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Berta Winiker

New to iPad? iPad Basic Work tasks - "In a Nutshell" - 0 views

    I needed a simple info graphic, something easy on my eyes, after such a text-rich first week of class
Patricia Palumbo

Mobile Teaching Versus Mobile Learning (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | - 5 views

    • Frank Barnes
      The one doing the work is the one doing the learning. Simply consuming information is not enough "work" to satisfy the notion of rigorous learning.
  • I'd argue that content delivery isn't even half the picture of teaching and learning.
  • Individuals have had access to "portable learning devices" since the advent of the printing press; we call them books
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • To achieve the promise of mobile learning, we have to stop thinking about these powerful mobile multimedia devices as only consumption devices and get students using them as production devices.
    • Frank Barnes
      Addressing more than one of the senses, coupled with response output (the "work" component of learning) makes for a more robust learning experience.
  • Brain researchers have been telling educators for quite a while that engaging multiple senses helps students better learn material. Therefore, the excitement here is not so much about the portability or mobility of these teaching devices; instead, it is that these devices can both convey teaching material in more than two media (text and images) and be portable.
    • Frank Barnes
      The 3-D Brain app is one of the first apps I loaded onto my first smartphone and all subsequent devices. It appealed to me at the time (and still does) as moving to a higher level of information accessibility and interaction.
  • it is not enough to just give students PDFs of pages from an anatomy textbook. It's not even enough to allow them to take self-grading quizzes. We need to provide materials or applications that allow students to practice identifying parts of the body on their mobile multimedia devices before taking the high-stakes midterm or final exam.
  • It's one thing to learn about different architectural styles in a Western Civ or Construction textbook or lecture; it's another to apply what you've learned by going out into the community and taking pictures of buildings and then identifying the architectural influences. It's one thing to hear or read about the results of sociology studies about gender bias; it's another to go out, collect primary data, and immediately show, as well as discuss, the dynamically growing study results with the recently queried participant. In both cases the activity of capturing "raw" digital material can lead to further learning or assessment activities where students might develop multimedia projects.
  • access is not an excuse. Just as instructors will need to be creative in developing and assessing these mobile learning activities, instructors and institutions will need to help students be creative in finding access to different mobile multimedia production devices.
  • One of the easiest ways for individual instructors to address the access and support issues is to have students work in groups, share access to resources, and help one another figure out how to do it all. Bonus point: Employers want students who know how to work in groups. Getting students engaged in mobile learning projects might not only better facilitate learning, it might also have them learning about various 21st century literacies like group work, composing in multiple environments, and information literacy.
  • "What makes electronic books a potentially transformative technology is the new kinds of reading experiences that they make possible."
    • Karen Trenosky
      New kinds of reading: adding the highlighting features like this app in diigo has enhanced my own reading experience
    • Berta Winiker
      keyword is practice
  • At minimum we could be asking our students to capture raw material from the real world and engage with it based on the concepts we are teaching them.
    Defining mobile learning
  • ...1 more comment...
    Common Reading for Week 2
    The start of a conversation about teaching and learning with mobile tools.
    I do think of my phone as more of an output device than the tablet or pc. Now It is becoming a bit more of an "input also" device!
Jane Wilde

Response: Using Ed Tech to Create "Deep & Meaningful Experiences" - Classroom Q&A With ... - 1 views

    "There are three competing visions of educational computing." reports Gary Stager in this sharp analysis. The actor is the system, the teacher or the student. Guess which vision he advocates.
Sam rigby

Case Studies: How Teachers Use Tech to Support Learning | MindShift - 0 views

  • 3.  REACHING STUDENTS. In Ramsey Musallam’s A.P. Chemistry class at Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory in San Francisco, cell phones are a natural extension of the way he communicates with his students. As soon as kids walk in, Musallam sends out a text blast through Remind101, asking them a challenge question that’s related to the day’s lesson. “First person to tell me the units on K for a second order reaction gets chocolate,” he types and sends off. His students know he does this regularly, so they’re constantly anticipating the question during the day, in and out of class.
Will Bohmann

13 Predictions (+1 More) for Mobile and Mobile Learning in 2013: Float Mobile Learning - 0 views

  • The year 2013 will see more companies embrace mobile applications, a wider uptake in mobile learning among the general public, and shifts in what kinds of content and how that content will be delivered to mobile devices
  • Quantified self becomes “mainstream,” according to Chad. Nike FuelBand, Jawbone Up and Fitbit Ultra are all out and widely available. They haven’t, however, made into the mainstream consciousness. These cool life trackers are still very much an early-adopter tech-geek toy or novelty. One of these devices will emerge in 2013 as a real winner here. It may be a combination of pricing, integration with devices or software, or perhaps just a really slick marketing campaign, but one of these devices or a new one will become a “must have” accessory for fitness-minded individuals. Some opportunities for partnerships with health care payers or maybe weight loss programs could also help propel this type of personal gamification into the everyday space.
    This article was of interest because most predictions are conjecture - the mobile market is growing no doubt, but how and what consumers are going to do with these devices is of real interest. As the mobile market grows, the personal computer market is shrinking
Lucie deLaBruere

iBooks Tutorial for iPad/iPod Touch/iPhone. Part 1. - YouTube - 0 views

    iBooks Tutorial
    Here is a video tutorial for those who need an orientation to iBooks.
joan carey

