing the data. The results indicated that historical accounts of the development of this concept might be useful to promote insightful learning. Based on this new set of data, iterations should continue to produce a better understanding of the student's constructions. " (from the abstract)
Garrett Eastman

More and Better Teaching & Learning Mathematics for ALL via Digital Educational Media &... - 2 views

    "this essay will focus on the implications of the design and implementation of games for teaching and learning mathematics via mobile devices as one specific means to address the gap in achievement in mathematics, and even more specifically, how it might further address the equity gap among minorities. "
Garrett Eastman

Motivating children to learn effectively: Exploring the value of intrinsic integration ... - 15 views

    "intrinsic approach to designing educational games" studied in experiments with Zombie Division to teach math to 7 and 11 year olds
Garrett Eastman


    From the abstract: "The problem addressed by this study is the need to identify practical predictors of success for community college developmental mathematics students in online, hybrid and seated course delivery formats. This study examined two possible predictors of success, mathematics self-efficacy and technology self-efficacy, in the three delivery formats and how they related to performance on a final assessment. The study used a quantitative research design employing binomial logistic regression to determine if the independent variables (math self-efficacy and technology self-efficacy) were significant in predicting the outcome category (score on the final assessment dichotomized about the mean). Next linear regression analysis was used to build a predictor equation for a particular score on the outcome variable. A previously developed survey and an adapted version of another survey were combined to measure the independent variables; demographic factors were also measured for descriptive purposes. Binomial logistic regression analysis showed that math self-efficacy was a valid predictor of success for the developmental math students in this study but technology self-efficacy was not. Regression analysis produced a valid equation to predict standard score from average math selfefficacy score. When separated into groups according to course format, math self-efficacy was only a valid predictor for students in hybrid courses. The implications of these results are discussed and recommendations are made for further research."
Garrett Eastman

Influence of Game Quests on Pupils' Enjoyment and Goal-pursuing in Math Learning - 4 views

    "As a medium for learning, digital games provide promising possibilities to motivate and engage students in subject learning. In this study, a game-based learning system, My-Pet- My-Quest, is developed to support pupils' math learning. This is due to the fact that most students in Taiwan have relatively lower positive attitude towards math learning, even though their math performance is prominent. To this end, a three-tire framework is proposed to guide the design of the My-Pet-My-Quest system. A quasi-experiment was conducted to examine the influence of game quests on pupils' enjoyment and goalpursuing in math learning. The results revealed that game quests were favored by students in terms of enjoyment, goal orientation, and goal intensity. Possible reasons for these results and a discussion of related issues are presented in this paper."
Garrett Eastman

Phys.Org Mobile: Math professor's side mirror that eliminates 'blind spot' receives US ... - 6 views

    "Hicks, a professor in Drexel's College of Arts and Sciences, designed his mirror using a mathematical algorithm that precisely controls the angle of light bouncing off of the curving mirror."
Dan Sherman


TenMarks is the best math practice and learning program for grades 3-High School- and as of today, it's FREE for teachers to use - in class or for their students to use at home. The TenMarks appro...

math mathematics education resources algebra school2.0 maths interactive

started by Dan Sherman on 09 Nov 10 no follow-up yet
David Wetzel

Project Based Learning in Mathematics: Learning Activities in Math Designed to Extend C... - 18 views

    Six math projects that integrate real-world math problems are presented as a teaching strategy for helping students develop a greater understanding of math.
David Wetzel

Teaching Math to Learning Disabled Students: Math Learning Strategies Designed to Help ... - 11 views

    Math activities proven successful with learning disabled students are presented, along with a description of factors that influence struggling special needs students.

Google SketchUp - 0 views

    Recent News
Rashmi Kathuria

Cool math 4 kids - math games, math puzzles, math lessons - designed for kids and fun! - 0 views

    Most quality online stores. Know whether you are a trusted online retailer in the world. Whatever we can buy very good quality. and do not hesitate. Everything is very high quality. Including clothes, accessories, bags, cups. Highly recommended. This is one of the trusted online store in the world. View now
Garrett Eastman

Zun - A Math Exergame - 17 views

    Demonstrates the utility of exergames for teaching and learning. "Our goal is to design a math game for children aged between 8 and 12. Our focus in basic operations: adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying. Players must gather a given number of objects in order to properly complete mathematical operations while at the same time avoiding or destroying other objects that cause him to lose energy or reduce the time given to complete the task."
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