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Cassie Banka Create interactive flash dustbin tools / games for education - 0 views

    A Dustbin game is great for helping students to organise ideas into categories. Students or teachers can create up to four categories of factors. The game created by then involves students dragging and dropping each factor into its correct category as quickly as possible in a "race against the clock"!
    Dustbin Game template and ideas. Great idea for organizing information.
Martin Burrett

Online Quizzes, Tests, Trivia, Worksheets, and Free Games - - 0 views

    This is a wonderfully simple maths quiz site with a good collection of activities for the 4 operations. Choose your category and get 10 randomly generated questions to answer.
Wanda Terral

IXL - Algebra Math Practice - 0 views

    Here is a list of all of the skills students learn in Algebra! The skills are organized into categories, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to see a sample question. To start practicing, just click on any link. IXL will track your score, and the questions will even increase in difficulty as you improve!
Maggie Verster

maths - South Africa - the virtual school - YouTube - 4 views

    "The virtual school videos for South African learners in the category "maths". The fun way to learn maths! Make sure to have a look at the entire list from top to bottom! "
Maggie Verster

Cool Math Puzzles - 18 views

    Schlumberger Excellence in Educational Development, Inc. (SEED) offers creative math puzzles, with solutions. Puzzle categories include: * Number Sense * Arithmetic * Probability * Algebraic Thinking * Geometry, Spatial Reasoning, and Visualization * Topology * Logic * Combinatorics * Miscellaneous
Maggie Verster

Worldometers - real time world statistics -Wooooow - 1 views

    See real-time data on a host of topics important to daily life around the world!! * world population (e.g., births this year, deaths today, net population growth for today) * government and economics (daily government spending by category; computers sold) * society and media (new book titles published, money spent on video games, Google searches) * environment (forest loss, carbon dioxide emissions, current average temperature) * food (tons of food produced; people who died of hunger) * water (water consumed, people with no access to safe drinking water) * energy (solar energy striking Earth; oil pumped; oil, gas, and coal left) * health (deaths caused by alcohol, suicides, road traffic accident fatalities) Worldometers' algorithm takes the latest statistical data available from the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and other institutions, and then processes them together with its estimated progression to compute figures current up to the millisecond. Available in dozens of languages, this site is part of the Real Time Statistics Project. Read more about that here:
Colleen K

Thinking Blocks - Model and Solve Math Word Problems - 22 views

    This tool enables K-6 students to build visual models of word problems. There are hundreds of built-in math problems covering thirty-six different categories. Videos explain how to model each problem type. The full screen feature makes this application compatible with interactive white boards.
    This is an incredible collection!!!
Garrett Eastman

Beautiful Mathematics - 2 views

    "Beautiful Mathematics is about beautiful mathematical concepts and creations. Mathematical ideas have an aesthetic appeal that can be appreciated by those who have the time and dedication to investigate. Mathematical topics are presented in the categories of words, images, formulas, theorems, proofs, solutions, and unsolved problems. Readers will investigate exciting mathematical topics ranging from complex numbers to arithmetic progressions, from Alcuin's sequence to the zeta function, and from hypercubes to infinity squared." (MAA, 2011)
Garrett Eastman


    "the three major sections of the manual will be Fluency with Whole Numbers, Fluency with Fractions, and Particular Aspects of Geometry and Measurement. The Fluency with Whole Numbers section is further broken down into subcategories given the wealth of information for this area. The remaining two sections, Fluency with Fractions, and Particular Aspects of Geometry and Measurement are presented only as broad categories because the amount of available information is considerably limited relative to the whole number literature. Finally, two standard protocol interventions are presented as examples of comprehensive, evidence-based mathematics instruction that have been shown effective at increasing mathematics performance according to the Department of Education's What Works Clearinghouse."
Garrett Eastman

Archives | BetterExplained - 9 views

    This site features a math category, math concepts explained informed by the principle that "math is no about equations than poetry is about spelling .. .[but exist] to convey an idea."
Garrett Eastman


    From the abstract: "The problem addressed by this study is the need to identify practical predictors of success for community college developmental mathematics students in online, hybrid and seated course delivery formats. This study examined two possible predictors of success, mathematics self-efficacy and technology self-efficacy, in the three delivery formats and how they related to performance on a final assessment. The study used a quantitative research design employing binomial logistic regression to determine if the independent variables (math self-efficacy and technology self-efficacy) were significant in predicting the outcome category (score on the final assessment dichotomized about the mean). Next linear regression analysis was used to build a predictor equation for a particular score on the outcome variable. A previously developed survey and an adapted version of another survey were combined to measure the independent variables; demographic factors were also measured for descriptive purposes. Binomial logistic regression analysis showed that math self-efficacy was a valid predictor of success for the developmental math students in this study but technology self-efficacy was not. Regression analysis produced a valid equation to predict standard score from average math selfefficacy score. When separated into groups according to course format, math self-efficacy was only a valid predictor for students in hybrid courses. The implications of these results are discussed and recommendations are made for further research."
Maggie Verster

Mathematics - more Free E-Books - 10 views

    "E-Books for free online viewing and/or download"

living math - Jimmie's Collage - 0 views

    Living Math entries from Jummie's online collage. You are welcome to poke around.
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