How the iPad helps scientists do their jobs | Macworld - 0 views

    "It wasn't so long ago that Chris Grant would regularly take a whole lab's worth of equipment with him into the wilderness. Today, he just takes an iPad." This article discusses how scientists are just beginning to use mobile devices, specifically the iPad, to assist them in field research. It is exciting to see how they are using it, and how new this is - even for "real" scientists. I feel like i am in good company! This is also exciting because I may be able to use this kind of information to acquire funding for field research studies and equipment for BEEC..
Will Bohmann

MOBILE USAGE: How Consumers Are Using Their Phones, And What It Means - Business Insider - 1 views

  • Mobile is no longer a communications utility, but a media distribution hub.
  • The biggest beneficiaries have been mobile apps. Time spent on apps dwarfs time spent on the mobile Web, and smartphone owners now spend 127 minutes per day in mobile apps.
    Hard to believe the average mobile device accounts for nearly 2 hours of user time in mobile apps. Time to think about what these apps are doing for (to) us.
Frank Barnes

The ultimate guide on how to annotate PDF files on the iPad - 1 views

    • Frank Barnes
      This can be said about every device and tool out there. One size does not fit all no matter the context.
    We will be comparing IPad annotation systems. This article did an excellent job helping you to understand the potential choices.
    In Week 3 we will be reading and annotating on the iPad.
Frank Barnes

How To Use Google Drive and Evernote To Create Digital Portfolios - 1 views

    • Frank Barnes
      Evernote has been extremely helpful in organizing and assisting my own productivity. This sheds some light on how many of it's features can be a powerful addition to teaching and learning.
    • Lucie deLaBruere
      Thanks Frank, this was my GEM find for the day. I will use it with my eportfolio group.
  • he Google Drive app now allows for the creation of Documents, Spreadsheets, and Folders. Plus, the ability to upload photos and videos from the camera roll. WIth many PDF annotation apps such as Notability and Paperport Notes now allowing direct upload to Google Drive, the process of curating student work becomes even easier.
    • Lucie deLaBruere
      Must show this to my eportfolio team
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • unanswered question is how do we determine
  • unanswered question is how do we determine
  • that they have also gained greater understanding, reflected on their learning, and mastered content?
  • Evernote provides one possible solution to the challenge. The ability to sync across multiple devices, email directly to a notebook, include photos and audio recordings in notes, and share notes, makes Evernote a powerful assessment and portfolio tool. Teachers can create one notebook per student and then curate their projects by taking photos of physical assignments, sharing digital ones via email to the student’s notebook, recording students’ thoughts and reflections with audio, and typing additional notes for assessment purposes, to create a robust portfolio for each child. These student notebooks could then be shared with colleagues, peers, or parents.
    Curation and collecting tools for eportfolio. especially helpful if you are using mobile tools to create eportfolios.
    Frank Shared this amazing article that will inform our work in this class in future weeks.
Jane Wilde

My Thoughts - 0 views

    This is a great blog about educational technology. The post called Are You Behind was bookmarked in the ISTE diigo group, leading me to the whole blog.
Lucie deLaBruere

Horizon Report Wiki - Mobile Apps - 1 views

    What are Mobile Apps discussion from the Horizon Report Wiki
Lucie deLaBruere

One Year or Less: Mobiles « 2011 Horizon Report - 1 views

    "Time-to-Adoption Horizon: One Year or Less According to a recent report from mobile manufacturer Ericsson, studies show that by 2015, 80% of people accessing the Internet will be doing so from mobile devices. Perhaps more important for education, Internetcapable mobile devices will outnumber computers within the next year. In Japan, over 75% of Internet users already use a mobile as their first choice for access. "
    This is the web version of the 2011 Horizon report predicting that in One Year or Less, Mobiles will be part of the landscape
Lucie deLaBruere

Horizon Report Videos - 0 views

    Watch the videos on Mobile and Tablets from the Horizon Report 2012 and 2011
Steven Davis

Your Gadgets Are Slowly Breaking the Internet - 0 views

    David Talbot, MIT Technology Review's chief correspondent, reports on new alternative networking options that would possibly improve bandwidth connectivity for mobile devices. His article made me realize how inefficient and outdated our current IP-address-based networks are.
Lucie deLaBruere

Top 4 App to Convert Webpage to PDF on iPad - 0 views

    This one is for Karen and Jane  and anyone else who would like to convert a webpage 
    These all look easy to use, but are not free. For the purpose of our wk 2 reading assignment, I copied and pasted the article into a google doc, then opened in notability.
Berta Winiker

Author Interview: Susan Spencer-Wendel, Author Of 'Until I Say Goodbye' : NPR - 0 views

shared by Berta Winiker on 10 Mar 13 - No Cached
    Awoke to an NPR interview of a most remarkable woman telling her story of living with Lou Gehrig's disease. With considerable assistance of her husband during this interview, who must translate her strained speech, I learned how she wrote a book using an iPhone (or iPod) with the use of one thumb only. Compelling, inspiring. Grateful for my life and limbs today, going out for an invigorating ski and thinking of her.  Apologies to Frank, an English teacher, for the disjointed sentence starting with "with considerable assistance....., needs editing.
Morgan Potter

Autism plugged in - free apps - 0 views

    autism website listing free apps
Will Bohmann

iPod Touch & iPad Resources - LiveBinder - 0 views

    Livebinder with an extensive list of special education information and the ipad
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